Questions And Almost Apprentices!

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YOUR AS COLD AS ICE!! XD Ignore dis pls XD

LostKits POV
I stopped playing for a second, wanting to know what IceKit was doing, she was hanging out beside the Medicine Cat Den, even worse, she hid and then came back out! Oh, she's going in the den now.... "Come on StormKit! Let's go back to the Nursery!" I mewled happily, forgetting what IceKit just did.

IceKits POV
I watched as BrambleStar,LostKit,and StormKit sat beside me in the back of the den. "Now," meowed BrambleStar
"I have a few questions, What do you guys want to be when you get older?"
"OHHH!!OVER HERE!"Yelled StormKit. "We're right here you know." I mewed, rolling my eyes. "Besides, were 5 moons, not kits!" LostKit stated.
BrambleStar laughed. "Well, go on StormKit." "I'm going to be the leader! And NOTHING will stop me!" He yowled the last part, puffing out his chest, and glaring at me. "I'm going to be a warrior, with LostKit. We're going to train together as apprentices, right LostKit?" I mewed calmly. "Yup! Me and IceKit are going to be the best warriors EVER!!" She meowed, bouncing around. BrambleStar chuckles softly. "Well now, one more question, who do you want your mentors to be?" He meowed. "Hmmm..." We all at in thought for a moment. "I want SquirrelFlight." I meow, in a serious tone. "I want..." LostKit trails off, leaving me wondering who she will pick. "You!" She meows, pointing at BrambleStar, and he just grins stupidly. "Ok, what about you, StormKit?" "CrowClaw!" (An OC I made for StormKit) BrambleClaws expression changes to one of worry, but it quickly disappears. "Ok then, well you guys get some sleep, tomorrow you'll be 6 moons!" He shouted, walking out of the den. 'Boy' I think. 'I can't wait for tomorrow!'

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