Chapter 10

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"Featherpaw! Come on, we're on hunting patrol." Wolfpaw called.
Featherpaw woke from her uneasy doze. "Coming!" She called back, getting up and stretching. It was definitely warmer. The sky was clear and blue, which was good because it was gathering night. Wolfpaw stood waiting for her, along with Gingerheart and Sandfur. "Morning Featherpaw. Ready for some hunting?" Sandfur asked, her pale yellow tail twitching.
"Yep." Featherpaw mewed. Gingerheart flicked his tail to indicate that they all should go. As they ran through the forest Featherpaw fell into stride with Gingerheart. "Where are we hunting?"
"Thought we'd go in the direction of the RockClan border." He meowed.
They slowed. "Smell anything?" Sandfur asked the apprentices.
"Mouse, squirrel, some herb." Featherpaw mewed promptly.
"And RockClan!" Wolfpaw added, sniffing the air.
Featherpaw sniffed too, and with a jolt realized that it was Ravenpaw. "It's stale though." She mewed hurriedly. "Let's hunt."
"Think you can get that mouse?" Sandfur challenged her, twitching her tail. Featherpaw crouched, creeping across the ground, then she leaped, landing neatly onto of it. She turned to see Sandfur's approving glance. "Not bad." She mewed as Featherpaw returned. "Wolfpaw, catch that squirrel will you?" Wolfpaw stalked up to it, and stepped on a twig. The squirrel ran for it, Wolfpaw on its heals. "Come back!" Sandfur yowled, running after him. Featherpaw hared after her brother too, just in time to see him hurl himself at the squirrel, and over the border. "Well well well, what do we have here?" Came a silky voice. Frozenriver, followed by her patrol strode up to Wolfpaw, who shivered away from them. Featherpaw spotted, with a jolt, that Ravenpaw was in the patrol. "Prey stealers." Hissed Applefall, stalking among them.
"It was an accident! He is only a tail length over the border!" Sandfur called. "And besides, that was an OakClan squirrel."
"Let him go." Featherpaw hissed.
"Well would you look at that. Worlds biggest traitor. Featherpaw." Frozenriver meowed scathingly. With a yowl of fury, Featherpaw hurled herself across the border, digging her claws into Frozenriver's side. She screeched, attempting to throw Featherpaw off. Applefall darted up behind her to pull her off, but Featherpaw kicked out strongly with her hind legs, sending Applefall flying. Ashnose grabbed hold of Featherpaw's scruff, heaving her off. Featherpaw twisted violently out of his grasp, snarling and spitting. Ravenpaw watched her, eyes horrified. Applefall darted up to her, and reared up. Featherpaw knew what came next, as he leaped, she leaped and they collided roughly. "Featherpaw stop!" Sandfur's voice was suddenly right next to her as she grabbed her by the scruff and dragged her back over the border. Wolfpaw was already there, his squirrel remained on RockClan territory however. "I sincerely apologize for my apprentice, I assure you she will be punished."
Frozenriver didn't appear to be listening however. "That move she used. That's a RockClan move! How would she know it? Are you spying on us and stealing or battle moves?" She snarled at the OakClan cats.
"What? No! I don't know where she learnt that move." Sandfur mewed, looking confused. "Now will you excuse us as we return to our camp and deal with this apprentice."
"So you launched an attack on the RockClan deputy?" Stormstar asked, eyeing Featherpaw firmly.
"You hurt her and several of her warriors."
"You didn't stop, even though a senior warrior ordered you to."
"No." Featherpaw sighed, tonelessly.
"Well, I'm afraid you won't come to the gathering tonight-"
"But, Stormstar please!" Featherpaw mewed, eyes wide.
"You will spend a quarter moon caring for the elders and not leaving the camp." Stormstar continued, raising his mew slightly to drown out Featherpaw's protests. "This is my final decision. Now go." He flicked his tail to the entrance, clearly dismissing her. Tail drooping and head low she left the den. Wolfpaw was waiting outside. "What did he say?"
"I'm not allowed to go to the gathering." Featherpaw sighed. "And I can't leave the camp for a quarter moon."
"How did you know those RockClan moves? You fought better than most warriors!" Wolfpaw turned his head slightly to look at her.
"Can you keep a secret?" Featherpaw asked nervously.
"Of course." Wolfpaw meowed, putting his tail around Featherpaw's shoulders.
"I'm part of a prophecy." Featherpaw whispered so quietly that Wolfpaw had to lean very close to hear. "Me, Ravenpaw of RockClan, Sparkpaw of SunClan and Dewpaw of MapleClan. We are meant to stop the darkness. We were gonna meet at this gathering, but now I'm not allowed."
"Your part of a prophecy?" Wolfpaw exclaimed. "Why not the medicine cat or leader?"
"Don't ask me." Featherpaw sighed. "But me and Ravenpaw have been meeting in secret to," she paused, thinking of how to say it, "to exchange experience and moves. To prepare for the darkness."
"I'll talk to Stormstar. See if he can let you go."
"He won't listen to you." Featherpaw meowed, feeling depressed.
"We'll see." Wolfpaw gave her a cheeky smile, before crossing the camp to the leaders den. Featherpaw watched him go, before joining Ashpaw and Redpaw who were sharing a mouse. "How did training go?" She asked conversationally.
"Great!" Ashpaw exclaimed. "Thorntail taught us some amazing moves!"
"Yeah, and I owned you," Redpaw added. Ashpaw aimed a swipe at Redpaw who ducked, hissing playfully.
"Where's Rainpaw?" Featherpaw questioned as they rolled through the dirt, swiping and biting at each other.
"Out hunting with Mousenose." Redpaw replied, sitting back up. His red fur was covered in dust and mossy scraps. Ashpaw's stripy grey fur was ruffled the wrong way, making him look like he'd walked backwards through a thornbush. Featherpaw giggled. "Look at yourselves." She snorted, giving her own, sleak shiny fur a couple of licks. Wolfpaw came running from the leaders den. "Featherpaw! You can go to the gathering!"
"What?! Really?" Featherpaw exclaimed.
"Yep! Told Stormstar this long story how you were saving me. You're still confined to camp after that though."
"Thank you!" Featherpaw purred, rubbing against her brother.
"Your welcome." Wolfpaw muttered looking slightly embarrassed.

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