Chapter Sixteen

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Sootpaw woke before dawn. His litter mates were still snoring soundly in their nests. Only Flashpaw was missing. He probably went to see Birchpaw. He thought Flashpaw had gotten over her. He was really tired looking now, as if he hasn't slept in days, and he probably hasn't. Sootpaw was worried for his brother, but he wouldn't put his voice to his thoughts.

He crept out of the crowded apprentices den and looked up at the sky. A pale blue was chasinbg out the black. Maybe he could join the dawn patrol? He found Splashfoot near the fallen log and skipped over to him.

"Hey Splashfoot! Could I join the dawn patrol today?"

The white and ginger she-cat flicked one of her ears and paused her nap. She smiled up at the young apprentice.

"Of course you can Sootpaw. They will be heading out in a moment. Snowpelt will be leading the patrol and she is taking Pepperclaw and Mistytail. You should let her know you're tagging along."

Sootpaw nodded anxiously and ran over to the warriors den. He poked his head inside and saw Snowpelt grooming her white fur with long smooth strokes of her tongue. She didn't take notice of the black cat.

"Psst. Hey Snowpelt! I'm going to be joining your patrol."

The white warrior nodded once and returned to her grooming. Her mate Cheetahclaw was snoring softly in the nest next to her and didn't stir when Snowpelt left. She gathered her patrol at the entrance and they were off. They started towards the river and saw Rainclaw basking at warmrocks. He was dozed off in the early sunlight. Was he there all night?

The gray tabby twitched in his sleep, and growled at something in his dreams. Sootpaw noticed the graying fur around his already patchy muzzle. He would be retiring to the elders den soon. He imagined his mentor telling tales to Featherfoot's kits. Featherfoot's belly was so swollen it dragged in the dirt, making her white belly fur tainted with dust. Her kits were due any day now. Sootpaw thought of tiny bundles asking him to show them battle moves and looking up at him in admiration. He couldn't wait for a new set of paws.

Before he knew it, the patrol had walked around the whole territory and were back at camp. His legs ached from walking for so long, but he couldn't help but bundle towards the freshkill pile where Pebblepaw was eating a mouse. He settled down next to the light gray tabby and took a bite of the plump mouse. Pebblepaw licked his lips and looked at Sootpaw.

"Hey Sootpaw? I wanted to thank you for what you did at the gathering. I didn't mean to take all the credit, but the other apprentices were looking at me like a piece of fox dung."

Sootpaw nodded slowly and they both finished the mouse in silence. Maybe Pebblepaw wasn't as snobby as he originally thought. Clawstar was up on the high ledge again and called a clan meeting. Turning to Pebblepaw, Sootpaw twisted his face in confusion.

"What's going on? Is there something important happening?"

Pebblepaw shrugged and the two toms turned their attention to the gray tabby.

"I, Clawstar, leader of MoonClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these three apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I comend them to you as warriors in their turn."

Snowpaw, Steampaw and Nightpaw were sitting with their heads held high.

"Snowpaw, Steampaw, Nightpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect your clan above all else?"

All three apprentice's voices rang out am on the silence.

"I do."

The leader continued with a loud bellowing voice.

"Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your warrior names.Snowpaw, StarClan honors your courage and bravery and welcomes you as a full warrior of MoonClan. Your new name is Snowflight. Steampaw, your honored by your enthusiasm and welcomes you as Steamclaw. Nightpaw, StarClan honors you quick thinking and welcoms you into StarClan's paws as Nightwatcher."

The clan broke out into yowls of congratulations. "Snowflight! Steamclaw! Nightwatcher!"

Their father, Zebrahstripe yowled the loudest and you could see the pride in his mew.

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