Fanart 37.0

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Oh my goodness, more art! :3 The phantasmagorical fanart below was made for and about this roleplay. If you've made art for these pages and you want it to be put here, just post the picture(s) on a chapter of one of your stories and tell me!

I recommend speaking to me directly about this, perhaps by PM, since tags typically don't work for me. Anyway...thank you so much to all of the amazing people who did the art below! (They're super awesome.)

The cat above was drawn by Gray242inside, and she is Graymist of rogueness, and formerly PineClan. She ran away to be free and do as she pleased, though she still yearns for someone to help her to not be so lonely. She looks so pretty! The colors all work off each other well.

NeonKittyPoptart drew the ship art above, and it is of Sageflutter (left) and Marigoldheart (right) of PineClan. <3 They are so cute! Sageflutter was injured in a run-in with a farmer a few moons ago, and he and Marigoldheart, one of PineClan's medicine cats, grew close while he was in her care. They are so cute!

The cat above was also made by NeonKittyPoptart, and it shows Sageflutter of PineClan. His design looks so great! Argh he's just so adorable and fluffy. The anatomy is pawesome too. I hope that things go alright with this guy.

The above scene was drawn by Fruit_Spice, and it shows Spotpuddle (right) of PineClan and his mate Grayfeather to his left, and his adoptive kits (Grayfeather's kits). From left to right, they are Honeypaw, Copperpaw, Skypaw, Hollypaw, and Emberpaw. They are cute. x3 It's funny how Copperpaw's sticking out his tongue.

The above aesthetics were made by santiagohowlster, and they are about Sageflutter of PineClan. This is so cool and pretty! It was a really unique idea to make something like this. (Not to mention that I'm in love with these pictures and the little butterfly.)

The aesthetic above was also made by santiagohowlster, and this one is about the cat Sageflutter loves, Marigoldheart of PineClan! Awww, this is so cute!

The headshot above was drawn by PokemonFan333, and it shows their OC, Thornpaw of BrambleClan. I like how you drew her fur and eyes- the anatomy is good too.

The above cats were drawn by NeonKittyPoptart. :3 Sageflutter of PineClan is on the top left chasing his butterfly, and above him is his deceased mother, Mapleheart, previously of BrambleClan, watching from StarClan. Frogpaw of BrambleClan is shown below Sageflutter's front paw, and to Frogpaw's right is Berryblaze of PineClan mourning his mate Fernheart, who unfortunately died a little while back. Above Fernheart is a happy Sparkfall of StarClan, and previously BrightClan, and to her right is Ivorypaw of BrambleClan, who killed his own parents. Above Ivorypaw is Mossypath of PineClan, and below him is Milknose of PineClan.

It's crazy how all of these cats have their own unique stories to tell. (Well, I guess that's a factor that comes with roleplaying x3)

The character shot above was drawn by Wolfy202123, and it shows Emberfur of BrambleClan. .3. Emberfur started out as a flirt of sorts, and became a better cat when he became mates with Frostwind, a cat who would later go on to become BrambleClan's deputy. Emberfur And Frostwind currently have three kits, who are about to be apprenticed- Sunnykit, Icykit, and Milkykit. I like how he's colored on here!

Fruit_Spice drew the picture above, and it shows Aspenstar of BrambleClan (top), who's suspected of being a bit lonely, and a confused Joey of BrambleClan (bottom) who wants to befriend her but doesn't know how to. Aspenstar looks great in this!

The drawings above were also made by Fruit_Spice, and they show some of BrightClan's lone kits. From left to right and top to bottom, they are Moonkit, Falconkit, Mousekit, Darkkit, Breezekit, Lightkit, Pebblekit, Juniperkit, Curlykit, Leaopardkit, and Asterkit of BrightClan. I love all of their individual expressions!

The art above was made by ruddergrl (me) and it shows Nightstar, the new leader of BrightClan, sitting in a starry night sky.

The cat above was drawn by Gray242inside, and she is Doveflight of BrambleClan, and the mentor of Bluepaw of BrambleClan. I adore Doveflight's design on here! She looks so adorable. <3

I love this! The two cats above were drawn by NeonKittyPoptart, and they are, well...the same cat(?) On the right is Minxpaw of StarClan, and previously PineClan, who was drowned moons ago. On the left is her reincarnation, Oakpaw of BrambleClan. I find this whole situation fascinating. (Also, they both look so great with their designs and anatomy in this picture.)

Awwwww! 030 The drawing above, made by Fruit_Spice, shows Smallsky (nursing kits) and Ravenfire (the other parent who's not nursing kits) of BrightClan, and their second litter of kittens, Shardkit and Slatekit. This is so adorable! Smallsky and Ravenfire's first litter consisted of Sourpaw and Beepaw. Ravenfire was originally a PineClan warrior, but he joined BrightClan in order to be with the cat he loved. These two have had their ups and downs, but they still love each other.

The scene above was made by NeonKittyPoptart, and it shows the death of Chervilflight of BrambleClan, who is now in StarClan. Chervilflight and his mate Nightdapple were originally PineClan warriors. Chervilflight decided to join BrambleClan in a faint hope of helping to cure his constant illnesses, and Nightdapple went with him. In BrambleClan they had three kits, who are about to be apprenticed- Frogkit, Mousekit, And Rookkit. Unfortunately, Chervilflight's illness got the best of him.

The above headshots were drawn by Golden_Swords, and they are of Poppydusk (left) and Toadpaw (right) of BrambleClan. Awww, Toadpaw's mismatched eyes are cute. Also, I like their fur colors.

The cute family above was drawn by Fruit_Spice, and the cats are Frostbloom (back left), and Delilahbreeze (back right) of PineClan, and a couple of their adopted kits, Plumkit (left) and Leopardkit (right). They're so adorable! Hah, I love Leopardkit's expression.

The above kits were drawn by NeonKittyPoptart, and they are ideas for the could-be kits of Sageflutter, a PineClan warrior, and Marigoldheart, a PineClan medicine cat. Their designs look cool! (Hah, I like Gingerkit's expression.)

The character shot above was made by Cat_Wonders, and it shows Jasminefur of deathness, and previously BrambleClan and rogueness. She sure did a lot in her life. Some good, some bad. But, I suppose that that's just how life goes- for there to be good times, there's got to be bad times to compare them to. Also...this picture looks amazing! The shading, texture, and anatomy all look pawesome. (Ba dum ching 🥁)

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