Chapter 43 || Unhinged

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The snow was relentless. It flung down on the earth and stuck in clumps, piling across the base of ShadowClan's camp like a blanket. The sky was shrouded in pale gray clouds, a surge of blue sporting the horizon that hinted at rain to come.

⠀⠀Batchaser hadn't been able to sleep. The pain in his ear was horrid- flashes of sweats and chills wracked his body, making it nearly impossible to help with anything around camp. Batchaser had planned to head to ThunderClan with the patrol, but Cloudflame forced him to stay back. "It'll get worse before it gets better," she'd told him. Apparently that meant the infection would clear soon, but Batchaser didn't have high hopes.

⠀⠀Additionally, his mind was filled with thoughts of Jackalstar. Was she okay? Was she hurt? He would've tried to call out to her in a dream, but Batchaser was unable to sleep. Please tell me nothing has happened to her. His claws dug into the ground every time he had an image of Doestar ripping Jackalstar's throat out. That couldn't happen. He wouldn't let it.

⠀⠀Unless it already has.

⠀⠀Shaking his head, Batchaser thought back to the night before. The ShadowClan patrol had made it to ThunderClan and returned with the cats left behind- two queens, three kits, and one elder. Gorsebrush helped them settle into the elders' den and informed them of the plan.

⠀⠀The plan was Batchaser's, but he wasn't sure RiverClan and ShadowClan had enough to fight against ThunderClan and WindClan. I need to talk to Applestar. He'll know what to do. At least, Batchaser hoped. If not, he could plan with Pearlsnap, sometimes she was more relentless when it came to battle than her leader was.

⠀⠀Batchaser was looking forward to seeing Timberfall, Rushingpaw, and Beetlepaw though. So despite the unruly circumstances, he was excited to be able to see his friends. And hopefully we all live through this. Batchaser closed his eyes. Tonight he was going to meet with Thymeclaw on the border, and by tomorrow battle would most likely start. Will I even be able to fight? The thought had plagued him and Batchaser wasn't sure. His fever wasn't going away just yet and he wasn't sure he could face Doestar. Every time he closed his eyes he saw her eyes, saw the blood splattering across her muzzle. He couldn't let go of the image, it was constantly battling against his mind. Sometimes he forgot where he was, thought this was some dream and he was still in that clearing, laying injured and bleeding with Cypressfall dead on his side.

⠀⠀Batchaser wasn't sure how to tell Rushingpaw. Do I even tell him at all? He'd have to ask Gorsebrush, he was much more skilled in compassion than Batchaser was. He just didn't want to see the apprentice hurt, didn't want to see him cry. Batchaser was sure he'd cry, too.


⠀⠀The black tom's tail flicked and he quietly lifted his head, blinking through the shadows and spotting Cloudflame. The white she-cat moved into the medicine den and touched his shoulder. "Are you feeling better?" she asked.

⠀⠀Batchaser grunted, struggling to his paws, head swimming with the motion. Cloudflame pushed him back to the ground. "C'mon, let me up," he slurred.

⠀⠀The medicine cat frowned. "Maybe you should stay behind with Gorsebrush and the ThunderClan cats, I don't think it's safe for you to go."

⠀⠀Batchaser scowled. "Safe? It isn't safe anywhere. I'm going, you can't stop me." He shrugged her off and stumbled to his feet, clinging to the walls of the den to steady himself. "We have to stop Doestar."

⠀⠀"Batchaser..." Cloudflame's voice dropped. "Are you sure you're not doing this out of revenge? I still don't trust Thymeclaw..."

⠀⠀He turned to face her, malice in his eyes. "You don't know anything," Batchaser spat, tail flinging back and forth angrily. "Did you see your friend get killed? No, I don't think so."

⠀⠀"That's my point, you're not in the right frame of mind to be leading a battle," Cloudflame gently reminded him.

⠀⠀Batchaser hated the pity, it made his skin crawl. I don't deserve sympathy. He deserved sneers, hate-filled eyes, bared lips and claws. He'd killed his friend, why couldn't anyone see that? The hurt swarmed in the black tom's chest and he turned away from the medicine cat. "It doesn't matter, I'm fine, we need to stop Doestar and get Spiderstar back." He almost wished Cloudflame would go back to snapping at him. She didn't respond and he growled. "Don't you want to save your leader?"

