Type of music, pop and elements

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What is you favourite genre of music?

Country - Toad

Hip hop - Breeze

Rock - Eagle

Pop - Splash

Jazz - Tiger

Heavy Metal - Grey

Orchestral - Willow

Big band - Golden

Classical - Oak

Synth - Sun

Rap - Stone

Other - Swift

Favourite kind of pop?

Fanta - brook

Coke - flight

Pepsi - fall

Crush - spring

Mountain Dew -

Root beer - cloud

Dr Pepper - shade

Ginger ale - stream

Perrier - pool

Sprite - song

Other - wing

Choose your favourite natural element (eye colour is specifics)

Water - mottled dark grey tabby with black stripes
Pond - green
Ocean - blue
Swimming pool - hazel
Creek - yellow
River - amber

Earth - dark brown with cream chest fur and paws
Rainforest - green
Meadow - blue
Mountains - hazel
Desert - yellow
Corn field - amber

Fire - bright ginger with white muzzle and paws
Forest fire - green
Cooking fire - blue
Campfire - hazel
The sun - yellow
Bonfire - amber

Air - white with pale grey patches
Cold, blasting wind - green
Humid/ocean spray - blue
Mild breeze - hazel
Warm wind - yellow
No wind - amber

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