Chapter Eighteen

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       Brilliant shades of blue and purple mixed together to make a wonderful star-filled night sky. The half moon shinned as clouds ominously crept over it, shadowing the lake below. The black water lapped at the sandy shore, pebbles lining the bank.
      Heather swayed carelessly in the humid new-leaf breeze. Deep in the heart of WindClan territory, two cats prepared to leave for a journey to speak with their ancestors.
A dark ginger she-cat padded out of a rock crevice; a cream she-cat followed, tabby tail twitching slightly, ice-blue eyes empty: lost of feelings.
The cat on guard looked up as the medicine cats passed. Most of his figure was hidden as shadows were cast over his black pelt, but his white features shone and his copper eyes sparkled in the slight moonlight. He nodded as they left the camp.
The cream she-cat did not respond, only ducked her head away, receiving suspicious glances from her ginger mentor. The cream she-cat gave one last glance at the silhouette of the handsome tom before trotting hastily after her mentor.

      The star-flecked surface of the Moonpool shone up ahead. Aspenrose followed Firepool down the spiral path where the other medicine cats awaited their presence. Aspenrose caught sight of a light ginger tabby she-cat, and her belly lurched.
       This was her first time going to the Moonpool since her arrival at WindClan, and she had no intention of telling the others why she left, let alone even talking to her former mentor.
       As Aspenrose reached the edge of the pool, every cat looked up in surprise and suspicion. Duskheart dipped her head respectfully as she passed, but her green eyes were glazed with regret and pain. Skybreeze nodded, but didn't say a word, his calm gaze questioning.
       Redsplash was the only one to welcome the WindClan cats. "Hello Firepool, Aspenrose." Her smile was welcoming and her tone edged with excitement, but her reddish-amber gaze slightly flickered when Aspenrose passed and nodded her head awkwardly.
Embarrassment rushed through her as she settled down next to Firepool. She touched her nose to the wonderful water, letting the gentle rippling water lull her into her dreams.
Unfamiliar forest stretched out before Aspenrose; aspen trees were scattered throughout, nothing like ThunderClan territory. Yellow leaves dotted the treetops, creating a wonderful forest of sunset-looking hues.
A path winded in front of Aspenrose, worn down by countless animals passing through. But this is a dream. What would make a path here?
Aspenrose drowned out her senses and logic and followed the path through the beautiful forest. She came to a stream that trickled in her path, too wide to cross without swimming. The path didn't continue on the other side of the stream.
Aspenrose sat down and peered into the clear water, catching a glimpse of her reflection. Ice-blue eyes stared back at her, emotionless. Something copper flashed for a heartbeat where her icee stare had been, but when she looked closer only her own features reflect in the sparkling water.
Something in the corner of Aspenrose's eye caught her attention, and she turned to see a familiar long-furred gray tom sitting beside her. Stars faintly flecked his fur; he met her gaze.
Aspenrose didn't say anything, waiting for a warning, a sign, anything to take her mind off of her desire for Jaggedswirl to notice her. But Driftfrost said nothing.
Aspenrose turned her gaze to the aspen-filled forest beyond the stream, keeping her voice steady. "What is it like, Driftfrost, in StarClan?"
After a few moments without an answer, Aspenrose turned her gaze back to the gray tom. His expression showed with amusement. "You'll find you one day, I'm sure, but for now, keep your head out of the clouds and focus on what matters most."
Aspenrose's heart ached. What matters most. Aspenrose peered into the stream again, thinking of the time when she was a kit. Her worries never existed then, in a time of play and a carefree life. Now it's different. Now I'm different.
"Only you can decide what is right for you, Aspenrose." Driftfrost reached a starry paw down and delicately touched the water.
Before Aspenrose could realize what was taking place, the stream began to speed up. It kept getting faster until it was a foamy blur. The water started to rise, reaching Aspenrose's paws. She backed up, looking at Driftfrost for help, but he only looked at her calmly.
"If the wind blows and a Swirling storm shall cover the Moon, seek answers where your heart truly lies." Driftfrost's pelt started to shimmer with bright starlight.
It shone so brightly Aspenrose had to close her eyes, but when she opened them again, her nose was touching the Moonpool. Before Aspenrose could make a move, a single yellow aspen leaf fell from above, landing on the surface of the pool of wonders.

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