Chapter 7

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"No!" He yowled again. He leaped at Frozenriver driven by pure rage. He dug his claws deep into his side. She let out a startled yelp and swung round. Foxpaw hung on for dear life as the world swung and spun around him. Memories of doing the same thing for Beetlekit filled his brain. He dug his claws in deeper. Frozenriver still managed to throw him off. He crashed heavily on the ground and she was on him in a heartbeat. He was helplessly stuck. "I'll show you what happenes when a pesky apprentice tries to play hero!" She whispered in his ear. She dug her claws in and raked them along his soft underbelly. He yowled in pain. He could only just see Greyear, lying on the ground, bleeding the life out of her. He struggled to break free but Frozenriver was almost double his size and strength. Just when he was admitting defeat something flung itself at Frozenriver a bowled her over. Dawnflower! Bloody and dirty she clawed Frozenriver across the face. Frozenriver darted round but Dawnflower bit down hard on her leg. She screeched in pain and with one last, furious glance, made for the bushes. With that the remaining Rockclan cats turned and ran after. "T-thanks," stuttered Foxpaw.
"I plan for you to have a long good life Foxpaw. I'm not going to lose you like this." Dawnflower replied. Foxpaw tried to form thoughts in his foggy mind. One managed to clear. Greyear. He pulled himself to his feet and stumbled over to her. Blood was pouring out of a large gash on her chest. Her breaths were shallow and irregular. "No no no no." Foxpaw murmered. "Stay with me!" He scrambled around trying to get moss or anything! He pressed a pawfull of moss against her wounds but it hardly did anything to stop the flowing blood. "Greyear, please! Don't die," he panted. He tipped her head back to the sky. "Don't take her! Don't let her die! Please..." he yowled. "Please..." he whined again. The evening light shown though the trees. "No no no," his yowled faded to a whimper. "Greyear?" Tears filled his eyes. "You won't die, you can't die! I won't let you..."

Sorry for the short chapter😅
Next one will be a special.

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