Chapter Three

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Maplekit (ShadowClan) POV

I sat, with my tail curled around my paws, licking Shallowkit's white scruff fur. I felt an object approaching and bounced forward. Mumblekit tripped over himself in surprise and tumbled to the soft nursery grass.

I squinted at the suspicious tom. He got to his paws and shied away. What a weird cat, he was. I heard a call, a broad call, coming from the clearing. Our mother, Snowbird, perked her ears and padded out with her tail pushing us out of the little cave of ferns and bracken.

Snowbird sat alert as Rowanstar began to speak. I decided to listen in too, "I have decided, to show our fearlessness, bravery and pride to be ShadowClan, to attack ThunderClan." I was confused, why should we attack? The rest of everyone just seemed to look at each other for a moment before Shrewfoot spoke up.

"Rowanstar, I must ask, why? Because Snowwatcher crossed our border. Yes, all of ThunderClan is mouse-brained, but going in-"
"Silence, Shrewfoot!" He ordered. The grey she-cat seemed to be disgusted by the he was treating her. I didn't see wrong in Rowanstar's doings. She was not the leader. She does not decide the decisions. And she should have no right to smart mouth Rowanstar.

I fluffed out my chest and squinted my green eyes at her. She was looking down at the grass in embarrassment like a little kit.
I looked up to see Mumblekit's face. I rolled over, then I swatted him on his ear. "Stupid flea-brain!" I hissed. Snowbird gave us the stop-messing-around-your-making-a-scene and-watch-your-langue-Maplekit look.

I sat up and continued listening to Rowanstar, "All the apprentices and warriors will be coming to the battle, in one big group" He looked at Foxcatcher for a moment before a grouchy elder that always mutters words and phrases like "sweet.. Sweet.. How sweet you were.." And "How did I let you go... How did they know...?" And whenever a bird flew by, "Pretty dove bird's wing" spoke up.

"I've had experience in battle, and I know it's not smart to go one huge group!"
"Yes, Rowanstar it makes no sense!"
"Why are we evening attacking ThunderClan?!" I just watched as his face got madder and madder. Suddenly, a large white paw cut off what everyone said when it swept me into the fern cave again. I gave a huft noise.

How come all us kits never got to see any action?

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