Chapter Four

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Soot opened his eyes to a starry field with red, orange, and yellow flowers dotting the green grass. In the middle of the meadow sat a sleek black cat. Confused, Soot padded over to her. She had her back turned to him, but now they were facing each other. Shock came over him and he gasped. "Mama! I-I mean Sarah." The she-cat pressed her muzzle against her son's and gave a chuckle.

"Oh my dear kit. I am so sorry I had to leave you, but I am in a good place now."

Soot begin to cry. He never knew his mother, she died while kitting, and in the few days of his life, he had never thought about her. But now, in this starry filled place of the dead, he longed to feel her warmth again. He took another look at his mother. Her black fur, the exact same as his own, was speckled with sparkly stars, even her eyes shone with life. She began walking, heading towards a small creek, where Soot could see large gray fish swimming swiftly. His mother struck her paw in, and, with her claws struck a fish and brought it up out of the water. She then used a killing bite to the spine and started snacking. She looked up momentarily, but Soot waited patiently for her to finish. He didn't think he could eat a star covered fish. Is this food only edible for the cats that have passed on? Soot really didn't know, but it wasn't his concern. At least his mother was safe.

On the other side of the water, a white cat lay bathing in the bright sun. She rose to her paws and swam across to join the two black cats and a sweet smell wafted with her. Her eyes were a beautiful light blue, and, like his mother, was covered in stars. She smiled at him.

"How is your visit to Starclan Soot?"

Soot was surprised. How did she know my name? Instead of voicing this thought, he answered her questions directly. "This place is truly amazing." Then, being a kit, asked the obvious question.

"Are you dead too?" He blinked up at the pretty she-cat, not knowing if she would answer or not.

She sighed softly, and settled down on the bank. "I am. I died fighting for my clan, like a true warrior." Her chest swelled with pride. Soot didn't understand. How can you be proud about being dead?

Soot had become acquainted with Whitefur, the Starclan cat he had met and had gotten to know his mother. She said it was time to wake up, but he didn't know he was dreaming. As darkness began to wash over him, she whispered in his ear only a sentence. Bit that sentence made his blood run cold.

'You will have to wade through blood to win this war.'

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