Chapter 3

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Claw woke up with a jolt when he heard yelling.

Claw quickly swung his head left and right only to see Vole missing from her nest. He quietly padded over towards the entrance to the den, to see Gore and Vole hissing at each other, their fur rising up.
Oh, mom and daddy are arguing... again.

"Why should I have to do what you tell me to do? I'm not a queen, Vole!" That was Gore.
"He's your son! You could... try having conversations with him," Vole shouted back. "You can't keep saying no to this! You could spend your time with him all you want and complain about everything just like always! You would have no problem."
Gore growled back. "All he does is stare at butterflies all day and does nothing! What am I supposed to talk about with that?"

"You're the one who wanted him so bad!" Vole insisted.
Claw's ears went up with a twinge of hope. Dad did want me? Was he just trying to hold down his love for Claw just to toughen him up?

Vole continued. "All I'm trying to do is get you something to do than plot with the group and your sweet little plan, than coming to me and complaining and moping and getting on my nerves all the time!"

Claw winced as his tail drooped. He hated it when mom and dad argued. He was the only kit in the group, sure, but he bet other kits' parents didn't argue with each other this much. Why him then?

Feeling as if he couldn't take the hate from his parents any longer, he stealthily exited the den towards the right side of it, avoiding his parents' glances.

As he made it into the clearing, he glanced at the bushes' exit. He had never gone out there, before, mama always said the Clan cats roamed out there.
But.. a moon ago, mama did say they were nice. So what's the harm?
Besides, he might find someone to play with!

Taking a deep breath as he closed his eyes, he burst towards the bushes exit, hoping no one saw him.

Claw widened his eyes in awe as the scents of the forest flooded his nose and mouth. He blinked down when he heard a crunch to see small leaves crunched under his paws. He padded forward, glancing around at trees with so many different shades, that he wasn't sure he would remember all the colors.
He smiled in wonder as he saw moss sticking out from the tree's bark.

No wonder dad wants this territory so much! Claw thought in awe of his father in trying to get them a better home.

Claw let out a small shiver as a wind blew towards him, but he shook it off quickly. He saw a nearby bush and grinned. He bet a whole mouse-tail that there were some prey in there. Imagine how proud mum would be of him!

He burst into the bushes, surprised of the uncomfortably of the small roots in the center, before narrowly avoiding them to get to the other side.

He pushed his head through the leaves to see a small river trailing. When he walked towards the edge of it, he saw tiny fishies swimming through it. He tried to swipe at one, but narrowly missed.

Claw let out a huff, before continuing on, he hoped he could find his way back.

He stopped in his pawsteps when he started to smell the scent of... fish? He craned his head, pushing on through the bushes.

He sniffed the area, curiously looking at everything that seemed new to him.

Suddenly, giant paws came in front of him. His breath sharpened, as he looked up to see a light gray she-cat with darker gray paws and ears.
He took a step back, knowing that if he moved, he would surely die!
A real life Clan cat! Just like in mama's stories!

The she-cat gazed at Claw, tilting her head. "Huh? A kit...?" Her icy blue gaze seemed to pierce into his soul.
Claw flattened his ears, wincing. "Please, don't hurt me!"
The she-cat lifted her head. "Why would I—"

Her mew was cut abrupt when she gazed at something behind Claw.
Something dangerous.

When he looked up, he could see the great muzzle of Gore.

Gore flattened his ears and unsheathed his claws, "Get out of here! Don't you even think of coming one more inch closer to my son!"
The she-cat widened her eyes in shock, before scrambling away from the two cats.

Claw could see that Gore was with Sharp and Ember, two of the group's most strongest members.
Gore turned to Ember. "Is he harmed?"
Ember gazed down at Claw. "Not that I can see, sir."

"Good." Gore gazed sternly at Claw. "We'll talk later, don't you ever dare running away from your camp like that ever again!"
Claw nodded, his tail lashing happily before getting picked by the scruff by Gore as he and the others started heading back the direction of the camp.

Claw didn't even care that he was in trouble.

Gore had come, rescued him, unsheathed his claws for him, and called him son.
Gore loved him.
And he wanted all that love.

And he was determined that in life, no matter what may come, he would do anything to make him proud of him.

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