⠀⠀"I do, but I just don't know if this is the way to go about it," Cloudflame murmured.

⠀⠀Batchaser laughed, but it was spiteful and bitter. "There's no other way. Why do you care so much anyway? Huh? Just blame me or something and get it over with!"

⠀⠀Cloudflame took a step back and shook her head. "Batchaser, you're becoming unhinged! What if you hurt yourself? What if another one of your friends gets hurt because of this?"

⠀⠀His chest constricted. He thought about Jackalstar, Rushingpaw, and Galewhisker. "They won't get hurt." His voice wobbled. "I won't let them. I'll die before that happens again!"

⠀⠀"Batchaser..." She stepped forward and touched his flank.

⠀⠀He flinched back as if he'd been burned. "Don't touch me!" he screamed. Cloudflame's eyes filled with sadness. "You hate me, don't you? You want me to die." He shook his head. "I knew it. You never even wanted me here!"

⠀⠀"StarClan, no!" she said, horrified. "I don't want you to die, I just want you to be okay!"

⠀⠀The guilt and shame was piling in his stomach. It felt like rocks were weighing him down, fire lapping in his chest. "Admit it! ShadowClan hates me, everyone does, I'm useless and all I do is kill everyone I'm close to. Admit it." His voice became more broken. "Admit it!"

⠀⠀Cloudflame stared at him, mouth opening and closing dumbly. "'re beyond help." She turned and exited the den without another word.

⠀⠀Emotion clawed in Batchaser's throat and he screamed, flinging his paws wildly without even thinking. A sob spluttered from his lips and he pressed his paws to his eyes, curling up in a ball and wishing to escape the truth he'd just heard. I'm beyond saving. Beyond love, beyond trust....she's right. I'm broken.

⠀⠀Still, the revelation hurt.

⠀⠀Batchaser shook his head desperately, willing the memories to go away, to fade behind his eyelids. But they never would. When he looked down, he saw blood pooling at his feet, staining his paws. Batchaser yelped and jerked back, caught off guard, vision flashing between reality and the past. A part of him didn't even know where he was — he could still feel the chill of the earth as the snow pelted down, wrapping its cold embrace around his body. And Cypressfall...

⠀⠀Another sob left his mouth. Emotion built up in the back of his throat and he nearly lost it right then and there. She was dead. Because of him. Batchaser wasn't sure he'd ever be able to forgive himself- wasn't sure he could continue living with the pain of his family, his friends, the knowledge that he was the reason for everything bad that happened.

⠀⠀It didn't end there, though. He'd not only killed Cypressfall, but pushed Doestar far enough that she ripped his ear off. Another cry at the memories; the blood rushing down his head, his heartbeat pounding in his ears. Batchaser's paws began to shake and he felt the walls of the den begin to enclose around him. Panic beat in his chest and he looked around wildly. "No, no, no," he said over and over again, claws digging into the soft ground underneath. Tears forced their way out of Batchaser's eyes and he wiped them away frantically, ear flicking back, but that almost made the pain worse.

⠀⠀Dear StarClan, he couldn't be in here anymore. Batchaser shook his head and made his way out of the den, staggering because of the harsh light of the world. Snow fell on his pelt and Batchaser froze, eyes widening at the touch. Once more he was whirled back into the nights before, and he saw Cypressfall, Doestar, Thymeclaw, Spiderstar, Bramblevine, Hivestripe....

⠀⠀"Oh, stars, no," he moaned brokenly, keeping to the edges of camp. He didn't see the stares- the concerned looks, the wide eyes, the exchange of glances between the ShadowClan cats. Even if he had, Batchaser wasn't sure he could find it in himself to care. He needed to get out of camp. He needed to- needed- needed to get away!

⠀⠀Something touched his shoulder and Batchaser held back the scream in his throat. He swiveled his head to Asterpaw, who stared at him with wide eyes. "Bat-Batchaser?" she stuttered. "Are you okay?"

⠀⠀If he wasn't so disoriented, Batchaser would've laughed. No. He was not okay. He was far from it. Despite his thoughts, the black tom nodded, trying to force a weak smile. "Fine. I'm fine."

