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A cool but silent breeze stettled over the camp. Cats sat around a body, tears in their eyes and sad, solemn whispers being passed through the crowd."Who will be leader now that Bravestar has died?" A cat meowed, barely loud enough to hear. Another cat jumped apon the Brave Rock, his muscles rippling beneath his fur."I will be leader." The cat meowed, his tail held high."You don't deserve to be leader! Stillnight would do a much better job!" A white and tan cat hissed from the crowd."I am the leader's only living son! I do deserve to be the leader!" The black, brown and white cat apon Brave Rock hissed."We really don't need to fight over it." Stillnight, an all black cat with yellow eyes meowed."I challenge Sandstone to a duel." The cat apon Brave Rock meowed."I accept. If I win, Stillnight is the leader." Sandstone meowed in reply."If I win, I'm the leader. This is to the death, are you sure?" The cat apon Brave Rock asked. "I've never been surer." Sandstone replied before disappearing into the crowd.

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