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Founders Cave was dimly lit by the slivers of moonlight that filtered through the small openings in the stone ceiling. The cave was warmed by the breaths of many cats. A shuffling of paws were the only sounds to be heard on the solemn night.

"You cannot do this," a quiet voice echoed through the still air.

A white tom lashed his tail angrily. "You are a danger to us all!" he yowled, causing a few cats to murmur among themselves.

A dark grey she-cat stepped forward. "We are sorry, Nightstar, but your Clan can't be trusted," the she-cat explained, her soft blue eyes staring at Nighstar's with an unknown emotion.

Nightstar sighed and dipped his head. "I understand, Nettlestar." The tom flicked his tail, gathering his Clanmates. Cats of all shapes, sizes, and ages gathered around their defeated leader, varying looks of worry or anger on their faces. With one last, long look at Nettlestar, Nightstar padded out of the cave, head and tail down.

As the Clan filed out, a dark brown tabby she-cat looked back with hatred. "You will pay for this," she hissed vengefully, unsheathing sharp claws.

"Brokenclaw! Come on!" A distant voice called.

Brokenclaw glared at Nettlestar before whipping around to stalk up the dark tunnel.

The other Clan leaders stood on the rock for a moment, silent. The silence lasted only but a moment before a young leader broke it. "What now, Eaglestar?" He asked, glancing at the old, white, battle-scarred tom.

The old leader flexed his claws. "We chase them out," he growled, something glinting in his eyes that gave the young, orange leader an uneasy feeling.

Eaglestar leaped down from the rock. "Let's make sure they left for good. Come on, BreezeClan!" He yowled to his Clan, bounding out of the cave.

The orange tom, Finchstar, turned to Nettlestar and dipped his head. "I suppose this gathering is over," he mewed. Nodding to his Clan, he, too, leaped from the rock.

"Farewell, Finchstar. May your Clan prosper in the days ahead," she said gravely.

Finchstar gave Nettlestar a knowing look before disappearing up the tunnel.

Now, the only Clans left were BlazeClan and DewClan. The leader of BlazeClan, Sandstar, gave Nettlestar a small nod before gathering his Clan and leaving.

Nettlestar sighed and looked down at her Clan. "Rainclaw," she mewed, naming her deputy. "Take DewClan back to camp. I'll follow later."

Rainclaw dipped his head, trusting his leader. "Of course," he agreed. He turned to the Clan and waved his tail, gathering the warriors. DewClan obeyed and followed Rainclaw up the tunnel.

Nettlestar turned her face to one of the holes in the ceiling, seeing the moon. "Oh, Nightstar," she sighed. "What have we done?"

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