Chapter 17

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Foxshade's POV

Foxshade woke with a start. Jerking upright he struggled to calm his breathing and began to wash, slow soothing strokes calming his racing heart. He decided that he could wait no longer. Standing up he left the den. Crossing the camp he stuck his head through the ferns that grew at the entrance of the medicine cat den. "Fluffytail?"
Fluffytail turned. "Oh, hello Foxshade."
"Umm, hi." He entered wondering where to start.
"Something bothering you?" She sat down, gesturing for him to sit down next to him.
"Well, I've been having these dreams." He wrapped his tail around his paws, trying to remember all the details. "It always starts with me hunting in the forest. A snowy forest. Then, I hear a fox." He shuffled his paws, embarrassed he was so afraid of his namesake. "And then, I hear screams. From cats. And a voice keeps whispering things."
"What kind of things?" Fluffytail looked concerned.
"If it isn't stopped, sun will rise and dominate all. Only one, third born of the three, has the power to stop it. And when I ask, who, they just say, the one who doesn't exist. Lately they've just been whispering; the one who doesn't exist, and; Foxshade, be careful." He hung his head, "It sounds ridiculous, doesn't it."
"Who is they?" Fluffytail asked.
"My mothers voice joined the others, after she died. I don't recognize them."
"Well, if the prophecy is about you, I can't do anything. But I am always here if you need me, or find out something else."
"They've been getting worse. The fox I hear every time has started to attack me. I can hear individual yowls."
"Who do you hear?"
"Greyear, Snowdust, All full of fear and loss." Foxshade relized he was shaking. Shivering he washed his paw. Fluffytail pushed some herbs towards him. "Thyme. Should help your nerves." She mewed, looking concerned. "Meanwhile, take it easy."
"What about Flamepaw?"
"Ask your friend to help. You can still train him, just don't overwork. I'll speak to Stripestar about this." Foxshade winced. He wasn't sure he wanted anyone else to know.
"I'll tell him you're got a cold, and should take it easy for a while if you like." She mewed. Foxshade nodded gratefully, getting up to leave the den. As he was leaving he bumped into Greyear. "Morning!" She mewed cheerfully, going to join Ripplestream and Lionspark on dawn patrol. Ivytail and Mosspelt were sharing tongues in a sunny patch. Stripestar was sitting alone, eating a mouse. Foxshade went and joined Snowdust and Nightsoul, who were sharing a vole. "Hia Foxshade." Nightsoul pushed the vole towards him. "Want some?" Foxshade gratefully sat down next to her and took a bite of vole. "I need some help guys." He mewed. Snowdust tipped his head to show he was listening. "I need help training Flamepaw."
"What? Why? He's your apprentice." Nightsoul looked confused.
"I've got a bit of a cold, Fluffytail told me to take it easy for a bit." Foxshade felt the lie slipping easily between his leps. Nightsoul seemed to believe him but he caught Snowdust giving him a peculiar look.

After a long nap in the sun, Foxshade felt a lot better. Stretching and yawning he stood up. "Hey, Flamepaw! Wanna fo for a training sesion?"
"Umm, I've been out all morning. I was just going to go and take a rest." Flamepaw replied, sheepishly.
"Ok," Foxshade winced inwardly. How could he think that Flamepaw had done nothing? Feeling stupid, Foxshade left the camp to go hunting. "Hey, want to go hunting with me?" He asked Greyear. She stood up. "Sure!" Leaving the camp, Greyear leaned towards him. "Guess what?" She whispered.
"I'm expecting our kits!" She mewed exitedly.
"What! Really?" Foxshade was stunned and thrilled.
"Yep!" Greyear shuffled her paws.

Foxshade drew in the scents around him. Mouse! He thought. Crouching down he started stalking towards the mouse. With a swift but silent leap, he killed it. Looking up he saw Greyear, watching appreciatively. Opening his mouty he picked up a new scent. "Smell that?" He asked, narrowing his eyes.
Greyear opened her mouth. "Yeah..." Then she gasped. "Look!" Foxshade gasped too. Floating in the stream, obviously dead, was Stripestar.


"Drowned." Fluffytail mewed. "On his last life."
"Was he murdered?" Asked Stormwind, eyes wide.
"We don't know. The water washed away all scents."
"So he could have slipped in?" Foxshade asked.
Fluffytail frowned. "He could have."

"May all the cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Pointed Rock for a clan meeting!" Foxshade felt a twinge of sadness at the unfamiliar voice of the call. "It is almost moonhigh, and so, I must choose a new deputy." Stormwind continued. "I say these words before the body of Stripestar so he may hear and approve of my choice. Sunflare will be the new deputy of OakClan."
Sunflare stepped forward, no surprise showing on his face. "I promise to try my hardest." He mewed solemnly.
"I will be traveling to Moonstone with Fluffytail to receive my nine lives." Stormwind finished, before leaping down off rock. Foxshade went to join Greyear, who still looked shocked. "You ok?" He asked, gently.
"What? Oh, I'm fine." She replied, eyes dull. Foxshade recognized that look in a heartbeat. He remembered, quite clearly, Snowdust after Beetlekit's disappearance. He brushed against her. "Lets get some rest."

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