Chapter Three

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It felt like my heart just got pulled from my chest, my legs went limp. I stare at the warrior, she ran away towards camp. I follow her, forgetting about the robin. When I catch up with Galestorm, she's crouched by a white cat. Snowfleck's unmoving body scared me and the long, bloody scratch down his side makes me shiver.

"How..? Who...?" I stammer. Galestorm doesn't move but whispers, "A rouge, I suppose, but-but... There's no scent," This confused me. I pad over to see my old mentor, and sniff the air, his scratch and the ground around him. There was no scent of any Clan cats, rouges or kittypets. We drag the body back to camp, with Ravenclaw. Ferns brush up against my dark grey fur as we enter camp. I see Sageflower by the nursery with Oakkit, Mistkit, Shadekit and Leafkit trying to stand, but having no success. Lionshade and Smokefur were eating together and Cloudstar was talking to Rainpelt.

They all stared at the three of us, most of them run over to see what happened. All of them asked questions that over whelmed me, "We don't know how he died, there's no scent of any rouge, Clan cat or kittypet. He was behind Galestorm, and.. And..." I couldn't finish. Every cat cleared a path for me, Ravenclaw and Galestorm. I set the cold body down I front of Highrock as the MostClan leader hops onto the rock. "All cats of MistClan old enough to catch their own prey, please come and gather below Highrock for a Clan meeting." The call sounds in camp as more queens, warriors and elders pad out into the brisk clearing.

"A rouge maybe, killed Snowfleck. There was no scent to tag along with with the scratch, or what direction this cat went. If there is any sigh of a fox, mutt or any animal that can hurt a cat, please report to me immediately. The new deputy shall be appointed at sunset, as tradition goes." I backed away to Snowfleck's body. My stomach growled with hunger. I realized that I hadn't catch anything for my Clan, so I padded back to the fern tunnel.


I had quickly catch two mice and returned with them dangling from my jaws. It was almost sunset, as I set one mouse in the fresh-kill pile and sat down by Snowfleck. His unmoving body made me nauseous, but I knew I should eat. I ate the mouse quicker than I intended too. I see a white tomcat exit his den and leap onto Highrock. With the setting sun turning his fur hot pink, magenta, crimson and scarlet he called out, "All cats of MistClan, gather below Highrock for a Clan meeting." I thought I detected a tone of fear or sadness as I turn towards the great rock.

I sit next to Sageflower, as more and more cats come and gather. "I hope StarClan agrees with my choice. Since Snowfleck has passed, we need a strong, loyal and head-strong warrior to take on this role. The cat I've chosen is young, but will for fill all those thing." At this, it limits it down to Ravenclaw and Rowantail. "Our new deputy shall be Rowantail!" Everyone looks at the ginger tabby tom, he looks terrified. "Rowantail, do you want to be deputy, even?" Cloudstar challenges.

"N-no.. Please believe me, I am loyal, but mot cut out to be deputy. Please, understand, Cloudstar." This shocked me, almost every warrior wanted to be deputy to show his or her loyalty, but I guess Rowantail wasn't like most warriors. "Okay, then. Ravenclaw, would you be willing to become deputy?" A wide smile shines one my face, and I knew just what he would say. "Yes, I would be more than horned to be your deputy Cloudstar."

He smiled and meowed, "Thank you. Now, Galestorm, Rainpelt, Cinderleaf, Sageflower, Ravenclaw, Whitefoot, Fishwhisker and Lionshade shall all becoming to the Gathering." I was very excited to go o my first Gathering and all. Sageflower explains that she just had kits and couldn't come. "Oh, excuse me for forgetting, Scarletwing would you like to come?" The elderly queen looked up from licking her paw, and nodded. After that, the leader dismisses every cat and hopes down. All I want to do is flop down in my dry moss bed, and I do that. The darkness of sleep overcomes me, and takes me.

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