Chapter 10: the new apprentice

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"All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather underneath Highrock for a clan meeting!" Brakenstar leapt onto highrock, with is brown pelt gleaming in the sun. Stormpaw got up from where she was sharing tounge's with Dawnpaw, and sat with the other apprentices, Tigerpaw, Ashpaw, Dustypaw and Lightpaw, Dawnpaw followed her. Runningtail emerged from the warrior den with Burnscar, Poppynose, Thunderclaws and Silvertounge following close behind. Ravenfeather emerged from the nursery with Ivykit bouncing at her heels, Ivykits pelt was freshly groomed and her eyes shone. It was time for her apprentice ceremony.

"Ivykit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Ivypaw. Your mentor will be Reedheart. I hope Reedheart will pass down all he knows on to you." Brakenstar waved Reedheart over with his tail.

"Reedheart, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Autumnleaf, and you have shown yourself to be skillful and kind. You will be the mentor of Ivypaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Ivypaw." Brakenstar leaped off highrock and touches his black nose to Ivypaw's.

"Ivypaw! Ivypaw! Ivypaw!" The clan cheered, Stormpaw saw Ivypaws expression darken, she looked at the spot where Onyxkit would have been, with her getting her apprentice name and finding out who her mentor would be as well.

"We will remember Onyxkit, and that on this day when she turns six moons StarClan will guide her path," Brakenstar finished. He dismissed the meeting with a flick of his tail, stalking into his den for sleep.

Stormpaw beckoned Ivypaw over, Ivypaws green eyes glittered with excitement.

"Congratulations Ivypaw!" Stormpaw congratulated,

"We have made a nest for you in the apprentice den, well more like I found the moss and Tigerpaw set it up," Dawnpaw said cheekily, her amber eyes shone with Humor.

"While Stormpaw lazed around doing nothing," Tigerpaw joked,  nudging Stormpaw's side affectionately with his shoulder.

"Hey! I went on dawn patrol and a hunting patrol," Stormpaw growled in a friendly way, leaping at Tigerpaw and knocking him over, the two friends rolled and nipped playfully, Stormpaw jumped to her feet before Tigerpaw could and held him down. He wriggled but couldn't get out of her grip, he lay still, panting.

"You win," He panted. Stormpaw something in his eyes, was it love? Or freindlyness?

Stormpaw lay in her nest, with her tail over her nose, while Dawnpaw talked quietly with Ivypaw,  she could make out the words "Tigerpaw" and "crush", 

"Hey? Stormpaw? You awake?" Ivypaw asked,


"Do you know that Tigerpaw likes you?" Dawnpaw flicked her with her tail, Stormpaw raised her head.

"He does?" Stormpaw was shocked, she thought Tigerpaw would only think of her as a friend.

"It's obvious!" Ivypaw smirked, "his been mooning over you for ages!"

"do you like him?" Dawnpaw said cheekily, "I bet you do!"

Do I? Stormpaw thought, will we end up as mates one day? 

Which gender do you think Hollypetals kits will be?

A. male, male, female

B. female, male

C. male, male, male

D. female, female, female, male

E. female, female, male

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