Chapter 5

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"I, Bluestar, leader of ThunderClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these two apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn." She looked down at Firepaw and Graypaw, narrowing her eyes. "Firepaw, Graypaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend this Clan, even at the cost of your lives?" Firepaw felt something stir within him, a fire that burned in his belly and rang in his ears. He suddenly felt that everything he had done for the Clan so far—all the prey he stalked, all the enemy warriors he had fought—had been for the sake of this single moment. "I do," he replied steadily. "I do," echoed Graypaw, his fur bristling in excitement. "Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your warrior names: Graypaw, from this moment you will be known as Graystripe. StarClan honors your bravery and your strength, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." Bluestar stepped forward and rested her muzzle on top of Graystripe's bowed head. He bent lower to give her shoulder a respectful lick, then straightened up and walked over to join the other warriors. Bluestar stood and studied Firepaw for a long moment before speaking. "Firepaw, from this moment you will be known as Fireheart. StarClan honors your bravery and strength, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." She touched her muzzle to his head and murmured, "Fireheart, I am proud to have you as my warrior. Serve your Clan well, young one." As Fireheart moved away from his leader, the Clan that once doubted his loyalty chanted his and Graystripe's name. "Fireheart! Graystripe! Fireheart! Graystripe! Fireheart! Graystripe!" ThunderClan chanted the new warriors names as they soon died down. The Clan started slipping into their dens as Fireheart and Graystripe sat in the middle of camp, as to tradition, newly made warriors must sit vigil on the night they receive their warrior names for one full night and must not leave their post until their former mentor approves.

Morning approached as Graystripe let out a yawn, his gray fur lifted up as he yawned. "You two are relieved." A large white tom with yellow eyes meowed stepped out from the warriors den, his pelt glowing in the pale dawn. "Thanks Whitestorm." Fireheart meowed once he dipped his head to the senior warrior. "No need to dip your head like that Fireheart. You are a warrior too and you don't have to act like an apprentice." Whitestorm mewed politely as he flicked his tail, Fireheart lifted his head as Graystripe stretched his aching limbs. "You two should get some rest, Bluestar will want you two to go hunting later on." Whitestorm said as Graystripe joined them. "Alright, we will Whitestorm. Thanks again." Fireheart meowed as the white tom nodded and padded towards a group of cats, Mousefur, Runningwind, and Sandpaw, they soon headed out on the dawn patrol. "I'm starving!" Graystripe complained as he made his way towards the fresh-kill pile, only to be blocked by Tigerclaw. "Hey!" The gray warrior hissed as the dark brown tabby turned to him. "Senior warriors eat first." The large tabby growled as Graystripe flinched, Fireheart dashed up to them. "You two can eat after you've cleaned out the elders den." Tigerclaw growled once more after picking up a plump vole. "We're not apprentices anymore Tigerclaw." Fireheart growled as he arched his spine, letting his fur rise. "You still are to the Clan, maybe not to Bluestar but to the rest of us, you're a kittypet." Tigerclaw hissed to Fireheart but didn't say anything to Graystripe as he watched almost helplessly. "I'm a warrior. A ThunderClan warrior." Fireheart corrected him with a hiss. "Sure, let your dreams drift to the real world Firekit. That's what you've been doing ever since Bluestar approved of you." Tigerclaw sneered as he whipped his tail and padded towards the shade where Darkstripe and Longtail sat, sharing a pigeon as they both lifted their heads up to Tigerclaw and glared at Fireheart. He threw back the glares. "Don't worry about him Fireheart. We're warriors now and if he can't see that then let that be his problem." Graystripe meowed to his friend as the ginger tom let out a sigh of frustration before turning to him with a smile. "You're right. Thanks." Fireheart meowed with a polite tone as his green eyes lit up, the sun's rays hit his pelt and it burst into flames. "No wonder Bluestar named you Fireheart." Graystripe joked as his yellow eyes turned amber from gazing at Fireheart's flaming pelt which reflected its bright orange color into his eyes that made it seem amber. "Yeah." Fireheart meowed as his ears twitched.

