Who Was My Father...?

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??? POV
I watch my kits skim through their training. They have my strength and their mothers speed... The perfect combonation. CrowClaw is doing an excellent job with StormPaw, just as I expected from my old apprentice. But soon, I will take over ThunderClan, back in my rightful place.

IcePaws POV
I padded up to my Mother, curiosity shinning in my eyes. "Mom, who was my father?" I meow, tilting my head to the side. "..." She stayed quiet, looking down. "He was a bad cat, IcePaw. I thought I could trust him when I obviously couldn't." "But, what was his name?" I meow desperately. "His name was TigerFrost.... His name describes two of the worst warriors in history, TigerStar and HawkFrost." She hisses, eyes slitted. I back away, ears flattened, as she sighs. "Sorry..." She meows quietly. I nod and pad out, going to talk to AmberPaw.

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