Chapter 17

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The lake reflected the silver orb. Hawkfire pawed at the surface and watched the ripples disturb it.

"Hawkpaw?" She craned her neck and squinting, detecting Russetclaw.

"Hawkfire," she corrected and turned back to the lake.

She heard him walk over deliberately and she whipped around with a snarl. "You're on my territory."

He blinked, "are you going to attack."

She opened her mouth but hesitated. What are you waiting for, surprise him, now's your chance! Instead she faced the water once more. "No." What are you thinking, mouse-brain!

"Okay." He sat next to her and looked up at the night sky. "It's a pleasant night."

"I guess."

"How are you doing?"


There was a moment of silence between them. "You're not going to ask how I am?"




He sighed in exasperation, "why are you so hostile towards me?"

"Why shouldn't I be? You're my enemy," she grunted.

"Just because I am from another Clan?"


"I think that's stupid," he meowed.

"So are you since you are actually sitting on my land like it's nothing."

"It isn't you land."

Hawkfire bristled, "how dare you! Of course it is!"

He gazed at her queerly, his striking yellow eyes fixated on her own. "Just because you set down markers doesn't mean it belongs to you. Anyone can do that."

She shook her head, "why do I even bother to talk with you."

Russetclaw chuckled, "sorry. I'll go now, but thanks for bothering with me." He licked her forehead and strode away, leaving her staring after him in bewilderment. Did didn't right? Please tell me he did not just lick me. She shuddered. What am I thinking?

Hawkfire got up and yawned, trekking back home. She nestled in her nest and was instantly greeted by Thistleclaw. Before she had a chance to even open her mouth, he attacked. She cried out as he bit into the back of her neck, shaking her scruff wildly. Hawkfire's head rattled and she saw stars when he slapped her head with a hefty paw. She struggled free and barely had time to defend herself against his vicious blows flying at her, anger flaring in his eyes.

"What's the matter with you?" she yowled as he snarled and reared up. Hawkfire spun around and kicked out her back legs, catching his belly and sending him spinning away. As he lay on the ground panting she sat down to groom her paw.

"Why did you do that?" she growled.

"Traitor," he gasped.


Thistleclaw shakily stood up. "Traitor! How could you go against your Clan like that?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Russetclaw!" he snapped. "You were hanging around that fox-heart like a lovesick dove."

"I was not!" she retorted, her ears burning with shame.

"Oh please. It was so easy to see. You were fawning over him," he snarled and shook out his pelt.

"That's not it, I was just speaking with him. The warrior code permits that I may have friends from other Clans, though I could hardly say we're that close."

Thistleclaw spat, "Then why is it I see you falling in love with him in the future? Hawkfire, if you don't stop meeting this cat, you will eventually betray your Clan." He circled her, his pelt grazing her. "You don't want that, do you?" he murmured.

Hawkfire shook her head, "no."

"What do you want."

"To become leader."

"Then stop, stop now. Or else I see you will go awry and choose the wrong path." Hawkfire faltered. Did she really have to stop meeting Russetclaw? Not like she cared or anything, but was it that wrong? She was certain she could never love a cat like that anyways, and friends were okay.

She sighed and gave up. "Okay, you win, Thistleclaw."

He purred in relief, "good. I'm proud that you did the right thing here. You won't regret your decision, I promise. After all, everything I do is in your best interests."

The full moon shone brightly. Crickets sung a harmonious chorus to mourn greenleaf's departure. Hawkfire waited for Snakefang to cross the fallen tree to get to the island. Once he made it across the bridge she hopped up, stabbing the bark with her outstretched claws to keep from falling into the water below. She recalled the first time she was going to a Gathering and had plunged in, Lightningmask rescuing her. She scowled, hating how she was so weak then. She made it across smoothly and the rest caught up, Morningstar the last.

"I hear cats," Cloudchaser reported.

Tallwhisker tasted the air, "It's WindClan and RiverClan."

"Come on then, let's not be last," Flareheart urged. Morningstar led them to the edge of the tree line where they paused. He held his tail still, then kinked it over his back and they charged forward. Hawkfire plunged into the clearing and saw dozens of cats milling about. She headed over to Pebblepaw who was speaking with two WindClan warriors.

