Chapter 10

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It had been a few moons and it felt like I would never get my medicine cat name, in a few more days we had to go to a gathering so I did not fret. I padded out of my den when one of my eyes were fuzzy, I thought nothing of it when suddenly I saw Soottail covered in scars but he was walking fine and in my good eye he was normal, this made me very confused so when Watervole woke up I knew I needed a word with her.
"Watervole today one of my eyes are wierd because through it I can see a cat with scars, or missing eyes, or I don't know but I don't like it," I said. Watervole nodded as if understanding when I saw a cat in the shadows through both my eyes.
"What are you looking at?" Watervole asked.
"There is a cat in the shadows over there don't you see it?" I asked, Watervole shook her head so I decided to follow it but I made it look as if I was going for a walk, I got far enough from camp when the cat appeared in front of me.
"Hello Featherpaw, I am Mapleshade your grand mother, your mother was my daughter and I will teach you ways of a good and loyal cat so you don't end up like your mother did," the she-cat said her pelt full of shadows.
"How can you do that I am a medicine cat," I said, Mapleshade gave a thoughtful look.
"I can show you how to use your ability so to make others not fear you," Mapleshade said, I nodded and she smirked.
"You can that would be great every cat stares at me as if I am going to suddenly turn on them," I said.
"Believe me they will worship you," Mapleshade said, I looked up at her and shook my head.
"My father warned me of you, you are evil I will never betray my clan," I said.
"What if I was to tell you that Redclaw isn't your real dad and Greyfang was, your colour came from star clans prophecy not Redclaw, your mother mated with Greyfang on accident but your mother loved Redclaw more so she decided to say you were Redclaws child, she gave into him far too easily so I took her life for LIEING to you, she was an ungreatful she-cat," Mapleshade said, I shook my head in disbelief when my mothers visions and thoughts came to my head and realised Mapleshade was telling the truth. I started to pad back to camp when lightning struck the camp, i raced in to try to help get cats out as the camp started to burn, I was up on top of one of the high ledge helping Thornstar when he bolted down and a branch fell in front of the den entrance, there was no escape for me so I yowled for help when Redclaw came. He tried to save me but the branch was on fire than Greyfang came, he dragged a thick branch with him but stood in the way so I couldn't leave.
"GREYFANG HELP HER!" Redclaw yowled in fear.
"But why should I you stole the she-cat of my dreams from me and she is dead because of you!" Greyfang spat, Redclaw stopped crying.
"Kill her see if I care she isn't my daughter she is yours but oh no your mate lied to every cat and now this is where it got her," Redclaw said his expression not in fear or sadness but anger.
"Featherpaw is my kit than why does she look like you!" Greyfang hissed, I stared on in disbelief.
"Because of the prophecy!" Redclaw spat, he sat there and Greyfang ran off and I rushed past Redclaw. I had to despise of Greyfang before the gathering so that is what I was going to do.

A few days after the fire and the afternoon before the gathering.

Greyfang sat near the lake on the edge of Furyclans border, I neared him with my claws out. I pounced on him and swiftly slit his throat.
"Now you can't tell the clans anything dad," I hissed as his life left his body, I washed my paws and shoved his body into the water so my clan couldn't find my scent on him. I got back to camp as they were about to leave, I tagged along.

At the gathering.

We got to the gathering and the leaders started talking right away.
"Apoloclan is doing fine, prey is plenty full and we have had no problems......" Thornstar said about to hand it over to the next leader when I stood and he stopped.
"I wish to say something," I said.
"And you may," Psychostar said.
"Redclaw isn't my real father and Greyfang is my real father although he is dead I have been told the truth by starclan!" I yowled, the clans looked surprised and Thornstar gave Redclaw an angry look.
"It is true," Redclaw said his voice filled with sadness.

An hour of yelling and arguing later.

The gathering closed when starclan got mad at us, we went back to camp where I payed down in my nest, I fell asleep soon after.

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