Chapter 1

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Duskkit peered out of the soft shadows of the nursery, casting a fascinated stare across the RiverClan camp. He pricked up his ears as a patrol walked through the reeds, carrying piles of fish between them.

"Wow! I can't wait until I can go out there!" he exclaimed to his brother, Applekit, who was standing beside him with the same look of wonder in his green eyes.

"Me neither! I want to catch lots of fish!" he replied, batting at a long grass stalk that was creeping into the nursery.

Their sister, Curlkit poked her head out from in between her brothers, her whiskers twitching. "I bet I could catch loads more fish than you," she teased.

Applekit playfully cuffed Curlkit round the ears. She batted him back, and the two started play fighting, rolling around in the moss in front of Duskkit, who watched, amused.

Duskkit wanted to be the best hunter the Clan had ever seen. His father, Blazesight, was well known in all the Clans for his hunting skills. He was Duskkit's idol, and he looked up to him greatly.

His mother, Lilyfeather, had been Blazesight's apprentice, and had fell in love over the course of her training. When she had become a warrior, they became mates almost immediately. Before Duskkit and his siblings had arrived, they had had another litter of kits, all of which had sadly died before they were born.

But Lilyfeather's dream was to be a mother, and in time she had another litter of kits. Duskkit, Applekit and Curlkit were all strong and healthy, even if Curlkit was a bit smaller than her brothers.

The kits were now half a moon old and we're starting to move around more since they had opened their eyes, and had started getting more adventurous and mischievous. Lilyfeather had her paws full, but she had the other queens in the nursery, Robinflower, who had very recently given birth to a single kit, Dapplekit, and Goldenface, who was close to having her kits, to help her out.

Duskkit padded slowly around the nursery. "Lilyfeather? he mewed, "Can we go and explore the camp now?"

Lilyfeather stopped grooming her leg and looked at him. "Ok, but maybe I should come with you..."

"Y-you don't have to," Duskkit quickly replied. It would be so embarrassing if any cat saw him going around with his mother! "Wed much rather go on our own."

Lilyfeather shook her head at him, but her whiskers twitched. "Oh ok then. Just be careful!"

"Yeah!" Duskkit ran back to his waiting siblings. "She said we can go!"

"Yay!" Curlkit reared back on her hind legs with joy. "I can't wait to see what the warrior's den looks like!"

"I want to see the fresh-kill pile!" Applekit mewed, licking his lips.

Duskkit ran out onto the grass. "Come on!"

The three kits ran together our into the camp, looking around, wide-eyed with awe. The sun was shining despite it being close to leaf-bare, and Duskkit could hear the rushing of the river nearby. Warriors were sunning themselves outside of their den, sharing tongues as they shared the news of the day.

"Did you see the salmon that Blazesight caught on the dawn patrol?"

"Yeah, he's such a good hunter. I think he might be leader one day!"

Duskkit glowed with pride at hearing the cats complimenting his father. One day, I'll be as good a hunter as him!

"Hey, look!" Duskkit turned around at the sound of his sister's voice. She was standing in front of a dark tabby she-cat who was standing a couple of tail-lenghs away. "It's Quailstar!"

The old leader took in the kits in front of her. "You're Lilyfeather's kits." she rasped as she slowly padded towards them. "Welcome to RiverClan, young ones."

Quailstar had been leader of RiverClan for as long as any cat could remember. She was getting a bit stiff at her old age now, but she could still lead her Clan just as well as she had all those seasons ago when she had first been given her nine lives.

Duskkit looked up at Quailstar. She was huge compared the the young kit, and Duskkit couldn't help feeling a little frightened of her. He backed away a few steps, his ears flattened against his head.

Quailstar noticed this, and wrapped her tail around Duskkit's shoulders. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you," she purred soothingly.

Duskkit relaxed, and knelt against the leader's soft fur. He wondered if she'd ever had kits. With her gentle yet strict nature, she would've made a great mother.

Duskkit said goodbye to Quailstar and went with his siblings over to the warrior's den. They peeked in through the branches and rushes at circles of moss nests. The den was empty.

"Let's go inside," Duskkit whispered. No cat is there to catch us."

The others agreed, so they silently padded into the large den. It smelt of cats and warmth, reminding Duskkit of the comfort of the nursery. Suddenly he yearned to be cuddled up with his mother in there, breathing in the soothing scent of milk.

"Guys, let's go back now," he meowed, looking back to the outside of the den.

The kits looked reluctant, but agreed to go back to the nursery. Above them, dark clouds were setting in, a Duskkit knew that a storm was on the way.

The kits ran back to the nursery just as rain was beginning to fall. Lilyfeather was waiting anxiously, glancing up at the sky every now and then.

"Quick, kits! Come inside before the rain gets faster!" Lilyfeather swept her kits up with her tail and led the to her nest. Robinflower and Goldenface were asleep. Dapplekit was curled up next to her mother, her front paw covering her face so she wouldn't be disturbed.

Lilyfeather lay in her nest. Duskkit snuggled up next to her, pushing his nose into her fur, smelling her sweet milky scent. He felt Applekit and Curlkit do the same.

"Now go to sleep, little ones," Lilyfeather swept her tongue across her kits' heads. "When you wake up the storm will be gone."

Duskkit's eyes felt heavy, and he let them close. He instantly drifted off into a state of deep sleep, listening to his mother's purr.

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