"Brick, take Savage, Zack and Flicker out." Scourge meowed as he flicked his black tail tip, his icy blue eyes bright with darkness. The ginger tom nodded before turning to the three younger cats and flicking his tail for them to follow. "I'll be looking forward to seeing my apprentice strong by tonight because we'll be holding a tournament." Scourge said with a promising look at Savage as she nodded with a grin on her face. "I'll be your apprentice soon, Scourge." Zack, the dark brown tom with stripes along his paws, muzzle and tail, said as his dark amber eyes brightened. I'd like to see you try and beat Savage. Scourge said in his mind but decided not to say it aloud. "Yeah right." Savage growled as she flicked her tail which was nearly wrapped around her paws. "I'd like to see you try and lay a whisker on me." Savage challenged as she lashed her tail but wrapped it back over her paws. "Coming from a kitty like you are big words." Zack sneered as his whiskers twitched. "Alright, we'll settle this later. For now, let's just get going before I send you all by yourselves to the dog house." Brick threatened as he flicked his muzzle. "Please, I'd stay there my life than stay with this idiot." Savage growled as she almost lashed out at the dark brown tom. "I'll see to that." Brick hissed as Zack let out a laugh as they pulled away from Scourge's den and headed towards the forest. "Good." Savage ignored Zack and meowed to Brick, the older tom flinched back in surprise from the agreement to the harsh dog house. The dog house was a Twolegden filled with dogs that are blood-thirsty and would tear up any cat that would set a whisker in there. All cats fear of the place and even Scourge fears it too, there haven't been any survivors that have spent more than one night in the cursed place. Scourge's thoughts came back to him as he watched Savage leave. I mustn't let her become leader of BloodClan... Scourge went over the words as he blinked away the thought of him dying beneath her paws.

"Alright, Savage, Zack and Flicker. We'll be working on battle moves today." Brick meowed as he gave an order. "First tatic in battle, what do you do when you've pinned your opponent down?" Brick asked as Flicker blinked, Zack bounced whilst Savage opened her mouth to speak. "You go for the throat with no mercy." Savage meowed as Zack stopped bouncing and turned to Brick. "Exactly. We BloodClan cats do not tolerate with compassion or love, only battle and winning no matter what." The orange tom said with a stern look at each cat but seemed to flinch by Savage's cold gaze that pieced through him easily. "A-alright, first off is Flicker." Brick turned away from the flame-colored kit's gaze and focused on battle moves. "Leap at that leaf there and try to catch it, but once you land you must spring back to your paws and act as if you can only touch the ground once or if it was burning like fire." Brick ordered as Flicker nodded and started. He was doing great until the wind picked up and the leaf started twirling through the wind and soon ended up on a dark gray-black surface. Flicker didn't care and pelted after it, only to be hit by a monster as it roared past, sending the cat flying. "That's what happens if you don't pay attention to your surroundings." Brick hissed as Flicker landed with a thud, his sides heaved for breath but soon stopped as his life ended. "Now, for your turns." Brick turned to the two other cats as Flicker's body was run over continuously by passing monsters. "Zack, you're up." Brick meowed with a flick of his tail. Zack failed a few times but eventually managed to grab the leaf, just before Brick could attack him for his many failed attempts. "Your turn Savage." Brick growled as Zack panted. "I bet you won't be able to get it—" Zack was cut off as the kit instantly grabbed the leaf, she seemed to make it look like nothing and honestly to her, it was nothing. "Good, you're doing great. You got it on your first try." Brick praised as Zack flattened his ears. "She cheated! There was no wind!" He complained as Brick turned to his, flattening his ears. "Fine, Savage, do it once more but when the wind really picks up." Brick ordered as she nodded. The wind started to pick up, it raged wildly as Zack smiled. "Now do it!" He hissed as Savage rolled her green eyes then in a flash, caught the leaf. Zack's smile disappeared as frustration coursed through him as he bared his teeth. "Again! Catch every leaf here!" Zack snarled as Savage got to work and caught every single leaf over and over again as the wind would blow it over and over again. The wind finally stopped and the leaves were all in a pile in front of Zack and Brick. "There. Now can we move on?" Savage growled to Zack with no exhaustion in her voice as she turned to Brick. "Sure." Brick said before moving on.

