Chapter 7

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"Savage?!" Fireheart repeated her name as his tail bristled up, his back arched. "When you left with the forest cats that day, I was utterly hurt." Savage explained as she gazed as her claws. "You left me and left me to be hurt and bullied by Duke and Princess. I never thought the brother I trusted the most would just leave without taking me with you to get out of that hole." The she-cat snarled as she stepped forward, Fireheart was paralyzed with fear and sadness of his decision long ago that turned his sister into this. Savage's green eyes struck Fireheart's as they locked gazes, one with fear and terror while the other full of darkness and revenge. "You'll be sorry you ever left me!" Savage hissed as her paw shot out and raked against Fireheart's face, he flew back and staggered. Fireheart's left cheek was bleeding heavily as Savage glared at him, her claws glinting in the dusk light as nightfall approached. "What in the name of StarClan!" Fireheart hissed as he gritted from the pain that shot through his body, scarlet droplets fell from his wound as the grass now was stained with his blood. "I already told you, I'm not the same cat you once loved." Savage growled as she was just about to pounce when a white cat struck her and sent her across the clearing. Fireheart lifted his head in surprise as he saw his Clanmates, Darkstripe, Brindleface, Mousefur and Whitestorm. "Mousefur, get Fireheart to Cinderpelt immediately." Whitestorm commanded as the dusky brown she-cat modded before hauling the ginger warrior, only to be stopped when Fireheart hissed. "I'm going to stay, I'm not letting my sister injure any of my Clanmates." The warrior spat as he moved off of Mousefur, she rolled her eyes before turning to the collared cat. "Another kittypet." Darkstripe hissed as he unsheathed his claws, his amber-yellow eyes glowed as the sun finally set. Whitestorm's pelt shown easily while Brindleface and Darkstripe's pelts were almost hidden as the moon began to rise slowly, Mousefur guarded Fireheart as his green eyes lit up with betrayal. "Your sister?!" Brindleface gasped as her dark gray tabby pelt puffed up. "Doesn't look like her the last time we saw her." Whitestorm meowed calmly as memories of the bright kitten flashed through Fireheart's mind. He remembered her bright smile that had never wavered, but now, after Tigerclaw attacking her, she was no longer what she was before. She was no kitten, kittypet or his sister. She was a source of dark hatred. "I'm not kittypet, Darkstripe." Savage growled as she simply raised her paw and licked the blood off, her eyes closed and it made her look vulnerable as Darkstripe growled in anger and pounced. He was a skilled warrior, Savage knew that, he would guard his underbelly at all cost so she decided to go for another way of attacking. The second before the dark gray-and-black tabby tom hit her, she sprang into the air and grabbed hold of his tail. Her small body should never be underestimated as she, while still in midair, swung herself and Darkstripe backwards. Darkstripe's paws flailed uselessly as his yellow eyes filled with terror, he didn't know what was happening. Savage used her power to flip him and slammed him against the ground onto his underbelly, he spat out blood as she landed on his back, digging her claws into him like prey. Fireheart had watched in horror as he had seen his little sister do something even he's not capable of, his green eyes widened with fear for his Clanmates lives as they would attack if Savage were to kill Darkstripe. Mousefur puffed up her fur, making her look twice as big but Savage only burst into laughing. "Look at yourself Mousefur! You're pitiful, I'm smaller than you and I don't even have to make myself look bigger to intimidate my opponents!" She laughed evily as she still stood uptop Darkstripe's back. While she was laughing, Darkstripe growled and flipped himself over, he sprang to his paws and pinned Savage to the ground, his claws sinking into her flesh as his claws dug into the top of her head. She didn't react and simply smiled, putting her paws forward and getting into a comfortable position. "I don't need to even defend myself from you puny forest dwelling-ants. You're all weak and lack the strength to even protect anything you love." Savage gave her brother a glare of pure hatred. It had been like that too, Fireheart had never been able to help her when he had left. If he hadn't left then she'd be in a better place than now, she had been scarred mentally, emotionally and physically by this and the result was the cat she was now. Suddenly, a blue-gray she-cat, a dark brown tabby tom, a pale tabby tom with dark black stripes and a pale ginger she-cat appeared. Their pelts bristling as Savage recognized each one of them. Bluestar, Dustpelt, Longtail and Sandstorm. "Who is this trespasser?" Bluestar demanded as she glanced at her deputy who only looked down, not turning to meet her gaze. "We found this kittypet attacking Fireheart. Fireheart says that she's his sister." Darkstripe growled as he fastened his claws deeper into Savage's head, she didn't look fatigued or even worried. Bluestar's eyes sharpened with anger. "Leave this place now, kittypet." Bluestar hissed as Fireheart was too hurt to even react to what was happening. "Shut your mouth idiot." Savage snarled at the leader as Sandstorm gasped along with Brindleface and Mousefur. No cat ever dared say that to a leader, especially from a cat who wasn't even part of the Clans. "Who are you calling idiot?" She hissed as her claws unsheathed, her anger level was rising as Whitestorm looked worried. "Who else? The idiot who can't even lead her Clan in which they need her the most. I'd bet little Cloudpaw'd make a better leader than you." Savage sneered as she knew that Bluestar was a short-tempered cat, especially after Tigerclaw's betrayal, she became more hostile. The ThunderClan leader's whiskers and eyes twitched furiously, she struggled