Chapter Eleven

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       Dim dawn light filtered through the covers of the trees above. Aspenpaw pushed through the thorn tunnel after her ginger-colored mentor. They had just returned from a trip to the Moonpool. Aspenpaw had only dreamed of running through star-lit fields under a purple sky.
       Duskheart stopped to turn and face Aspenpaw. "Lets go check on Redfang. I'm worried about his stiffness." Grief showed in Duskheart's green eyes.
       Aspenpaw felt something inside her twist at Duskheart's expression. Redfang was Duskheart's father; along with Goldenfall, Mistypool, and Littlefrost.
       Duskheart padded into the elder den. The gray and white tom lay on his side, chest heaving. Duskheart hurried to her father's side.
     "My chest is... And my legs are..." Redfang rasped, but couldn't quite finish his explanation.
       "Aspenpaw, go fetch some daisy leaves and coltsfoot," Duskheart ordered. "Hurry!"
Aspenpaw scrambled out of the den in urgency to get the herbs. Redfang hadn't looked very good. I hope he'll be okay.
Aspenpaw skidded to a halt and reached into the herb store cleft. She grabbed as many bundles as she could, mostly of coltsfoot, and dashed back into Redfang's den.
"Chew that into a paste," Duskheart shoved the daisy leaves in front of Aspenpaw and started chewing up the coltsfoot. "When you're done apply it to his stiff legs."
Redfang's breathing grew heavier and his amber eyes started to slowly close. Duskheart nudged the coltsfoot pulp toward Redfang.
"Eat it," Duskheart insisted. Redfang groaned. "It will make you feel better."
Aspenpaw watched Redfang lap up the pulp as she applied her paste busily. The gray and white elder lay his head down heavily. Duskheart sat back and took a deep breath.
"It's in StarClan's paws, now."

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