Genderbent Firestar

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Graystripe's pov

"Hello? Buddy? You okay????" the light ginger molly(she-cat I wants to be fancy) asked the gray tom. "Huh?" he had been daydreaming about Firestar for the past five minutes and didn't realize. "Are you okay???" Sandstorm looked confused, "Yeah. Just thinkin." The gray tom suddenly realized his face was bright red, "Thinking 'bout what?" this made his face grow really red 'Crud!!!! What do I say!!!! She doesn't know I have a huge crush on Firestar!!!', "You look sick. Do I need to go get Cinderpelt!?!" I face palmed "No. Unless if he can cure my crush on Firestar." I muttered 'WAIT DID I JUST SAY THAT!!!'.


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