Chapter Twelve

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     Today, Sootkit and his litter mates are six moons old. Clawstar would be making them apprentices any day now. Flashkit was ignoring Sootkit, and Willowkit was still looking at Pebblepaw. Sootkit wondered who his mentor would be. Maybe Mistytail? Or Splashfoot? Or maybe even Clawstar! They would be great mentors. Sootkit was awakened from his daydream by Clawstar calling a clan meeting. This is finally it!

     He hopped up from the fallen log, startling Willowkit. Once she realized what was going on, she too got to her paws. Flashkit and Willowkit sat slightly in front of Sootkit, with Mistytail, Cheetahclaw, Tigerlily, Darkear, and Birchfeather surrounding them. Maybe one of these cats will be my mentor!

     Sootkit didn't dislike the idea of having Birchfeather, the closest warrior, as a mentor. It was just that he had the same name as Birchpaw, Flashkit's secret love. He was still sneaking out to see her in the middle of the night.

     Clawstar started the ceremony.

     "Kits, you have reached the age of six moons and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior names, you will be known as Sootpaw, Flashpaw and Willowpaw. Willowpaw, your mentor will be Tigerlily. Flashpaw, your mentor will be Birchfeather. And Sootpaw, your mentor shall be Rainclaw. I hope they will teach you all everything they know."

     Rainclaw? That old grump? The only thing that old furball does is complain! Sootpaw was outraged! But still he touched noses with his mentor when his litter mates did the same. Flashpaw and his brown colored mentor went straight out of the camp. Willowpaw and Tigerlily asked if Sootpaw and Rainclaw wanted to battle practice with them, but Rainclaw declined. He then turned to Sootpaw and said in all seriousness,

      "How about you clear out the elders nests? I think they've got fleas."

     Sootpaw was fuming. "What? My first apprentice task is cleaning out the elders den? That is so not fair!"

     Rainclaw closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Patience my child. I will teach you how to hunt tomorrow. If you finish your duties today, I may even give you a tour of theterritory.==============

     Copperpelt and Nutwhisker thanked the new apprentice as he was leaving. Copperpelt had the most fleas, he could still taste them in his mouth. Looking up, he saw there was still some light there. Great! I get to see the territory! He padded over to where Rainclaw was sun bathing and nudged him hard with a paw. "Come on Rainclaw. You said you would show me the territory!"

     The tom signed and got to his paws grumbling. "Alright alright! We'll start from camp and go to the sycamore sap, then the training log and finally circle around the ravine and back to camp. That sound alright to you?"

     Sootpaw nodded eagerly and pelted past the biahy entrance and into the forest. He knew where the sycamore sap was, and making sure his mentor was close on his tail, sped off in that direction. He made it there a heartbeat before Rainclaw. His mentor was panting hard.

     "You knew where to go. Have you been here before?"

     Sootpaw thought back to that night. Then shook his head. Rainclaw narrowed his eyes, but said nothing more. Sootpaw followed his mentor to the training log, where Willowpaw and Tigerlily were batting at each other. They payed no attention to Sootpaw. Sootpaw could hear the rushing water of the ravine and raced towards the sound, he got closer and  closer. Then Rainclaw yowled out for him.

     "Sootpaw! Stop or youll run into-" he didn't get to finish his sentence because Sootpaw ran straight into the river. Rainclaw dived I'm behind him and pulled him out by the scruff.

     "Don't you know MoonClan cats don't swim?" Sootpaw thought about how Rainclaw could swim, bit then focused on how cold he was. He groomed his fr before heading back to camp. Half way there he turned to his mentor.

     "If MoonClan cats can't swim how can you?"

     Rainclaw sighed. He seemed to be doing a lot of that lately. "Don't you know why Clawstar asked me to be your mentor? I was like you once."

     Sootpaw nodded. "You mean a loner,"

     Rainclaw nodded once and continued his trek back home. The sun had long since set when they made it back to camp. Falling into the river was a delay in their trip. Sootpaw headed for the apprentices den, and upon entering saw one empty nest. Right next to Snowpaw.

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