Chapter 6

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"Rouge cats are attacking camp!" A cat screeched, Stormpaw shot up and raced out of the den, it was three moons after the training session with Dawnpaw. She could see cats streaming through the entrance, warriors stood in line in front of the tunnel, hissing and spitting at the rouges, Stormpaw could see kits peeking out from inside the nursery, but their mothers ushered them back in. The rouges leaped at the warriors, yowls of fighting and fury echoed from the fighting cats, Stormpaw could see Rustpaw and Thunderclaws fighting two rouges, A silver tabby tom and a tortiseshell she-cat. She felt heavy weight and claws digging into her back, pushing her into the ground, she rolled over and kicked out with her hind legs, normally when training with other apprentices she would sheath her claws, now it was a real battle with unsheathed claws. She spun around to face her attacker, a large calico tom with a scar over one eye, the one who emerged from the bushes all those moons ago, a vague horrible memory. She was only a kit, a moon old, and he put her through that terror, the terror of losing both of her parents, her clan mates, and being scarred. The anger bubbled up inside her, on the brink of explodtion, she lunged at the tom, knocking him to the ground, she smelled burning flesh and singed fur.

"Who are you?" Stormpaw hissed, "What is your name?"

"I will never tell you my name!" The tom hissed back. Stormpaw dug her claws deeper into his flesh, he yowled with pain, "ok! ok! My name is Spots!"

Stormpaw thought for a moment, "That's not such a fierce name, now leave and never come back!" She hissed again.

She jumped off him, he looked at her then fled out of camp, she heard a yowl coming from the nursery, she turned and saw two toms emerge from the nursery, with two black kits in their mouths, dangling from their scruffs, were Onyxkit and Ivykit. Stormpaw charged at the closest tom, the one carrying Ivykit, she clawed his face, making him drop Ivykit, the tom raked his claws down Stormpaw's flank, she felt warm blood dripping down her flank, she staggered back, the tom leaped at her again, nipping at her paws. She yowled in pain, then swiped blindly at the tom, her claws tingled with lightning, she felt her claws connect with soft fur of his face. The tom screeched in pain. She saw a kit sized blur race out of the nursery, Dustykit started nipping at his ankles, the tom looked down at the tiny kit, spun around to face him and hit him with a huge paw, Dustykit went flying and hit the ground with a small crack. The tom faced Stormpaw again, he hit her in the head with his paw, the world spun she turned and raced over to Dustykit, who lay unconscious on the ground his tiny front legs lay twisted and broken on the ground, he clearly broken them. She collapsed next to him, trying to fight to stay conscious, her eyes drooped then blackness took over.

Q. What is your warrior cat name?

M. Stormberry (this is a teeny spoiler for my book)

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