Untitled Part 3

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Love Hurts

Heronkit woke up,when Breezefur noticed his cut."Lilykit and Owlkit must have done this!"She yelped as two kit's mother Blazeice and Slivernose  woke up with a start."Kits,does your punishment needing to be longer?"Blazeice growled,Slivernose glared at Lilykit.Lilykit nodded as Owlkit kept quite. 

"Honestly,Kits,I don't know why don't you let Heronkit play?"Slivernose asked"He not same as us!He just kit as small as a mouse!"Lilykit  mewed,before Lilykit could  say anything else."That it!A another moon until your ceremony!"Blazeice scolded.Lilykit rolled her eyes,her tail lash from side to side."No,Lilykit,Your staying here"Lilykit grumbled and padded to Slivernose.

Dayfrost pressed web against Heronkit's wound,The kit yelped with pain."He will be fine,some rest and a  poppy seed shall do"Dayfrost purred as Heronkit swallowed a tiny seed,"The cuts and wounds we leave on this kit,will give us away for sure!"Smokeclaw spat"Heronkit,Your just  gonna watching,No fighting!"He mewed.Heronkit nodded as he sat and watched two cats fight.

Heronkit woke up,his wound felt better,but it left a scar on his flank,pinkish dry color.Heronkit slipped out camp and crept and ran off to woods.Heronkit padded and glanced around.He found a small bush with red dots,He ran off and grabbed a branch of little red berries.Heronkit  slip in camp and placed the branch and ran around corner and looked at Owlkit and Lilykit"Look,Berries!"Lilykit squeaked,Sliver she cat took one and chewed,Lilykit stopped and fell on her side,High screeches of pain echoed,foam bubbled from her lips.

Dayfrost came with Yarrow,but Lilykit didn't move and she didn't breath.Lilykit mouth was stilled open with chewed redness and terror.Owlkit yelped with sorrow"No!!Lilykit..Stay with me!"Owlkit yowled.Heronkit tried to comfort him but tom swatted him away,A shadow lingered over Heronkit,it monster shrap teeth,red glaring eyes.It was Heronkit's monster,Heronkit smirked as Fernkit and Brightkit,the two newest kits,their mother Gorsetail was sleeping,Padded.The two new kits were nice to Heronkit,they saw him normal,unlike the others did.

Owlkit was sitting by Lilykit's dead body,The wind was stirring.Fernkit and Brightkit were napping as Heronkit saw elders take Lilykit away,"No!!Don't!!!"Owlkit yelled,Blazeice held him down.Slivernose padded and glimpse past Heronkit and looked at Gorsetail.

Heronkit spoke in his head " love does hurt!It so funny that Owlkit in pain!"

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