Fact not for the lighthearted; Why did Dustclaw and Dovefeather have kits?

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As you can see, this fact will not be for those that are very pure. This will contain references that may potentially bring back memories of sexual assault in the past and even present/recently that you may have wanted to repress. You have been warned...

One day, Dovefeather, Strikeclaw, Pebblestream, and Dustclaw were on a hunting patrol. Strikeclaw went one way, Pebblestream went another, Dovefeather went one way, and Dustclaw went to the old twoleg den. Dustclaw all of a sudden felt a cat turn him around and told him to be quiet or the rest of the patrol would hear them. Dustclaw didn't want anything to do with Dovefeather, but she forced him into it. Dovefeather made sure that Dustclaw couldn't say anything. The whole situation seemed to have backfired when Pebblestream caught them. Strikeclaw had noticed that Dovefeather wasn't where she said she would be. But instead of forcing the she-cat off of her brother, Pebblestream let it happen and told Strikeclaw that Dovefeather wasn't there and that she saw Dustclaw but he only shrugged his shoulders and didn't know either.

Strikeclaw and Pebblestream went the other way as Dustclaw was stuck in a position that he didn't want to be in. His own sister betrayed him and he would never forgive her! Dustclaw promised to himself that if she ever tried anything to any of her future kits, he would hurt her as much as she had hurt him for her betrayal.

Dovefeather only wanted a sexual moment with the brown tabby, as she was in love with him, but it backfired on her and she wound up pregnant with Flowerkit, Nightkit, Darkkit, and Moonkit.

Dovefeather didn't want to have anything to do with the kits and left the kits to Roseleaf. She soon became the one to apprentice Redpaw and her kits soon became Flowerfur, Nightpaw, Darkpaw, and Moonpaw.

This wasn't her first interaction as she had made moves on the then newly made warrior, Flameheart, and had Scratchclaw, but she decided that she didn't like either of them and left them. Leaving, at the time, Scratchkit to Cinderheart before Cinderheart could leave for the elders den.

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