Chapter Twenty-Five

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     Sootpaw and Thorn made it to the border of ClawClan and NightClan at nightfall. Thorn had spotted a large cave in a hill just at the scent marker and the two toms huddled together for warmth. Leaf-fall was coming and the weather would be cold and food scarce. It was warmer at the beach, and prey was plentiful, but Sootpaw would rather go home to his clan than be well fed. No cat should have an easy life, like a kittypet.

     Sootpaw was pulled into a dreamless sleep and woke before dawn. Thorn was still snoring, and Sootpaw nudged him awake with a paw. He woke with a start, as if disturbed from a dream. Then he seemed to realize where he was and got up to stretch. Sootpaw waited impatiently for him to be ready to set off again. A ClawClan patrol would be coming to freshen the scent marker soon and Sootpaw didn't want to run into any hostile cats.

     They made it out before they could meet a patrol and Sootpaw thanked StarClan for that. Now they would just need to run across the small part of NightClan territory, which was treeless, and they would be in the clear. Sootpaw's belly rumbled, reminding him of his growing hunger. He ran towards the river and sat down heavily. Thorn landed with a thump next to him and he kept watch while Sootpaw hunted. He managed to catch three minnows, enough for the two of them. They downed their prey and continued their journey.

     It was sunhigh before Sootpaw saw the start of MoonClan territory, and he bounded excitedly for the last few fox lengths. Thorn was behind him, keeping an eye on the apprentice's leg. Sootpaw felt the pain that came in waves every time he put pressure on his foot, but he had to get home. He landed lightly on the first stepping stone, then the next, with Thorn following just behind. Sootpaw landed with a wince of the bank of the river. He breathed a deep breath of air and relished in the familiar scent.

     A twig snapping behind him made him whip around. He faced a black and white tom with sturdy shoulders and glowing eyes.

     "What are you—Sootpaw?"

     Flashpaw's eyes widened in surprise, and he smiled a big goofy smile. He hopped on his hind legs and leaped onto his brothers back, making him roll over. His hind legs scrabbled at the edge of the river, and he shoved Flashpaw off.

     "Thorn, this is my brother Flashpaw. Flashpaw, this is Thorn. A friend."

     Flashpaw dismissed Thorn's greeting, and pelted full speed toward camp. Sootpaw tried to follow, but he limped awkwardly on his hurt leg. Thorn stayed wit him to make sure he stayed up, but Flashpaw had raced away. He was probably going to warn the others about his return.

     When Sootpaw strolled through the entrance, his clanmates surrounded him with purrs and meows of greetings. Sootpaw pushed his way through the crowd and pushed on to the nursery. He looked through the entrance and saw Featherfoot grooming herself. Her belly was so swollen, it looked like she had eaten kits instead of becoming pregnant. She purred a greeting at the apprentice and he sighed a sigh of relief. She was safe and so were her unborn kits. For now.

     He backed out the way he had come in and saw his clanmates staring at Thorn with a suspicious gleam in their eyes. Clawstar was among them.

     He walked over to his clan leader and whispered in his ear.

     "Thorn helped me get back home. He wishes to stay. Will you let him?"

     Clawstar said nothing, but recognition flashed in his eyes. Sootpaw backed away and was about to tell Thorn he should leave when a yowl of pain broke out in the clearing. Sootpaw knew it had come from the nursery, and Greeneyes and Oatwhisker ran hurriedly towards the den. The crying died down and the clan dissapated from the clearing, leaving Thorn, Sootpaw and Clawstar alone. Thorn had his head bowed, and Clawstar was examining him.

     "Do you know how to hunt? In a forest I mean."

     Thorn smiled slyly.

     "I specialize in crabs, but yes, I can hunt am on a forest. I would obey the warrior code if you let me stay! I'll do anything! Please don't make me go back..."

     Clawstar looked from Sootpaw to Thorn and sighed.

     "I have let so many cats into my clan this season, the camp will be full before long... But I guess we could find some room. You will have to gain an apprentice name and have a proper mentor tough. And leafbare will be hard and you may go hungry."

     It sounded as tough he was trying to drive Thorn away by making clan life seem so bad. He hoped Thorn would stand his ground and not back out. As he hoped, Thorn complied to the statement and bowed his head eagerly.


     "Let all cats old enough to yowl gather beneath the high ledge for a clan meeting."

     Most of the clan had gathered in the clearing already, but some warriors and the elders, Nutwhisker and Copperpelt padded slowly out of their den and sat in the back of the herd.

     "Along with the return of one of our apprentices," Clawstar's gaze landed on Sootpaw before he continued. "He has brought home a potential warrior. Thorn, from now on, until you earn your warrior name, you shall be called Thornpaw. Your mentor will be Darkfur."

     After the ceremony, Sootpaw walked over to the nursery and peeked inside. Featherfoot and her four healthy kits: Pebblekit, Stormkit, Hazekit and Mintkit. He smiled warmly at the she-cat and her kits, and memories of her dead kittens flashed through his mind. He blinked them away and reminded himself of how happy they looked.

               To Be Continued...

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