Fanart 8.0

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Wow. Page 8 already? Below is the fanart that people in and outside of this RP have made. Be sure to check out their wonderful artbooks! If you wish to make fanart and/or for it to be posted here, and you credited for it, just comment or PM me about it! :3

Once again, a huge thank you to all of the artists shown below. :D

This is by Artistic_Author, and they drew Haretail of StarClan, and previously PineClan (left) and Brackenstream of BrambleClan (right). Brackenstream killed Haretail in battle, so they have mixed feelings about each other. xD

The above art is by Fruit_Spice. What's happening: Panel One- Tigerwind of BrambleClan (top) has attacked Imaginary (bottom) because she thought that Imaginary shouldn't be able to join BrambleClan, since she was in the PineClan battle patrol that killed BrambleClan cats.

Panel Two- Imaginary kicked Tigerwind off of her in the belly, sending her flying. Panel Three- The kick was much more painful for Tigerwind then it should have been, and she then gave up the fight she realized that she was pregnant with Brackenstream of BrambleClan's kits.

This is also by Fruit_Spice. In this Gathering scene, Whitestar of PineClan (top) had pushed Witherstar of BrambleClan (bottom) off the rock, since she had taken his son. She is shocked on the ground, since her leg had recently been broken, so she couldn't land right.

The above art shows Tigerwind of BrambleClan (left) thinking in disbelief of how Whitestar of PineClan had gotten so cold. At the bottom, you can see them playing as kits. This is by Fruit_Spice. I love these two's story, since they've both gone through so much.

This scene features Tigerwind of BrambleClan (left) and Imaginary of PineClan and lonerness (right). Imaginary is hunched over like that because she loves Tigerwind, but Tigerwind had just told her that she didn't love her back, and that she liked a tom. This is by Fruit_Spice.

This art by Fruit_Spice shows the scene where, on the left panel, Haretail of StarClan had just taken one of Whitestar (left) of PineClan's lives because he led his Clan into an unjust battle. In the right panel, Whitestar is temporarily dead due to one of his lives being taken. His mate, Willowberry, is crying, and his son, Icekit, is to his father's left asking StarClan why Whitestar's life was taken, and Sagekit (bottom) is miserable because he felt that StarClan hated him for taking one of his foster-father's lives.

Kit party! xD The above scene, from left to right, shows Blossomkit, Icekit on top of Redkit, Duskkit and Maskkit of PineClan all playing together. This is by Fruit_Spice.

This is a scene where Tigerwind of BrambleClan is preparing to catch a thrush when she and Brackenstream of BrambleClan went hunting together. This art is by Fruit_Spice.

In the above scene by Fruit_Spice, in Thrushstorm of rogueness and BrightClan's past, she had a mate named Pebblefoot. He was murdered by a Clanmate, and Thrushstorm is still hunting down his killer.

The above art is by me (ruddergrl) and I drew a headshot of Witherstar of BrambleClan. :3

This is by The_Possessed_Pencil, and they drew a BrightClan ship that's been going around. On the left is Fernkit, and on the right is Acornkit. <3

The scene above is by Chamops, and it shows a scene where Hawkfire of BrambleClan died due to a fall. From left to right, the cats are Hawkfire's spirit, Nightingale (a cat from his past)'s spirit, Hawkfire, Shadefox, Brightwing, and Tigerwind of BrambleClan.

In this picture that's also by Chamops, Tigerpaw of PineClan (left) was thinking about his evil mother, Needlegaze (dead cat at top). His flashback occurred when he ran into Brackenstream of BrambleClan (right) at the border between their Clans.

Some of you might recognise some of this picture. It actually was made a little while ago by Chamops to show Brokensong of BrambleClan and StarClan (left) and Badgerclaw of BrambleClan and the Dark Forest fighting. Then they changed it to include Shadefox of BrambleClan (middle), Badgerclaw's mate.

The art above is also by Chamops, and they drew the leaders of the three Clans. Whitestar of PineClan (left), Featherstar of BrightClan (middle) and Witherstar of BrambleClan (right). I love these three. xD

The above art is by Livien467, and they drew their OC, Silverpaw of BrambleClan. :3 I know I've said this before, but I love how her character has spotted ears.

So...cute...This drawing is by zups156, and they drew their OC, Aspentail of PineClan. I love his eyes and ears!

This drawing is by Violetpaw_1, and they drew their OC, Moonfeather of BrightClan. Мне это нравится!

x3 This is lxcked_Up_'s art of three of PineClan's kits, Duskkit, Sweetkit and Maskkit, though they have gained the nicknames Potatokit, Marshmallowkit and Ninjakit. Hmmm. Maybe I should use those for future passwords for this book...

And the kitness continues! :P There goes poor Potat-um, I mean, Duskkit! This was also made by lxcked_Up_.

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