//un//masked series

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by @ sparrowheart838

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chapters - book one 35
chapters - book two 36
chapters - book three 13
( in works )

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book one

book two

book three

(book one)

"It is forbidden for a reason, young one. Love makes you weak, a fraction of yourself. It keeps you from being the best you can be and that is why we must mask it. Ambition, intelligence, strength - now those are qualities that will get you through this harsh life. But being loving, compassionate, kind? Those are the best ways to get yourself killed."

Generations after the Masked Uprising and the fall of StarClan, DarkClan's way of life is no less harsh. Emotions are strictly forbidden and any talk of the old life is considered treasonous and punishable by death. It is in this cruel setting that Nightpaw finds himself apprenticed to the only cat with an ounce of freedom: the truth-teller, a cat specifically chosen by the Masked to remember the history of DarkClan.

Yet, Nightpaw doubts the truth in the truth-teller's stories and finds them even harder to reconcile when he is visited by someone he'd been taught no longer exists. Caught between fear and curiosity, the truth-teller's apprentice finds himself stuck between two versions of the Clan's history - two truths where there should only be one.

And he will stop at nothing until the truth is unmasked.

i don't want to spoil too much, so i'm only showing the summary for the first book. even if almost every warriors fan on wattpad knows this series, it still deserves a place on the list! the //un//masked books are glorious in nature and the plot is so enticing and interesting! it takes a dark, dark turn that few fanfictions dare to settle. The way the books are written, with detailed paragraphs and long chapters, make it so great to read. the wide range of emotions that spill into the words make it feel like you're truly in the setting.

it may take several days/weeks to finish all two books (with the third currently in progress), but trust me, it's worth it!!! you will not be disappointed reading these stories, and i hope you enjoy them as much as i do!

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