☬︎ Possession ☬︎ {T}

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" he was the cat who was being possessed "

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❦   c a u t i o n   ❦
☆ Adult situations
☆ Excessive religious mentions
☆ Excessive blood/gore
☆ Excessive violance
☆ Excessive fighting
☆ Excessive death
☆ Betrayal

❦   t i m e ⋆ p e r i o d   ❦

❦   f u l l ⋆ c l a n ⋆ n a m e   ❦

❦   g e n d e r    ❦

❦ a g e   ❦
10 moons

❦ c l a n  ❦

❦   p o s i t i o n ❦

❦ m e n t o r ❦

❦   s t r e n g t h ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦   s p e e d ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦   e n d u r a n c e ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦   a g i l i t y ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦   r e f l e x ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦   c o m b a t ⋆ a b i l i t y ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦   i n t e l l i g e n c e ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦   c h a r i s m a ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦   c o n f i d e n c e ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦   p o p u l a r i t y ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦   i n s a n i t y ⋆ m e t e r   ❦

❦ d o m i n a n c e ⋆ m e t e r ❦

❦   s u b m i s s i o n ⋆ m e t e r ❦

❦ e y e ⋆ c o l o r   ❦
Pale Green

❦ f u r ⋆ c o l o r   ❦
Darker Tan

❦   i m a g e s   ❦

❦  a p p e a r a n c e ⋆ d e t a i l s   ❦
Hollowpaw is a handsome tan and brown tabby tom. He has a large and muscular body type, with sleek medium lengthen fur. The tom has distinctive darker stripes that lead along his legs and tail, as well as his head. Hollowpaw has thick fur around his neck, giving him a lion-like appearance. He has slight ear tufts and long whiskers, with large paws and unusually long claws. The tom also has pale green eyes with an amber hue and a dark russet colored nose.

❦   p e r s o n a l i t y   ❦
Hollowpaw is a bold and teasing tom, one that has a side to him that is gentle and generous. He does have a bit of an ego, and is sarcastic and witty. He's also rather intelligent, and has a healthy ambition about him. He wishes only to help his Clan, and prove to his father that he can become the best warrior. But there is a side to Hollowpaw that is rather fearful. Hollowpaw is slightly paranoid, and hesitant as well, but he tries to push this side of him to the side. He can be very affectionate to those that he cares for.
But there are times when Hollowpaw will not himself. He becomes manipulative and dangerous, more trigger happy and more ambitious. He becomes bloodthirsty and snappy, harsh and cruel. It seems as though he becomes an entirely different cat.

❦   l o o k s ⋆ f o r ⋆ i n ⋆ a ⋆ p a r t n e r   ❦
Someone that he can find support in.

❦ f a v o r i t e ⋆ t i m e ⋆ o f ⋆ d a y ❦

❦ f a v o r i t e ⋆ s e a s o n ❦

❦   b i o l o g i c a l ⋆ p a r e n t s ❦
Stagstar (Leader) : Large, russet colored tabby tom with large paws and long claws, with bright green eyes.
- Bold, watchful, responsible

Heatherlight (Queen) : Pretty tan and brown tabby she-cat with long fur and pale blue eyes, with a long tail.
- Daring, gentle, teasing

❦   b i o l o g i c a l ⋆ l i t t e r m a t e s ❦
Shrewpaw (Medicine Cat Apprentice) : Little brown she-cat with lighter markings and light, sky blue eyes.
- Intelligent, soft, empathetic

Owlkit (Kit) : Dark brown tabby tom with darker stripes and three white points, with large, dark amber eyes.
- Loud, proud, imaginative

Brightkit (Kit) : Pure, light tan she-kit with pale blue eyes like her mother, with five white points and ear tufts.
- Worrisome, pure, kind

Fawnkit (Kit) : Long legged she-kit with pretty light russet fur and pretty grey eyes, with longer fur and lighter spots along her back.
- Childish, whiny, playful

❦   s i d e ⋆ c h a r a c t e r s ❦
Hollowstar (Dark Forest Warrior) : Scarred, large tan and brown tabby tom with medium lengthen fur and pale green eyes.
- Manipulative, ambitious, smart

❦   s c e n a r i o ⋆ m a i n ⋆ i d e a ❦
There was a point in time, when ThunderClan was shrouded in darkness.
A powerful cat, formerly known as Hollowscreech, gained too much ambition.
He became the deputy of his Clan in due time, and too impatient to wait to become leader, he murdered the leader at that time, Jadestar, four times over until all of her nine lives were gone.
Hollowscreech got what he desired, and on his journey to the Moon Pool, StarClan was unable to deny his legitimacy, and granted him his nine lives.
Hollowscreech, now Hollowstar, took pride in his leadership.
For a few moons he was satisfied.
But his bloodlust soon returned.
He launched himself into battle with WindClan, and nearly destroyed the Clan, before he turned onto ShadowClan, and then RiverClan. He had supporters that protected him and followed his every order like kits. It was nearly impossible to get to him. He was going to destroy all the Clans, until only ThunderClan was left standing. The remaining cats in all the Clans then decided to join forces, and all rose up against Hollowstar in a final confrontation.
He was killed and left the world of the Clans, appearing in the Dark Forest, but not before he was able to pass on his line. His mate, back in ThunderClan, gave birth to three kits.
Hollowstar's family line would stay in ThunderClan.
And one day, he would pounce at the right moment.
Three generations after the rule of a treacherous cat named Hollowstar of ThunderClan, the four Clans around the lake have finally found peace.
The story of Hollowstar is a story that old elders are still able to remember living through, and is a terrifying tale that even unnerves most warriors.
ThunderClan was on it's rightful path once again, under the rule of a cat known as Stagstar, whose grandfather was none other than Hollowstar.
It wasn't long before Stagstar and his mate Heatherlight had two kits. The first was a she-cat named Shrewkit, and the second was a tom. But he wasn't just any tom. He was a tom that exactly resembled that of Hollowstar. And Stagstar, believing in his son, named him Hollowkit, hoping that the young tom could serve as an example that even though Hollowstar's blood still ran through ThunderClan, he was never coming back, and Hollowkit would become an honorable warrior.
This was not well received by anyone.
The Gathering seemed to even come to a standstill when Stagstar spoke the name of his newborn kit.
Even the elders of the Clan seemed to look at Hollowkit with distrust.
Hollowkit, desperate to prove that he was not his great-grandfather, wanted to devote himself to becoming the best warrior he could be.
Moons passed, and Hollowkit had become Hollowpaw.
The apprentice was making great bounds to becoming a respected cat in ThunderClan.
But a new prophecy arose from the shadows.
'Beware of what hides in an empty talon, for it shall rip apart the Clans, and destroy them, once and for all.'
Medicine cats of all the Clans were baffled, and decided it was best to keep the prophecy to themselves until they received another sign.
It was twilight.
All was peaceful in ThunderClan.
Hollowpaw, your best friend whom you had a crush on, suggested that the two of you go out hunting in the middle of the night when nobody would see the two of you.
Excited about the invitation, you got up in the middle of the night at moonhigh, feeling Hollowpaw prod your shoulder gently.
"Come on, let's go!" He said softly, excitement in his gaze.
What do you do?

❦   s o n g ❦
Don't Need Nobody by Ellie Goulding

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

❦  r o l e p l a y ⋆ r e q u i r e m e n t s ❦
☆ Must be a cat of ThunderClan
☆ Must be female
☆ Must like Hollowpaw
☆ Must Be 9 moons
☆ Must be best friends with Shrewpaw
☆ Note that Hollowpaw's possessed side will show up later in the roleplay

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