Chapter 3

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"FIGHT HARDER!" Mapleshade shouted, I fell over exhausted.
"But I am exhausted......." I said almost enable to move.
"I DON'T CARE YOU ARE MY DAUGHTER YOU WILL FIGHT EVEN WHEN YOU ARE TIRED!" Mapleshade howled scratching my ear, I winced at the pain and soon was on the ground again. Something in me snapped and I lunged for my mother, she sidestepped me and I hit a tree.
"W-why?" I said trying to get up.
"Go back and you better be ready for tomorrow night," Mapleshade spat, I woke in camp unawear of Branchpaw beside me, I walked out than decided to go hunting when Thornstar came up to me.
"You look tired if you are ok we can go hunting?" Thornstar asked.
"I am fine," I said, we left camp and headed to Adder rocks, we got there and I chased a mouse but fell over. I hissed in frustration, I than saw a snake but it just looked at me than my mothers voice sounded in my head.
"Get your head in the game or you will never become a warrior," she said than her voice faded and the snake went away, I went back to hunting and managed to catch three mice, we went back to camp and put the fresh kill on the pile when my exhaustion took its tole and I collapsed. I woke what seemed to be at moonrise, I felt better but I went back to sleep and woke in the dark forest,
"Don't forget tomorrow you have your final assessment before you become a warrior so I am going to leave you alone for now," Mapleshade said and I woke, today was another day.

Guys sorry for the short chapter I am sick right now so chapters may come out when I can get them out so please don't panic I should be ok but I have a lot of things to do especially with school and stuff so yeah.

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