The day had went by fast as Zack and Savage trained under Brick, they trained their defensive moves if they were to be pinned down, they trained the killing bite that Savage almost performed on Zack, and they trained their main battle skills which turned out to be easier than Brick thought it would go since Zack would push really hard to try and deny Savage's hopes of training under Scourge's wing. But Savage proved to be an excellent cat, despite her extremely small size. "That's enough for today, let's head back before nightfall." Brick meowed as he led the way back to the alleyways. "Where should I sleep tonight? The other BloodClan cats took my nest." Savage meowed to Brick as he turned to her, Zack pushed himself between the two as if he were trying to get Brick to listen to him. "Fight for it. I'm a little disappointed that you'd—" Brick was cut off by a sharp retort from Savage. "Alright, but don't get mad at me if you find them all dead by morning." Savage meowed as she pulled ahead of the two and headed towards her den while Zack was sent to see Scourge and report back to him. "Scourge." Zack started as the BloodClan leader stepped away from the darkness, revealing his dark pelt. "How was the training?" He asked with a flick of his tail. "It was fine, but Flicker died during the training, he was too easily distracted so he was hit by a monster." Zack meowed as Scourge lifted his head as he stopped down to him. "How was Savage's training?" Scourge asked. Zack thought of a plan quickly. "She was horrible at training. I had beat her at training on every lesson. Brick almost got mad at her for failing so many times." Zack lied, although this was untrue, it actually turned out to be him who had failed and almost got Brick mad. Scourge pricked his ears, his whiskers twitched and his eyes narrowed suspiciously. "Brick said that I was the best and believes that I'd be the best cat for you." Zack started to feel powerful as he spoke and got a bit cocky with his power, saying bad things about Savage until a loud growl made him turn. "So, I'm not worthy of being a BloodClan cat am I?" Savage growled as Zack's spine fur rose, he arched his spine. "You have failed me—" Scourge started but the flame-colored kit interrupted. "This is all a lie, in fact, it's not. He reversed everything." Savage hissed to Scourge. "He's jelous that I'm better than him so he lied to make you think that I'm not good enough to be your apprentice. He wants to be your apprentice in fact." Savage told the truth about Zack as cats started to gather from the commotion. "Hey! It's that cat that attacked us!" A yowl made Savage, Scourge, and Zack turn their heads to the crowd. "Kill her!" Another voice sounded as cries of revenge made a whole group join in with them. "So, you're the tiny kitten that's been causing so much trouble, hm?" A large cat approached Savage and Zack as Scourge sat from a distance, he seemed confused and interested at the same time. "Yeah, what's it to you?" Savage hissed. "Well, I'm their mentor, and I don't appreciate you attacking them." The larger tom growled as Zack hissed at Savage. "Great, now I have another idiot to deal with. How many idiots are in this Clan?" Savage rolled her green eyes as Zack and the larger cat growled menacingly. "Watch your tongue kitten." The tom hissed as he dug his claws into the earth. "Watch your manners with the future leader of BloodClan." Savage sneered as she licked her paw and drew it over her face and forehead. "What? Future leader? Ha!" He burst into laughter as so did Zack and the group of cats who had started complaining. "Should we stop this before they all get killed?" Bone whispered to Scourge as he turned his head slightly to him but didn't take his icy blue gaze off the cats. "No, let them get what they deserve. They're low lives anyway and were of no use to us in the first place." Scourge said coldly as he flicked his tail, Savage saw his tail and nodded slightly. "Let's get her!" A smaller but still large cat hissed as Zack, the biggest cat and the other group all leaped at her at once. "Fine, but you've all spelled your own deaths." Savage meowed as she lifted a paw before all of the cats fell to the ground except for the largest cat who was still in the air. He landed squarely on her as he glanced at his fallen apprentices. "You've killed them all! I'll kill you now!" Scourge was about to leap in action to defend the cat that might be the cat BloodClan needs when he already sank his fangs in her throat, giving the death bite. "No!" Scourge yowled in anger but he was frozen with anger, he watched as blood poured from Savage. But when everything was quiet, Savage's laughter broke the silence. "W-what?" The larger tom drew back as he trembled in fear. Savage slowly rose up, blood still pooled from her throat which was clearly torn and would kill any cat, even the most toughest. "H-how are you still alive?!" He gasped in fear as he fell back. "I cannot be killed in any way." Savage snickered as her green eyes turned into slits. "I cannot die." She told him simply before striking his head and killing him. "Like I said before, you've all spelled your deaths the moment you picked a fight with me." Savage meowed a she licked blood from her blood-soaked claws and glanced up at Scourge and Bone who watched, horrified by her odd powers. "If anyone needs me, I'll be in my den." Savage said before turning away and heading towards her den in a different alleyway. "Take them away and out of my sight." Scourge hissed to his cats below as he glared hatefully at one certain cat, Zack. He had lied to him and was now dead. He got what he deserved, Scourge told himself with a dark look but he never thought that his life would be ended that fast and that quick just from one blow. That Savage is something else, she's no cat, or anything from this world.... Scourge thought to himself as he stared after Savage.

