Fanart 11.0

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This page features fanart from fans and participants of this RP. If you wish for your art to be featured here, PM or contact me!  :3

A big 'thanks' to the people who's art I am featuring below.

The above headshot is by Fruit_Spice, and they drew their OC, Tigerwind of BrambleClan. I really like this. :P

This is also by Fruit_Spice, and the headshot is of Thrush, a rogue and former member of BrightClan.

The scene above by The_Possessed_Pencil is from when Cloudheart of PineClan ran away. :0 Poor Cloudheart. I like her ears. :P

This art is by NeonKittyPoptart, and they drew a reference sheet for Berryblaze and Fernheart of PineClan's kits, whose names you can read on the paper. I especially like how Blazekit and Furzekit look for some reason. :0 Maybe it's Blazekit's expression and Furze's cheek fur and ears...

This is also by NeonKittyPoptart, and the cat surrounded by butterflies is Sagekit of PineClan, since NeonKittyPoptart is thinking about making a book about Sagekit called 'The Butterfly Effect' which I still think is a beautiful name. Why do I love this little guy so much? Maybe I'll have Redwillow of PineClan randomly hug him...

This cat is by Fruit_Spice, and he is what they think Icekit of PineClan will grow up to be: Icefang, an evil warrior. The detail on his claws is awesome! I also like the scenery.

The above art is by NeonKittyPoptart, and the walking cat is Minxpaw of StarClan and previously PineClan. Poor Minxpaw. :0 She was killed.

This is a cute kit ship that's been rolling around PineClan- SageEmber. The cat on the left is Sagekit of PineClan, and on the right is Emberkit, Sage's Clanmate. <3 So cute! This nice art is by NeonKittyPoptart.

The cat above is Berryblaze of PineClan, and was drawn by NeonKittyPoptart. x3 I love his ears. And his tail is so floofy!

The cats you can see here are by Fruit_Spice, and they drew a kind of character slideshow of all of their characters on this RP. From left to right, they are Thrush the rogue, Hawkfire of StarClan, the future Icefang of PineClan, Whitestar of PineClan, Tigerwind of BrambleClan, under her is Amberkit of BrambleClan, and then Ravenfire of BrightClan. :P I aught to do something like this...

This scene is by NeonKittyPoptart, and the cats pictured are Sagekit (left) and Emberkit (right) of PineClan. :3 I see what you did there with the butterfly.

The cats shown above are Sagekit of PineClan (middle) and his new friends in PineClan, Blossomkit (top left), Leafkit (bottom left), Mosskit (top left), and Mosskit (top right). And there's a butterfly!  :P This is by NeonKittyPoptart. Yay!

The above headshot is by NeonKittyPoptart, and it features Raccoonleaf of StarClan (and previously BrambleClan). I like his raccoon mask. :D

This is by Chamops, and they drew a scene from when Minnowshine of BrightClan (left) found out from Tigerwind of BrambleClan (right) that her BrambleClan mate, Brokensong, had been killed a few moons back. I feel bad for her. :0 She's currently carrying Brokensong's kits.

The above headshot is by NeonKittyPoptart, and they drew Chervilflight of BrambleClan, and previously PineClan. He has bad seizures and gets pretty sick.

This is Jasminefur of BrambleClan! :3 She looks as happy as I do when I eat pizza...who's with me? xD I like her ear fluff. It's so floofy! This is by NeonKittyPoptart.

Ship art! The above drawing is by AdventureClan, and they drew fanart of a great ship going on in BrightClan- Skyfire. The drawing shows Featherstar of BrightClan (left) and his Clanmate, Skyfire (right). I can tell how hard you worked on this! :P

Haha, this must prove that Oakwhisker of BrightClan is the snazziest elder ever! I love his position. This art is by NeonKittyPoptart. This guy's going to win the elder awards one day...if elder awards existed...

This is by Fruit_Spice, and they made art of Bramblefang of BrambleClan. I like how you made their tail!

The above art is by NeonKittyPoptart, and they drew some more Sagekit art. On the top left is Sagekit (left) and Dewkit (right) of PineClan, the top right has Sagekit (left) being attacked by Dewkit (right) and Icekit (not pictured). Also, Sagekit is in the center. Someone send this little guy some love!

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