Fanart 6.0

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I've got to admit, this Roleplay's gotten pretty popular. xD So, below is the fanart made from and for this Roleplay. It features scenes, ships, and other phantasmagorical things.

Be sure to comment if you want your fanart to be featured here! Also, thank you to all of the people who did the art below.

This is by Stripe-fur, and the character shot above features Splashkit of BrightClan. <3 Aww! He looks so cute!!

The above drawing is by Livien467, and you can see Silverfrost of PineClan (right) and her daughter, Silverpaw of BrambleClan (left). Silverpaw went to see her mother, and this confrontation happened. I like the sky!

The art above is by Chamops, and it features a scene concerning three apprentices. From left to right, they are Thymepaw, Cloudpaw and Fernpaw of PineClan. :P I love it!! Especially the three's pelt designs.

The two kits above are Icekit (left) and Sagekit (right) of PineClan. Sagekit is Icekit's adopted brother, and Icekit was being mean to Sagekit at a Clan meeting. This was drawn by Fruit_Spice. Poor Sagekit! :0

This is also by Fruit_Spice, and it features a scene where Thrushstorm, now Thrush, and Jasper. They are both rogues, though Thrush used to belong to BrightClan. This is the scene where Thrush realizes that they might be more than partners in crime. xD

The above picture, by Artistic_Author, features Dewkit of PineClan's pelt design. I like the splotches on her back!

This is another pelt design, this time for Dewkit's brother, Redkit of PineClan. This design is also by Artistic_Author. What can I say, I love his short tail. xD

The art above is the third and last kit of Haretail and Rainfeather, Pebblekit of PineClan. What can I say? She looks adorable. This is by Artistic_Author.

I...there are no words. The glory above is by NeonKittyPoptart, and it shows...a summary of what apparently happened when I was gone camping for a week. 😂 The cat with the chainsaw is Snowypaw of BrambleClan, in the bottom left you can see Aspenleaf of BrambleClan, Witherstar of BrambleClan is dancing around the sign, Jasminefur of BrambleClan is waving at the top left, some kits I don't know the names of are with Snowypaw, Finchflower (left) and Cardinalfoot (right) are romancing, and...ah. My old nemisis, Stargleam of YoutubeClan, is exploding rainbows. I blame her.

The art above is also by NeonKittyPoptart, and it features a scene from when Berrypaw of PineClan (left) accidentally headbutted Raccoonleaf of BrambleClan (right) in a battle. This seriously injured Raccoonleaf's head, and he died shortly after this.

The cat above is Sagekit of PineClan. He is feeling bad because Icekit, his adopted brother ran away and cats are ignoring him. This is by NeonKittyPoptart. Poor little guy!

This is another scene by NeonKittyPoptart, this one from a gathering. BrightClan never showed up, and PineClan and BrambleClan argued.

The cat speaking is Chervilflight of PineClan, who thinks that they deserve punishment from StarClan. The other cats, from left to right, are Jasminefur of BrambleClan, Whitestar of PineClan, and Witherstar and Raccoonleaf of BrambleClan. I must say, I love Gathering art. x3

The cat above is Berrypaw of PineClan. He looks sickly because he has a serious infection, and he feels that StarClan is punishing the Clans for fighting. This was made by NeonKittyPoptart, Berrypaw's Roleplayer.

The art above is by glorytsunami, and it shows a character shot of Brightpaw of PineClan. :3 It looks so great!

The cat above is Nightfall, the deputy of BrightClan. <3 He looks so cute! This was drawn by Artistic_Author.

The scene in the picture above is when Berrypaw (green eyes) and Fernpaw (blue eyes) had to fight a swarm of rats that attacked them in a barn. This was made by Artistic_Author. 0-0 If that was me, I would've ran away...

Above is a drawing of all of the medicine cats, by lxcked_Up_. They are Jaypelt, Tenderfoot, Brightwing, Ashpaw, Flightpaw, and Hollypaw. :3 That's awesome! Flightpaw's pelt looks especially pretty, in my opinion.

The cat above is Imaginary of PineClan. This was drawn by BlueDiamondKat, her Roleplayer. Yay Imaginary! x3 I've always loved her character.

The scene above is when Silverpaw of BrambleClan (right) yelled (yowled?) at her mother who had come to see her, Silverfrost of PineClan (left). This was drawn by Chamops. Huh. I'd feel bad for Silverfrost, but Silverpaw did have to grow up motherless.

Above, you can see Witherstar of BrambleClan sitting in the forest. This was drawn by BlueDiamondKat. I like her design. :P

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