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   You probably want to know herbs, correct? Well, I hope you aren't planning on injuring any cats without them. Or else, they might.. *chop sounds* Well, here's our herb list:3

  ●Borage Leaves: They must be eaten and chewed. It's good for nursing queens since it increases milk. It's also good for fevers.

  ● Burdock Root: Chewed into a pulp that can be applied to rat bites. It cures infections.

 ● Catmint: the best remedy for greencough

 ● Chervil: The juice of these help cure infected wounds and chewing the roots help belly aches. 

  ● Cobweb: Wrapped around wounds to stop bleeding.

 ● Coltsfoot: Chewed into pulp to help with shortness of breath.

 ● Comfrey: The roots of this can be chewed into a poultice to mend broken bones or soothe wounds.

 ● Dock: Can be chewed up and applied to scratches.

 ●   Dried Oak Leaf: Stop infections.

 ●Feverfew: helps with fevers

 ●Goldenrod: A poultice helps with healing wounds

 ●Honey: Helps to sooth infections from cats who breathe in smoke

 ●Horsetail: Leaves can be used to treat infected wounds.

 ●Juniper Berries: Berries soothe belly aches

 ●Lavender: Cures fevers

 ●Marigold: Petals can be chewed to a poultice for wounds.

 ●Mouse Bile: used for ticks.

 ●Poppy Seed: Soothes cats suffering from shock and distress, not for Queens.

 ●Nettle: help with poison but the leaves applied to wounds bring down swelling.

 ●Tansy: good for coughs, but only eaten in small doses

 ●Thyme: good for anxiety

 ●Watermint:Chewed into pulp then given to a cat for bellyaches

  ● Garlic: rolling in a wild patch can help infection.

 ● Yarrow: Made into a poultice to expel poison.


  ● Deathberries are poisonous and can KILL.

So, now you know you herbs. Hope this helped:3 

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