Chapter 2

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Moonkit woke with a start, and sat up. She was not in her nest with her siblings and mother. Moonkit shivered, then looked around. She was in a forest, much like Thunderclan's. Did I sleepwalk? no, this doesn't feel like Thunderclan. I've been out in the forest, and this isn't the same place, It feels more, starry. Moonkit sighed, I knew I shouldn't have ate beofre bed, it always gives me weird dreams.

"Hello there,"

Moonkit didn't flinch, but turned to see a orange tom with white paws starring at her.

"Who are you?" Moonkit asked.

"I am Thunderstar," he replied.

"Whoa," excitement pricked Moonkit's pelt. "I've heard a lot about you."

His gaze turned serious as he said, "but I have got something important to tell you."

"Well, I would expect something important if I this isn't because of the mouse I ate last night."

Thunderstars gaze became glassy, "when darkness arises, mystery will join it's ally, secrets will burst from the darkest pelt, and betrayal is coming in unlikley ways."

As Thunderstar began to fade away, Moonkit finally began to panic.

"Wait, what do you mean? What darkness? Wait!"

"Moonkit! Monnkit! Wake up!" Something jabbed her in the side.

"Ow!" Moonkit exclaimed.

"You were muttering in your sleep, is everything okay?"

Moonkit opened her eyes to see Owlkit peering nervously at her.

"I'm fine, no need to freak out."

"Sorry," she responded, "I'm just worried."

"No problem, I'm glad to hear you care about me."

Owlkit purred, "c'mon, lets play hide the mossball with Rockkit and Sunkit."

After the kits played their games with the mossball, Moonkit told them to meet outside the camp near the secret escape they found. Moonkit knew Leafpetal wouldn't mind them going out as long as they didn't go to far.

"All kits of mine must go out of the camp at least once before they're apprentices." Leafpetal had told Ravenfeather, who was their father.

As Moonkit and her siblings squirmed through the narrow rock passage, the rocks pressed against her as she pushed through it into the forest outside. She turned back to help Owlkit and Sunkit out into the forest.

"I'm stuck!" Rockkit called.

"His huge bod has finally caught up to him." Sunkit snickered.

"C'mon guys," Owlkit mewed, "help me get him out of here."

The other cats helped pull Rockkit out his stuck position. he landed with a thud on the grass beside them.

Rockkit turned to Moonkit. "So what did you pull us out to do?"

Moonkit relayed her dream to her sister and brothers, and when she finished, the kits had mixed reactions.

"We should tell Specklestar, this is so important." Sunkit mewed.

"I want to find whatever this is referring to, and pummel it," Rockkit growled.

Owlkit whimpered, "maybe we should wait on it and then decide, after all, we don't have a clue what or who this is, and I would assume that the medicine cats would get the same message."

"I agree," Moonkit put in, "we should wait on this, because I'm not totally sure that this dream was from Starclan."

"Okay," her brothers mumbled in agreement.

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