Chapter Thirty

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       Leaf-fall was nearing. With every passing day, the warm breezes started to turn cool. The leaves on the trees in the forest were starting to turn brilliant shades of oranges and reds. On the moorland, the grass was starting to turn a faded green color, and the heather was less lush.
       The sun hid partly behind fluffy white clouds, casting faint shadows over the hills. It was a calm day. There was no wind to rustle the reeds near the bank, or whistle through the heather.
       Aspenrose sat beside the fresh-kill pile, picking through it carefully. She searched and soon plucked out a plump mouse. She stared down at the mouse that lay at her paws. Must have been caught down near the shore, where the grass is still tall.
       Aspenrose was pulled away from her thoughts as a hunting patrol returned to camp. Crookedwing, a ginger she-cat, padded at the lead, a mouse and young rabbit in her jaws. Crystalflame, a russet tabby, helped Jaggedswirl pull a very plump rabbit into camp. Oliveclaw followed, the black tabby carrying a mouse and a blackbird.
       Crystalflame's green eyes sparkled as she and Jaggedswirl put the rabbit in the fresh-kill pile. "The Clan will eat well tonight."
       Crookedwing grunted. "Don't we always? WindClan is the swiftest around the lake, we naturally are good at hunting."
       Oliveclaw ran a claw through the dirt, giving a growl. "No Clan could out-hunt us," the young warrior declared.
       Aspenrose broke her gaze away as the two cats began to argue about hunting strategies. Addertuft had crossed the clearing, excitement in her hazel eyes. She met Jaggedswirl halfway, and the gray tabby she-cat nuzzled her mate's shoulder. He licked her ears, copper eyes glowing.
       Aspenrose caught Addertuft reach up and whisper something in Jaggedswirl's ear. The black and white tom nodded happily.

       A yowl came from the Tallrock, the biggest rock in WindClan camp where the leader addressed the Clan. Harestar stood there, his tail raised and amber eyes beaming. Aspenrose padded to the edge of the gathered cats, taking a seat beside her mentor, Firepool.
       "Cats of WindClan," Harestar started. "I've called this meeting because a couple of cats have something important to share."
       The leader waved his tail to Jaggedswirl and his daughter, Addertuft. Harestar leaped off of Tallrock, letting Jaggedswirl take his place. Addertuft was about to join him, but the black and white tom gave her an anxious glance, so she sat beside the rock instead.
       "Addertuft surprised me the other night," the handsome tom begin. "She took me to the lakeshore and told me something that I thought I never would achieve."
       Aspenrose held her breath. The night she had saw them sneaking out together must have been what Jaggedswirl was talking about.
       "She's — well, we're —" Jaggedswirl glanced down at his mate. "I'm going to be a father."
         Cheers of congratulation erupted around the camp. Crystalflame leaped to her paws, covering Addertuft in affectionate licks. Harestar joined his mate in congratulating his daughter and Jaggedswirl. Sandheart padded over to his son giving a proud dip of his head. Duskspots licked Jaggedswirl, her son, over the ears before turning to congratulate Addertuft.
Cats crowded around them, giving them mews of congratulation. Aspenrose stayed where she was, paws frozen to the ground. The bottled up feelings inside her rose up, threatening to bubble out of her. But she remembered her nighttime visits with Darkmoon, and the glimmer of hope returned inside her drowning out her doubts and fear.
She smiled weakly, bounding over to wrap her tail around Addertuft.

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