Chapter Seven

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     Soot's pelt pricked with anticipation as cats unknown to him raced past him and his comrades. Without waiting for Snowpaw or Berryheart, he sped after the strangers. He had to get back to camp before they did. They were invaders. Maybe they are trying to kill all of MoonClan! He tried to nudge the thoughts from his conscious, but it wasn't working very well. His heart thumped in his chest and he heard pawsteps sound from behind him. He turned his head and saw Snowpaw directly behind him with Berryheart just after her. He quickened his pace, taking another route he remembered from earlier to try and get ahead of the newcomers, but his tiny legs could only get him so far. Snowpaw was catching up to him, and she took the lead. He was grateful for it because he was starting to get lost and she must've known the fastest way back to camp. Berryheart stayed behind, making sure they maintained undetected.

     His paws started to ache, but he forced himself to carry on. He could still hear paw steps from the invaders, but they were trailing behind now. The shrubby entrance to camp was coming into his line of sight and he plunged into the clearing. Snowpaw and Berryheart came behind his tail. He brought up his courage and yelled as loud as he could.

     "Attack! The camp is being attacked!"

     Warriors began to pour from their nests, and just in time too. Outsiders began to stream into camp, claws unsheathed and gfrowls rising from their throats. MoonClan matched them claw for claw, in a battle line. The invaders stood shoulder to shoulder, with a gray cat in the lead. He looked familiar, then it hit him; it was Klaus! His father had come for him! Clawstar approached him with his head held high.

     "What is the meaning of this?!"

     Klaus growled at him, but his claws remained sheathed. "I am here to take back what is mine: my son."

     Soot was right. His chest swelled with pride. His father did love him! But why did it take so long for him to find him? He dismissed the thought as his father continued.

     "If you won't give him to me, I'll just have to take him by force!" He then proceeded to lunge at the MoonClan leader. His claws raked his shoulders, which was the signal for his comrades to begin the raid. MoonClan played defense in the fight, trying to drive them back into the forest. Soot decided to join the fight and took on a tortoiseshell who was much larger than himself. Her claws sliced his hind leg, and she landed a paw on his shoulder. He tried to match her blow for blow, but he never had any training.

     "Go back to the nursery where you belong! You puny kit!" The cat scowled at him.

     Soot growled and raked his claws against her flank. Blood swelled from the wound, but she took no notice. She merely shook off the pain and tried bowling Soot off his paws. He tried to keep his balance, but it was proving difficult. His whole body ached and his wounds trobbed with pain.

     Then someone joined him against the she-cat. It was Snowpaw! She dodged the Tortoiseshell's blows, while managing to get some damage done. The intruder finally backed off, by not before shoving Soot and making him slide in the dirt. He coughed up some of the mud that got in his mouth, and stood up shaking. His body was hurt.

     Snowpaw padded over to him and began licking his wounds, but he shoved her off. The battle wasn't over yet! Only a few stragglers remained from the offensive side, and they were diminishing quickly. He spotted his father still hassling with Clawstar and ran over to help. He faced Klaus and dug his teeth into his ears and he yelped in pain. He quickly retreated and sat down on his haunches. His breathing was heavy and his wounds bled steadily, but still he looked happy.

     He pressed his muzzle lovingly against his son's. "Soot! I'm so glad I found you! Come on, let's leave,"

     Soot pulled away. "You didn't have to start a fight! You could've just asked for me!" There was a sad look in his eyes, but it disappeared in a flash, only to be replaced by anger.

     "I had to get you back! They took you from me!"

     Soot shook his head. "I was on my way back to you. They were taking me home!" Soot felt tears form in his eyes, but he pushed them away and forced himself to be strong. His father growled at him and cuffed him over the ear.

     "How 'bout we put this all behind us and go home?" His voice was softer now.

     Soot took a deep breath and puffed out his chest. "No," he stated. "This is my home now."

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