Chapter Eight

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Salvationwing tensed. Is Lightningstar going to tell her what the prophecy is? Salvationwing nodded slowly at Lightningstar's question. Lightningstar looked straight at her. "This prophecy is probably one of the most important ones in the history of the clans. I'll tell you the prophecy."

   Salvationwing felt as if time has stopped. Lightningstar was going to tell her what the prophecy is. Salvationwing's breathing became faster and faster, anxiously awaiting to know what the prophecy is. "The prophecy..." Lightningstar started. "Is, only the darkest cat can be defeated by the wings of salvation." Salvationwing stared at Lightningstar, her eyes wide. The last part of the prophecy sounded like her warrior name. Wings of salvation and Salvationwing sounded similar. Just switched around and it has an "of".

   "Is it, like, really important?" Salvationwing asked. Lightningstar nodded, looking worried.

   "The cat that gave this prophecy to me is Flowerpeak, a ThunderClan ancestor. She told me that she didn't trust ThunderClan with this prophecy, so the 'darkest cat' might be in ThunderClan. Why else would she give the prophecy to someone outside her clan instead of in her clan?"

   Salvationwing thought for a moment. That did make sense. "I though ThunderClan was... respectful." Salvationwing meowed.

Lightningstar shrugged. "I guess they are right now, but they probably won't in the future. You can go now, Salvationwing."

Salvationwing stood up and exited the den. She was stunned. She was going to defeat a dark cat? What was 'dark' suppose to mean? Like their pelt is dark or are they evil? And why 'wings' in 'wings of salvation'? There was never a cat that could fly, let alone have wings.

   "Hey Salvationwing! What's wrong?" She saw Redfur padding toward her. Salvationwing thought for a moment. Could she tell Redfur about the prophecy? Does she have to know about it? Salvationwing shook her head. "Nothing's wrong. I'm fine."

   Luckly, Redfur as respectful to all cats, so she meowed, "Oh, okay. You can tell me if you need anything." The beautiful red she-cat turned away toward the fresh-kill pile. Salvationwing watched Redfur pick a thrush with a pang of guilt.

Salvationwing wondered if she should have told Redfur about the prophecy. "Salvationwing!" Jaggedfrost called. "Could you go on the border patrol with Sparrowbranch, Shatteredfur, and Eaglefur?" Salvationwing nodded and headed toward the patrol. They were walking toward the entrance to the camp, so Salvationwing ran toward them. By the time she got there, they were already out of the camp.

"Let's check the border by ThunderClan first," Shatteredfur said. Shatteredfur and Eaglefur both got their warrior names a few moons before Salvationwing's. Salvationwing thought that Shatteredfur's name fitted her since her pelt looked all messy and tangled. Salvationwing shivered. Both because she was cold and because of the prophecy. They neared the ThunderClan border and saw ThunderClan cats marking their border. One of the ThunderClan cats looked at her and Salvationwing shivered again, but this time it was because of the cat that looked at her. The cat was brown with darker brown stripes, and his gaze had a warning glare in it.

Salvationwing thought that the warning glance wasn't necessary. They were just going to mark their border. The ThunderClan hunting patrol turned away and disappeared into the trees. Soon enough, the patrol finished marking the border and the rest of the borders. By the time they got back, it was already sundown. Salvationwing's paws ached. She had been walking for a long time.

Salvationwing padded toward the warrior's den and flopped onto her nest. She had a tiring day and she was ready to go to sleep. She was about to slip into her dreams when Lightningstar yowled, "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, join under the Highbolder for a clan meeting!"

Salvationwing groaned. Lightningstar was doing clan meetings often now. It was mainly just to give news. Salvationwing wondered what he was going to say now. She felt lazy walking over to the clearing, so she stayed near the entrance of the den. She just remembered that Windspots, a senior warrior, had kits. She treasured her kit, Brightkit, since Brightkit was Windspots' only kit. Windspots had another kit, Cedarkit, but he was too weak to survive, so Cedarkit died. The death of a kit hasn't happened in a long time. A kit, Juniperkit, died when he didn't follow orders and he wandered out of camp.

A hunting patrol saw what happened. Juniperkit was attacked by two foxes, and the hunting patrol scared off the foxes to save Juniperkit. As soon as they scared off the foxes, they took Juniperkit and took her to the medicine cat. The medicine cat told them the it was too late, and Juniperkit was dead. The whole clan mourned for Juniperkit, he was too young to die.

Salvationwing's mind jolted back to what was happening in front of her when Lightningstar stared speaking. "Right now, we don't have any apprentices," Lightningstar meowed. "So today, I will be making one new apprentice. Brightkit!"

   Brightkit stood up and walked toward Lightningstar, her eyes wide. "You have reached the age of six moons and is ready to be apprenticed. From now on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Brightpaw."

Salvationwing felt happy for Brightpaw, and she went through many hard things in her life.

"Salvationwing," Lightningstar called. "You are ready for an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Mossneedle, and you have shown yourself to be kind and determined. You will be Brightpaw's mentor, and I expect you to pass on your knowledge to Brightpaw."

Salvationwing stilled. She never expected to get an apprentice this early. Salvationwing stood and walked into the clearing. Brightpaw looked at Salvationwing and ran toward her. They touched noses with Brightpaw's amber eyes gleaming with joy, while the rest of the clan yowled Brightpaw's name. Then, Salvationwing watched Brightpaw run to Windspots and to her father Lightningeyes, his eyes darting to Brightpaw and then to Salvationwing, then to Brightpaw again. Both of Brightpaw's parents were gleaming with joy as they huddled around Brightpaw.

Salvationwing padded back to the warrior's den and laid down. After a few moments, sleep came to her and took her away.

Please comment if these chapters are too long!! I always try to end chapters when I hit 800 to 1100 words, so comment at how many word I should stop a chapter (This will also make chapters come faster)!!! I also made a new story. It's called 'Rainimator and Wings of Fire Crossover'. So if your a Wings of Fire or Rainimator fan, then check it out! I also have another story called 'Name That Apprentice.' Comment a warrior name and I will update every week!

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