"Evacuate the camp!" Bluestar's yowl made Fireheart jerk up from his nap. His green eyes full of worry as he dashed out of the den and noticed that sparks of orange and yellow illuminated the camp of ThunderClan. "Get the elders and queens out first!" Bluestar ordered as she herself helped the elders out, along with Brackenpaw, Swiftpaw and Dustpelt. "Fireheart!" A voice made him turn. It was the queen Goldenflower. "What is it?" He asked as he dashed over to her. "I can't find Bramblekit." She winced as Tawnykit clung to her fur, clearly scared. "Go, I'll find him. I promise." Fireheart promised as Goldenflower nodded and grabbed Tawnykit's scruff and dashing out of call after the elders and other queens. "Bramblekit!" He called out for the kit but was distracted by one of the elders. Smallear stumbled and couldn't get back up, he raced over to him and nudged him up as he thanks him before padding out of camp, following Bluestar and the rest of the Clan towards the RiverClan border. "Is that everyone?" Fireheart asked Bluestar as he reached her. "Patchpelt and Halftail are missing, they're probably still in camp." The Clan leader meowed as she lifted her head to see RiverClan cats approaching. "I'll go look for them." Fireheart pelted back into the forest of flames as Bluestar asked Leopardfur and her cats to let them on their territory or on their border so they could escape from the fire. Luckily Leopardfur accepted and allowed them as Crookedstar had joined them. "Patchpelt! Halftail!" Fireheart called for the elders as he soon spotted Halftail, his dark brown fur was singed and torn as he lay beneath a heap of fallen trees. "Halftail!" He yowled as he crawled towards the elder who lay ominously still. He managed to get a hold of the elder's scruff and dragged him from the camp. He dragged the elder to the edge of camp and dove back into the flames in search of Patchpelt but instead of finding him alone, he found him outside of the medicine cat's den which Yellowfang was dying in. He approached the old she-cat he had friended. "Fireheart." The medicine cat spoke softly as she turned her broad, flattened face towards him, her amber eyes dull. "Thank you for bringing me to ThunderClan. Tell Bluestar I have always been grateful for the home she gave me. This is a good place to die. I only regret that I will miss watching you become what StarClan has destined you to be." Yellowfang spoke softly to Fireheart as she took in her last breaths. "I wished you'd been my son, but I could not have borne a cat like you. StarClan gave me Brokentail to teach me a lesson." Yellowfang admitted as Fireheart listened in completely silence, only his tears spoke to her. "Farewell, young Fireheart." With that, she let out a small sigh as she closed her amber eyes and let her spirit fade from her body which was burnt and scarred. "Y-Yellowfang?" Fireheart choked on emotion as fire and trees cracked around him, he buried his muzzle into the old gray she-cat's fur for the last time before speaking to her. "I will always love you as a mother Yellowfang." Fireheart said with a sniff as tears fell onto Yellowfang's flattened face as he stepped away from her and grabbed Patchpelt's scruff and soon returned back to Halftail's body and dragging them both back towards the sheltering Clan. Whitestorm helped him with Patchpelt's body as Sandstorm came and took Halftail's body as he returned back to camp to look for Bramblekit. The second he reentered the burning camp, a wave of intense heat hit him as he flinched back but dived into the flames once more and searched for the kit. He could not find the kit until a squeal of terror sliced through the air. Bramblekit! He pricked his ears and pinpointed where the mews of distress were coming from, he eventually found the kit hanging from a branch that was about to burst into flames at any moment now. He leaped up onto the burning log and struggled to steady himself as the tree snapped every pawstep he took, threatening to break and fall into the flames below at any moment but luckily Fireheart grabbed Bramblekit and leaped off quick enough for him to dodge the wave of smoke and dust from the fallen tree. The kit squirmed and squealed as he looked back at the medicine cat's den, wishing he could save Yellowfang too but knew that it would be a suicide mission and next to impossible with Bramblekit as well. He took off back towards Sunningrocks as the flames soon started to chase him through the forest. He managed to outrun it but it only made Bramblekit squirm more in his jaws and loosening his grip on the kit but soon they arrived at the foot of Sunningrocks and heard the chatter of his Clanmates. He could smell nothing except for smoke and burning plants until he leaped up onto one of the rocks and stood above his Clanmates who were on the opposite side of the bank, on RiverClan's bank. He dashed over and plunged into the water, he did not know how to swim and feared for his and Bramblekit's life as his head went under a few times but Leopardfur eventually helped him and so did Blackclaw. "We mourn for the lose of Patchpelt, Halftail and Yellowfang. We will bury them in ThunderClan territory and share tongues with them for the last time tonight." Bluestar announced as she turned to Fireheart who hung his head low and looked down in sadness, his green eyes dull with sorrow and a flicker of guilt. I'm sorry Yellowfang. I'm so sorry I couldn't save you, Yellowfang.... Fireheart let emotion clot his mind as ThunderClan returned back to their territory. 

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