Chapter 9

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Coldheart woke up, and glanced at his surroundings. Something was not right. Everything was too colorful. And he was definitely not lying in a nest of moss or feathers.

He stood painfully, and stretched. He slowly took one step, and came across something that was supposedly food. Food that looked like rabbit droppings. Food meant for kittypets. He stood up abruptly and winced in pain.

Stupid twoleg den, let me out so I can continue on the search for-, Coldheart thought angrily. But a sweet mew interrupted him.

"Hi! Nice to meet you! You see, you got hit by a car that just so happened to be my housefolk's. They took the time to help you. You're going to the vet soon so they can help you," a white she-cat said cheerfully. Coldheart was a little confused. Car, housefolk, vet... these were definitely not words he knew.

"Ummm, what is a car? What is a vet? What is housefolk?" Coldheart asked. The she-cat opened her mouth to respond.

"Oh! Well... cars are different colors! They have big flashing eyes-" the she-cat replied.

"Well, who cares about what these 'cars' are. Who are you even?" Coldheart muttered. The she-cat smiled.

"Well, my housefolk call me Snowflake, but I wasn't always a kittypet," the she-cat said. Coldheart's eyes went wide. A kittypet wouldn't call itself a kittypet. He heard kittypets reference themselves as "housecats."

"And my name before I became a kittypet was Claudia. I lost all my children," she said mournfully.

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