⠀⠀Apparently others didn't think so, because Cloudflame approached him, bristling. "What in StarClan's name do you think you're doing? Get back in the den!"

⠀⠀If there was one thing Batchaser hated, it was being ordered around. Especially by Cloudflame. "No," he spat, teeth showing. "I'm going to RiverClan. You can't stop me!"

⠀⠀Her tail lashed. "I cannot permit that. If anything you'll mess things up further, you are in no state of mind to make decisions that will affect the entire Clan. Come on. I'll take you back."

⠀⠀Batchaser jerked away before he could be touched. Anger lapped in his belly. "Get away from me," he snarled, voice low. "You don't care about me. I know you blame me for Spiderstar. That's why I'm going to fix this."

⠀⠀Cloudflame narrowed her eyes. "I don't blame you for anything. This pity party of yours is really getting on my nerves." Her voice dropped into a hiss. "And everyone is watching!"

⠀⠀It was true. Batchaser looked around camp to see cats gathered around, trying to get an idea of what all he commotion was about. But if anyone knew Batchaser, they'd know he didn't care if the attention was on him or not. "Oh, like I care," he spat. "They can think whatever they want, but at the end of the day, I'm the one that came from StarClan. Who do you think they'll listen to?"

⠀⠀Cloudflame looked hurt. "Don't do this, Batchaser. You don't even know what you're saying."

⠀⠀He scowled. "No, I know exactly what I'm saying. I'm going to RiverClan. I'd suggest everyone follow me if you want any chance of defeating Doestar."


⠀⠀"What? They deserve to know." The black tom shouldered past Asterpaw and Cloudflame, blue gaze sweeping around the ShadowClan cats. "If you didn't already know, Doestar has already taken WindClan over. She's hitting RiverClan next. It'll be our last chance to stop her before she creates her LakeClan. So if you've given up and are content with dying, then stay here. But if you come with me, we have a chance at saving the Clans and saving StarClan."

⠀⠀"Saving- StarClan?" a cat stuttered out from the crowd.

⠀⠀Batchaser nodded. "Yes. If Doestar takes over the Clans, StarClan will be lost forever." He wasn't sure what would happen to him if such a thing occurred, but he could worry later.

⠀⠀He was met with silence for a moment. Clanmates began looking around at each other, clearly hesitating. Then, Gorsebrush stepped forward, dipping his head. "I'll come."

⠀⠀And then Fireshine followed, nodding. "I'll do anything in my power to save StarClan."

⠀⠀Foxshade sighed and took his place beside her. "I guess I will, even if I have to smell like fish while doing it."

⠀⠀A ripple of laughter echoed around the gathered cats. And before Batchaser knew it, several cats were joining him, eyes bright. His ear flicked back and he instinctively curled in on himself. He wasn't sure why they trusted him, or why they were so selfless, but he almost wondered what that was like. To follow someone- and not have to do it all yourself.

⠀⠀Cloudflame shook her head in disappointment. "You don't even realize you're leading all of them to their deaths."

⠀⠀Batchaser waved a paw. "Better than sitting around and letting Doestar take the Clans over without giving up a fight."

⠀⠀She glared at him. "You will regret this one day, Batchaser."

⠀⠀"I somehow doubt that."

⠀⠀Cloudflame flicked her tail angrily and turned away. "I'm staying here."

⠀⠀Batchaser narrowed his eyes. "Now who's the one leading their Clanmates to death?"

⠀⠀She whirled around and bared her teeth. "I'm staying here with the ones who can't fight! I do not intend to die anytime soon, Batchaser. RiverClan has two medicine cats, and I imagine that WindClan cats will assist the ranks that need filling. You may be giving up, but I am not."

⠀⠀"Giving up?" he snarled back, emotion welling in his throat. "I'm not the one giving up! I'm going to fight for the Clans' freedom- to save StarClan. Unlike you, I'm not staying behind, tucking my tail between my legs."

⠀⠀She scowled. "I think you're too obsessed with saving StarClan, Batchaser." Cloudflame tightened her muscles and turned. "I wish you luck. Goodbye," she said curtly.

