Chapter 1

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Featherkit opened her eyes sleepily the comforting warmth of the nursery keeping her pleasantly warm. The soft milky smell of her mother surrounded her, though she relized that Greyear was not here. Her mossy nest was still warm and her scent was fresh, she had left recently. Stretching, Featherkit stood up. Her silver grey fur was still kitten soft and her blue eyes bright with mischief. None of her brothers were here. Flowermist was though, along with her two kits. All were fast asleep in their mossy nests. Bored, Featherkit got to her paws and left the den. Outside a chilly breeze was blowing over the camp. It was very quiet. Most cats were either out on patrol or sleeping in the warm comforts of their dens. Featherkit padded over the packed dirt towards the entrance to the camp. Next to the entrance was a small ledge. With a great leap, Featherkit leaped, her small claws just managed to catch hold of a small dent in the stone. She heaved herself up onto the ledge. Up here she could just about see over the thorny bushes that stopped enemies from getting in. Beyond the bush was an endless sea of orange and yellow leaves. It was beautiful. Featherkit sat, watching a small bird pecking at the leaves, looking for worms. Then she picked up the scent of another cat. Flamestripe. She saw him, his orange pelt blending in perfectly with the leaves. He crouched down and slowly, paw after paw, he slipped closer. Finally he leaped at the bird and-
"Featherkit! What are you doing?"
Featherkit almost fell off the ledge. "Just looking." She assured her mother.
"Get down! You could hurt yourself." Greyear ordered.
With a sigh Featherkit skidded neatly down the rock face and back into the camp. Greyear picked her up by the scruff and began to carry her back towards the nursery. "Mother!" Whined Featherkit. "I can walk!"
Greyear ignored her and kept walking. As they entered the nursery, Featherkit could hear her brothers.
"You will never catch it like that slow-slug!" Wolfkit yowled. His fur was grey, like Featherkit's but a slightly darker.
"Slow-slug yourself!" Redkit snapped back who's fur was the same orange red shade as Foxshade's.
"Hey!" Ashkit mewed. "Featherkit's back!"
"Hey guys." Featherkit meowed, wriggling free of her mothers grasp.
"Where were you?" Demanded Wolfkit.
"Did you raid RockClan?" Asked Rainkit.
"What? No! I was just out looking." Featherkit exclaimed.
"Well we're playing moss ball. Wanna join us?" Ashkit asked.
"Featherkit is terrible at this game." Whined Redkit.
"Hey! Watch who you call terrible!" Wolfkit snapped, instantly leaping to his younger sisters defence.
Redkit simply sniffed, picking up the mossy ball. He flung it high, high into the air.
Rainkit leaped after the ball, just catching it and throwing it to Wolfkit. He caught it and passed it to Featherkit. Eager to prove herself, Featherkit leaped after the ball. She reached with her claws...and it flew between her paws. With a dull thud! Featherkit landed. Pelt hot with shame she staggered to her paws. Both Rainkit and Redkit were watching with amused looks on their faces. Ashkit didn't seem to know how to react and Wolfkit simply looked worried. Ashamed and mad, Featherkit turned her back on her denmates and stalked from the den, tail high. Outside, Featherkit hung her head. Why was she so rubbish? It wasn't just moss ball she was terrible at, she never won play fights and was dead clumsy. Usually she wouldn't get this upset, but it was more than just loosing the ball of moss, she felt like she had lost a bit of her honor as well. Feeling miserable she wandered aimlessly around the camp. A sudden sharp smell reached her nose. Herbs! She thought, coming to a stop outside the medicine cat den. Peeking inside she saw Frostshine organizing piles of leaves than Featherkit recognized as tansy. Frostshine turned, hearing that someone had entered the den. "Hi Featherkit." She greeted, "Is everything ok?"
"Yeah. Well, nobody's hurt." Featherkit assured her.
"Are you ok?"
"I guess."
Frostshine sat next to the kit and put a tail over her shoulders. "So what's wrong?"
"It's just, I suck! At everything!" Featherkit sighed.
"I'm sure you don't. Sometimes you just have to find what you are good at."
"I'm not good at anything." Featherkit sighed feeling depressed.
Frostshine narrowed her eyes. "There is always something. Sometimes you just have to look for it." Just then, a loud yowl came from outside. Frostshine jumped to her paws as Cherrypaw hobbled in. "What happened?" Demanded Frostshine.
"There's a thorn in my pad!" Wailed Cherrypaw.
"A thorn! From the sound you were making it sounded like you had been mauled by a pack of foxes!" Snapped Frostshine, fur bristling with irritation.
"It hurts!" Complained Cherrypaw.
"Lie down." Ordered Frostshine, still annoyed.
Cherrypaw obeyed, lying down of the ground and stretching out a brown paw.
Frostshine licked at her pad, then grabbed the thorn and pulled it cleanly out. Cherrypaw let out a yelp and leaped away. "Ow!" She whined.
"There," Frostshine mewed, spitting out the thorn. "Now just be careful. No rough training." She told the apprentice.
Cherrypaw nodded, flicking her small neat ears. Standing, she left the den, limping slightly. Featherkit watched, interested, questions filling her mind. "Did you just pull it out? What happens if the wound gets infected?"

A while later Featherkit left the den, mind full of herbs and remedies. She felt alot better. As she returned to the nursery she found her brothers play fighting. "Ha, take that you mangy RockClan cat!" Yowled Wolfkit, pummeling Redkit with his dark grey paws.
"You'll never win!" Redkit yowled back, wriggling free. His red fur stuck up in clumps as he shook himself.
Rainkit leaped at Redkit. "Here, I'll help!" He yowled to Wolfkit. Together the two of them pinned Redkit to the ground.
"We win!" Wolfkit exlaimed triumphantly.
Redkit hissed angrily at them. "Thats not fair! Two against one!"
"We aren't in StarClan yet! We don't need to be fair." Rainkit taunted. Just as Redkit was about to deliver a hissing reply they were interupted by a loud yowl. Featherkit stuck her head out of the vines. Foxshade, closely followed by Thorntail, Eagleflight and Sandfur rocketed into the camp, eyes wide and pelt ruffled. Stormstar bounded over to his deputy. "What happened?"
"We were ambushed by rouges, we only just got away with our pelts." Foxshade panted.
"They've built a camp on the outskirts of out territory." Sandfur explained.
"By the RockClan border." Added Thorntail, shaking dust from his pelt.
"How many?" Demanded Stormstar incredulously.
"Too many." Foxshade mewed.
"We must drive them out!" Stormstar exclaimed. "If they settle properly they will be harder to defeat."
Foxshade nodded in agreement. "Should I organize a patrol?"
"No, I"ll call a meeting." Stormstar leaped onto the Highledge. "May all the cats old enough to catch there own prey gather beneath the Highledge for a Clan meeting!" He yowled. Cats began spilling out into the clearing. Featherkit watched as Gingerheart passed her, grumbling. Stormstar waited until the Clan had settled until he began talking. "Foxshade reports that a gang of rouge cats has settled on the edge of our territory. We must  drive them out!" He yowled as angry yowls and screeches broke out across the camp. "Flamestripe, you can lead the head patrol. Take Eagleflight, Blackthorn, Dustfur, Cherrypaw and Thorntail. Foxshade, you take the back up patrol. Take Gingerheart, Sandfur and Mousenose." The warriors that had been called out all headed towards the entrance. Flamestripe let out a yowl and ran from the camp, closely followed by his patrol. Foxshade and his patrol followed close behind.

Drawing by me! So, the mother is Greyear, and the kits (from left to right) are Redkit, Wolfkit and Featherkit.

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