to keep her anger levels low as she glared down at her. "All four of these pathetic Clans can die for all I care. None of them should—can live." She corrected herself as she glared menacingly at the blue-gray she-cat. But as Bluestar was about to speak, her gaze softened with sorrow and sympathy for her as Savage spoke. Her green gaze low and her head low in grief. "If you'd been there when Duke gave me these scars." She said softly as Fireheart took a closer look and noticed that there were scars all over his little sister. One of the most horrific ones was the huge gash on the side of her neck, so much of the skin and flesh was torn that it looked like a dog had attacked her instead of a cat. "None of this would've happened if you had stayed behind or brought me with. I loved you, and trusted you..." Savage meowed as Fireheart's heart ached. "This is all your fault! Look at what leaving your littlest sister behind with her fox-hearted brother and sister did! You are so clouded with being a warrior of a pathetic Clan of ants that you didn't even know it was me until I had told you!" Savage yowled as she pulled her head back, Darkstripe's paw flew forward and towards the ground as he was holding her head. She flew back and slashed Darkstripe's flank as blood gushed from his wound. Longtail held back his attack, knowing if he'd attack Fireheart's sister, their forgiveness for each other would've been for nothing. But Mousefur instinctively flung herself in and leaped for Savage while she stood beside Darkstripe, she sidestepped and bashed Mousefur then raked her with her claws. She the faced the other cats as Mousefur and Darkstripe lay injured, unable to move. "We have no choice." Bluestar murmured to herself as she flicked her ear. Her warriors then pelted at Savage, all of them with claws unsheathed as they now saw her as a big threat to ThunderClan. Fireheart watched in horror as he had expected Savage to be taken down easily especially against more than three skilled warriors. But instead, Savage was much more clever and quicker than she was before. Dustpelt leaped at her first, she leaped upwards, Longtail sprang for her but she flipped backwards and kicked his chin upwards with her hind paw. She landed and Sandstorm darted at her, she simply slipped beneath her, kicking her upwards with her hind legs and leaped up and slammed her to the ground. Whitestorm pounced at her but she instead charged straight at him and confused him with her tail as she made it look like she was about to turn right, he went right and she went left. She sliced his muzzle as she then clawed his flank, behind her, Dustpelt leaped at her once more but she whipped around and smacked her claws across his face while he was sent reeling. They were all defeated as only Fireheart and Bluestar stood. Bluestar had no choice and charged in while Fireheart did the same, following his leader. Bluestar started running around Savage as a distraction as Fireheart leaped up into the air and headed straight down at her. But Savage predicted Bluestar's movements and managed to snag her shoulder with her claws and slammed her down. She then slipped away from Fireheart's attack as she then reached out and dug her claws into his left flank. Blood spattered across the grass as Fireheart recoiled back and huffed. Savage lifted her head as scarlet colored drips and splatters stained her paws and her reinforced claws. "Had enough yet?" She sneered to her brother as he panted and glanced at her with sadness in his green eyes. "Have you had enough for you to know that you made a terrible mistake back then? I would be by your side like a your friend Graystripe would be but I wouldn't leave my Clan for a pathetic cat who was part fish." Savage hissed as Fireheart growled. "Graystripe followed his heart! He loved Silverstream with all of his heart and even though it broke the warrior code, he didn't regret any bit of the time he spent with her." The flame-colored tom snarled as he defended his friend. A smirk grew on her face, an evil smirk. "Oh, so you'd rather defend your friend than your own sister, hmm?" Savage mocked as her tail twitched. Fireheart's head twitched as he jerked his head back in hurt by her words. She's right. Fireheart said in his mind. I protected Graystripe from being pointed out by his actions but I didn't and couldn't protect my younger sister. If only I was smarter back then! Fireheart scolded himself as he grit his teeth. Savage only gave a cold chuckle as she turned her back on him. "You're a waste of my time, I need to get back to Scourge before dark." She meowed as Fireheart pricked his ears at the name that came from her. Savage padded off as she left the clearing which was stained with splatters of scarlet and eight injured cats lay down including Fireheart. He stared after her in horror as he never felt so hollow and yet so filled with emotion. Tears fell from his green eyes as the sun's light hit his pelt and lit it up, the tears glittered as they trickled down his face and dripped onto the damp earth where his own blood lay. This is all my fault. If I hadn't been so naive then, maybe, she would be a warrior of ThunderClan too.... Fireheart said once more as he let out a yowl of pain, not from his wounds but from his heart and soul where a huge scar lay across it that would never disappear.

Savage heard his yowl and only smirked once more as she headed back towards the alleyways and soon crossed the ShadowClan border. Nothing lay in her heart as no emotion flickered and no pain coursed through as her pelt also burst into flames, the red collar around her neck glowed a crimson color as her claws and the studded teeth and claws glinted from the rays. Especially one specific jet black claw which was as long as an eagle talon. Nothing will stop me from becoming BloodClan leader. Nothing will stop me from killing my brothers. Nothing will stop my darkness, my hatred, my bloodshed...

Second book coming soon....

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