⠀⠀Batchaser ground his teeth together and looked over at Fireshine, motioning her over. The she-cat's tufted ears pricked and she made her way to him. Foxshade eyed them suspiciously from the corner. "I'm going to go ahead," Batchaser said. "Will you and Gorsebrush lead the others to RiverClan?"

⠀⠀Fireshine dipped her head. "Of course, Batchaser." She whirled on her paws and made her way to the middle of camp. "We are leaving soon! All cats who want to fight must come with me."

⠀⠀Realizing everything was under control, Batchaser let out a breath and walked out of camp. His claws dug into the ground and he flung himself into the foliage, brush prickling his black pelt as he walked. Anger bubbled in his chest, threatening to spill, eyes sparking with fire. Who was Cloudflame to judge him? At least he was trying, right?

⠀⠀The tom sighed and continued walking. He was at least looking forward to seeing his old friends again. Especially Jackalstar...he almost smiled, then it flickered away. What would she think of the way he looked now? Would she be disgusted? Disappointed, like Cloudflame? Would she pity him? Perhaps she'd even think he was weak. Thoughts like those swirled in his head, angrily hissing and battling.

⠀⠀However, everything dissolved away when he saw a shape slink through the shadows. Batchaser's eyes widened and his heartbeat slid irregularly in his chest. The tom dropped his body low, thanking the pines and darkness for shielding him from view, only his blue eyes visible against the territory. The cat luckily wasn't anyone he feared right now- not Doestar or Hivestripe. They were smaller in size, probably apprentice or young warrior age.... Bumbletongue? Suspicion arose, why would he be here? Was he spying?

⠀⠀Suddenly enraged, Batchaser leapt forward and slammed his paws into the cat's shoulders. A yelp reached his ears but he wasn't listening- all Batchaser could hear was his thundering heart, adrenaline pulsing through his veins. The black tom rolled on top of the cat and managed to pin them to the ground, panting, raising his paw-

⠀⠀Sunpaw stared back, terrified.

⠀⠀Batchaser's chest heaved with each labored breath. His eyes widened slowly and he quickly scampered off of the golden she-cat. "Wh-what are you doing here?"

⠀⠀The she-cat was silent as she stood, observing him carefully.

⠀⠀Oh. Batchaser turned his head to the side, shielding his missing ear from view. "Yes...." Shame filled his throat and ran his mouth dry. What could he say? How could he ever explain what had happened?

⠀⠀Sunpaw's gaze snapped from his ear to his face. "I'm here running an errand for my father."

⠀⠀Relieved by the subject change but worried by her tone, Batchaser frowned. "That doesn't sound good... What's going on?"

⠀⠀"Not good things." Sunpaw's white ears pinned to her head. "But he can't meet with you tonight- Doestar is keeping a close eye on him."

⠀⠀His eyes widened. "Is she suspicious?"

⠀⠀Sunpaw shuffled her paws uncertainly. "I...don't know. But it's not just Thymeclaw. She's watching everyone like a hawk today. I guess she really doesn't want to risk anything."

⠀⠀Batchaser made a face. "Not you, though?"

⠀⠀She huffed. "Nah, I stayed back in WindClan. She's near the barn with her supporters making plans. I managed to get away when my father distracted Hivestripe. I had to see you."

⠀⠀Batchaser nodded, listening.

⠀⠀Sunpaw breathed. "Doestar is attacking RiverClan at dawn. They're planning to flank the camp from all sides then attack, pinning everyone inside. She is not going to be merciful to Applestar."

⠀⠀The black tom's eyes widened. Wait, Shellstar had explained his great nephew was WindClan's leader. Batchaser couldn't remember the name, though. "What about WindClan's leader? Where is he?"

⠀⠀Sunpaw was quiet, clearly hesitating. "Dead," she finally mumbled.

⠀⠀Dead? Dear StarClan, there was no way for WindClan to succeed if their leader was gone. "Stars.... what about the deputy?"

⠀⠀"Imprisoned, with Spiderstar."

⠀⠀So Spiderstar's alive. Batchaser allowed his shoulders to smooth. "What is she planning to do with them?"

