Chapter Four

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Aspenpaw watched as Duskheart bounded up the tumble of rocks to reach Highledge. Her yowl caught the attention of cats, making them gather in interest.
"I'm calling a Clan meeting with permission from Doestar," the light brown leader emerged from her den at the call of her name, nodding at Duskheart briskly before sitting down beside her.
      "Cats of ThunderClan, it is time I take on an apprentice." Fear sparked through Aspenpaw. She means me. She caught her father's proud blue gaze at the edge of her vision. He nodded in satisfaction at her, eyes sparkling with pride.
       "I have chosen a cat who has shown thoughtfulness and determination. Your next medicine cat will be Aspenpaw." The ginger tabby smiled, waving her tail at Aspenpaw to come up.
      She bounded up to Highledge, jumping clumsy, almost loosing her footing. Her ears grew hot with embarrassment.
       Doestar stood. "Aspenpaw, do you accept the post of apprentice to Duskheart?"
      Aspenpaw trembled. No. She gave a fake smile. "I d-do."
       Duskheart gave a smile back, a real one. "Then at half-moon you will travel with me to the Moonpool to be accepted by StarClan."
         "The good wishes of ThunderClan go with you," Doestar dipped her head formally to Aspenpaw. She nodded her thanks, turning to touch noses with her new mentor.
       Excitement buzzed through the Clan below. "Aspenpaw! Aspenpaw!" She heard Jaywatcher cheer the loudest of all the cats, his blue eyes bright.

       Once Aspenpaw reached the bottom of the tumble of rocks, Cedarpaw padded up to her. Excitement flared in his deep blue eyes. "You're a medicine cat apprentice!"
        Aspenpaw only nodded, giving him a thankful flick of her tail over his ears.
      "Have you grown in interest in herbs? I hadn't really noticed," Cedarpaw's brown tabby fur fluffed up. His eyes reflected moonlight.
No surprise. No one seems to notice me anyways. She shrugged. She rather liked the loneliness. Her closest friends were her two brothers. Other than that, she liked to keep to herself. Aspenpaw only gave a smile to Cedarpaw before turning away to her new den.
      Before she could reach it, Cedarpaw called out to her. "Are you doing okay, Aspenpaw?"
      She stopped. "Fine. Just fine." Her stomach twisted at the lie.
       A hard wind stirred her fur. The branches above clattered. Clouds blew over the dark sky. Aspenpaw shivered.

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