Chapter 4: Ginger feelings

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 "You mouse -brains!" Gingerpaw snapped at  Youngpaw and Smallpaw. "If we want to be ready to be warriors, We can't just get a few mice and call it a day!" He stared at his littermates "We have to get more! We need to show them we want to be warriors! No time to wait!" Youngpaw snorted, and Smallpaw scoffed at him "We have to wait until were at least twelve moons!" Gingerpaw rolled his eyes. "Well fine then! If you guys want to wait, then fine! But don't expect anything from me!" He turned around and stalked off.

 See If I help them again! They think there just a bunch of know it all's! He sneered to himself. He walked over to the fresh-kill pile and looked down at it, "Were never gonna have enough prey, until I'm a warrior!" He hissed under his breath. He wanted to claw at the dirt around him, but that would be a mouse-brained idea, something a fox in a fit would do. He looked up at the clear sky, last night it rained really hard. Just this morning they got awful news that the nursery in Thunderclan burned down, Burnkit was the only one to survive, He thought her name sounded close to what happened. He shook his head, he took a shrew and walked to a near bush. 

 Purpleflower and Spottail were talking about something. He couldn't tell what they were talking about, so he angled his ears so he could hear them "But it's strange, she was in our camp yesterday..." Purpleflower stated "Anything can happen, and it could relate to our names! Don't be so mouse-brained!" Spottail mewed as he looked at the fresh-kill pile "I'm going to go eat something..." He randomly mewed "You're avoiding the conversation!" Purpleflower called over her shoulder at him. She then got up, and left camp. 

 Gingerpaw finished his meal, and ran to his mentor, Lionclaw. "Yes..." He asked while sorting herbs for the Treestem. "Are you busy?" Gingerpaw asked "What do you think I am?" He snapped at Gingerpaw Because you want to do something go and...Check the elders for ticks!" He exclaimed. Gingerpaw stared wordlessly at him Is this a punishment!? "Go on..." He trailed off, I need to finish this.

"Can I get the mouse bile?" Gingerpaw asked. Lionclaw looked up "You know what, Never mind! Go do something else! I'm busy  as you can see!"  Gingerpaw got up, and gathered some old, soil bedding What else am I going to do? He asked himself. The moon came up,  and as he drifted to sleep that night, Four cats appeared vivid in his dream "You're the fifth." They chanted "A darkness... Will Destroy... The clans..." There eyes brightened. He felt sick. He wanted to screech "Go away!" Or something. One padded towards him "Don't forget." They blurred. His vison cleared as they left. There was a peaceful waterfall and birds were chirping. He felt cold. After something so terrifying he found himself somewhere so unpleasantly peaceful... It felt like a short nightmare, but it was already morning. He got up, and shook his pelt. "I don't know what that was... But it was scary..." He whimpered to himself...

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