⠀⠀"I don't know, but Thymeclaw says she wants to make an example of them. I don't know what that means, though..."

⠀⠀"Kill?" he stuttered out in shock.

⠀⠀Sunpaw's eyes widened. "Is that what she means? She's going to kill them? But why- why hasn't she just done it already?"

⠀⠀"If she's going to make an example of them, it'll be in front of the Clans...."

⠀⠀Sunpaw stared at him, wide-eyed.

⠀⠀Batchaser snapped himself out of his thoughts, mind becoming less foggy. This helped- talking, planning, problem solving. Helped him get away from those thoughts, away from Cypressfall and Lynxbite and Cloudflame. He really was going to be fine. As long as he continued prevailing through this war, Batchaser was going to be okay. "Okay, so I can't meet Thymeclaw tonight," he mostly muttered under his breath, but he had Sunpaw, that's all that mattered. The black tom flicked his tail and turned back to the apprentice. "We'll be ready by then."

⠀⠀Sunpaw nodded, swallowing painfully. "Um. Do you-" Her ears pinned back to her head. "Do you think we'll win?"

⠀⠀Batchaser stared at her for a moment, gaze wavering. His mouth was dry. "I truly hope so."

⠀⠀Silence spread between both cats as they lost themselves in thought. Batchaser couldn't stop thinking about Doestar- her fangs, her eyes, the way Spiderstar's limp body had fallen after her death. He shivered internally, heart beating in his ear, and looked at Sunpaw. The apprentice's gaze wavered back and forth, tail-tip twitching with clear worry.

⠀⠀Batchaser frowned, and something foreign inside him urged him to comfort Sunpaw. It was so... odd. He'd never felt that way before, especially not to cats from other Clans, but this was different. Every single cat Batchaser knew had a chance of dying at dawn, and he realized how much he'd changed from the snarky, hot-tempered StarClan tom.

⠀⠀So, listening to his instincts, Batchaser stepped forward and gently rested his paw on Sunpaw's shoulder. Her green gaze swiveled to him, shocked, but she otherwise stayed silent, trying to decipher his message. Batchaser offered a small smile and turned his head away toward the direction of RiverClan's territory. "We'll get through this," he promised.

⠀⠀Sunpaw swallowed, still staring at him. "What happened to-?" She cut herself off from the dreaded question when Batchaser visibly tensed, blue eyes widened with apprehension. Her ears pricked and she ducked her head, looking around the area. "Wh-what is it?"

⠀⠀Batchaser looked at her, blinking. "You can't hear that?"

⠀⠀"What? Hear what?"

⠀⠀"It's..." He shook his head. How could Batchaser, the cat with one ear, hear that? "A- a battle! It's a battle, Sunpaw, can't you hear? The screeching? The war cries?"

⠀⠀She shook her head desperately, stumbling back on pale golden paws. "No! I can't hear anything, Batchaser!"

⠀⠀A sudden, horrible headache started at his temple, spreading to his entire head in a matter of seconds. He groaned, stumbling slightly, not realizing Sunpaw had caught his shoulders. Her questions didn't register to him; all Batchaser saw was a raging war, cats interlocked in battle, lips pulled back and claws unsheathed. The sounds echoed around him, filling his head like sand, flashes of blood and death pounding at the base of his skull.

⠀⠀"Batchaser! What's going on?!"

⠀⠀When he opened his eyes again, he was staring at Sunpaw, shivering. As snow pelted around them, sky washed with gray clouds, visions of Doestar's battle won, Batchaser could only muster a weak, horrified whisper: "It's happening now."

A/N: It's been two months, and for that I am dearly sorry. I really have no excuse other than re-planning the entire ending of this story (for the third time, might I add). I know this book hasn't been perfect, but I want to tie up as many loose ends by the end as possible and make it enjoyable for all of you!

So, what do you think? Little cliffhanger there! Hehe! Big things are coming, guys, so just wait.

I also urge you to check out another story I've been working on, Washed in Black. It's filling in the space for a roleplay I'm currently participating in, and I only have a few more chapters before I complete it! Anyway, just wanted to recommend it, I update it a little more frequently than Bound to Stars.

Thanks so much for all of your endless support. It means the world! Mwah!

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