"Hello, Pebblepaw," she greeted him.

He smiled heartily, "I'm not Pebblepaw anymore, the name is Pebbledust now."

"Oh! That's great! I also am not a 'paw anymore," she purred. "I'm known as Hawkfire."

"Cool, glad to hear it." The two WindClan warriors sniffed Hawkfire curiously and she reeled back from their heather scent clogging her nose.

"Nice to meet you, Hawkfire. I am Barkfur," a dark brown tom meowed, his white patches glowing. "This is my Clanmate, Goldenfeather." The other tom gave a polite nod. He had a coat of pale orange with speckles on his back she noticed.

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance as well," she mewed humbly. They look like senior warriors from all their scars. She faced Pebbledust again, "where is Runningpaw?" She squinted and tried to peer above the sea of heads.

"You mean Runningmouth? He is with his sister over there," he flicked his tail at a cluster of WindClan cats mingling with RiverClan.

"Ah, so they also earned their warrior names."

"Yup. Runningmouth and Ashbreeze. I can join you guys later." Hawkfire grinned and left, finding the WindClan siblings among the group.

"Hey, Runningmouth! Ashbreeze!" she meowed. The two turned around and Runningmouth's face instantly lit up.

"Hawkpaw! How've you been?" he asked pleasantly. Ashbreeze poked her muzzle close.

"Is Lightningmask here tonight?" she meowed before Hawkfire could respond.

"Uh, no. He is at camp." The gray she-cat gave a long sigh and turned back around. Hawkfire realized Runningmouth was still expecting an answer and she giggled.

"Anyways, I'm good. Thanks for asking, but I'm Hawkfire now."

"Oh yea! Congratulations! Did you have an easy assessment? Or perhaps you did something super heroic. What was it like becoming a warrior? Frightening? Exciting? Did you also sit a silent vigil?" As usual, questions flooded out of the small black-and-white tom. He truly does have the fastest mouth. His name suits him very well.

The sudden appearance of ShadowClan stopped her. They streaked down and instantly broke apart to blend with the crowd. She saw Maplepelt trot over with Sootpaw. The she-cat sniffed disdainfully at her but didn't make a rude remark like normal.

"Hello." Maplepelt sat next to them and stared expectantly at the great oak tree, Sootpaw following her example.

"Is your family here?" she mewed to Sootpaw who narrowed his eyes. He gave a slight nod and she saw Duskfur introducing Russetclaw to her Clanmates.

Willowstar yowled atop of the tree, "let the Gathering begin!" The cats settled down and quieted as the leaders made their way up. The RiverClan leader started.

"RiverClan is doing well. The river still holds plenty of fish and we have a new warrior, Pebbledust!" Hawkfire raised her voice to the darkened sky and chanted his name. Once everyone stopped, Willowstar let Yellowstar take her place.

"WindClan is also well. Rabbits are plentiful and we too have new warriors. Ashbreeze and Runningmouth!" The two warriors beside her puffed out their chests as the Clans called out. Yellowstar waited and continued, "we also have two additional apprentices tonight, Breezepaw and Hollowpaw." Hawkfire spotted a white she-cat duck her head as a young tabby beside her shuffled his paws.

Inkstar padded forward next. "ShadowClan welcomes a new litter from Sandfur and Longtooth. Ivykit and Redkit." Murmurs of approval erupted from the cats seated below.

Morningstar passed Inkstar and Hawkfire saw that hostility between the two was minimal. Her leader yowled, "ThunderClan has thrived from greenleaf and we welcome three new warriors. Rabbitclaw, Snakefang and Hawkfire." She raised her chin and beamed, swelling with pride. She could see her brothers doing the same out of the corner of her eye. Hawkfire gazed longingly at Silverpelt as the cats around her cheered. Are you watching Fallengaze? Sorrelbreeze? I wish you were here for this moment, I miss you. I avenged your deaths so there is nothing to worry about, I promise I'll make you proud and become the greatest warrior the Clans have ever seen.

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