Chapter 18

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"Who are you?" Spat the grey tom aggressively.
"Don't you see who they are?" A tabby she cat exclaimed. "They are the four! They are finally here!"
"Wait. What?" Featherpaw mewed.
"You must see our leader." The she cat carried on. "Follow us."
Featherpaw exchanged an utterly confused look with Ravenpaw before following the strange cats into their territory. Before long they arrived at a rushing waterfall that streamed down over the rocks. The cats led them behind the waterfall into a large cave. In the middle of the cave was a sort of fresh-kill pile. Around the edges small dips filled with feathers appeared to be the nests. Featherpaw realized that this must serve as a camp for these strange cats. As the four cats entered the cave became full of muttering of interest and, relief? A large, dark grey tom with icy blue eyes sat atop a stone, looking over the camp. "Stoneteller!" The tabby bounded over. "We found this lot at the outskirts of our territory. We believe that they are the four."
"The four?"
"Did she say that?"
"They can save us?"
"The four!"
Echoes and murmurs filled the cave. "The four you say Moon?" Stoneteller asked. "Very well. I shall talk to them." He flicked his tail at the apprentices, indicating that they should follow him. Featherpaw and the others followed his through a small cave to one side of the large cave. "So." Stoneteller started. "You are the four."
"I'm sorry." Featherpaw mewed awkwardly. "We don't know what that means."
"A long time ago, moons and moons ago, some rouges began attacking our territory. My grandfather managed to kill the leader, but they promised to one day be back. To revenge their leader. That was when the prophecy about the four.  Four brave young cats who would save us from the rouges. One, the color of fresh frost on a spring morning. One, blacker that the night. One, the color of fire, burning brightly. And the last one, the color of the mountains. Together they would lead us to a better place. And here you are."
"We also had a prophecy. About how we were going to stop the darkness. But we only came here to find the final cat for our prophecy. The, umm, wing?" Featherpaw suggested lamely.
"That would be me." A dark brown tom entered the cave. He looked to be slightly older that them, with amber eyes. "My name is Wing of the swooping hawk. I also received a prophecy that I was going to help some foreign cats to help save our tribe."
"You need help?" Stoneteller asked.
"We also have a threat from outside our clans. That is why we are here."
"If we allow Wing to help you, will you take us to your home? So we can live there?"
Much later Featherpaw lay, curled in a feathery nest. How will Stormstar react when we bring a whole extra tribe into clan territory? But ultimately she had no choice. They needed Wing to join them. It was the only way to complete the prophecy. But the thought kept nagging at her, refusing to let her sleep. Finally, exhausted, she drifted off. Featherpaw was standing in a empty meadow. Stripestar bounded over. "Stripestar?"
"Greetings Featherpaw." He mewed. "I am here to tell you about something."
"A very long time ago, the tribe lived with the clans. But then, they were driven away. Some became outcasts, having committed some crime. Others left of their own accord. And some were taken by twolegs. It is about time that their great great grandchildren are allowed to rejoin the clans."
"So, this was meant to happen?" Featherpaw asked, feeling relief spread through her every bone.
"Yes." Stripestar mewed, dipping his head. "We in StarClan are going to talk to our respective leaders, make them understand. Now focus on your role in this." And with that, he was gone.

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