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A black and white tom stretched, yawning widely as he got up slowly. A huge forest was sprawled out in front of him, the treetops glistening in the light. The tom was confused at first with the strange surroundings, but then another cat approached him. The cat's pelt was a flaming ginger that glowed with a strange light and his bright, burning green eyes bore into him. Starry pawprints were left behind the handsome cat who touched noses with the tom. Suddenly, the scent of all four seasons washed over him: the tang of leaf-bare, the green scent of greenleaf, the musk of leaf-fall and the sweet blossom of newleaf. Realization hit the tom then. He was in Starclan.

"Duckfeather, it is good to see you," the ginger cat spoke.

F-Firestar! I didn't expect this! Why did you summon me?"

Firestar bowed his head, "I have an omen for you. Do make sure you remember it well." Duckfeather swallowed nervously and nodded. "A hawk's wind will cool the fire that rules the dark, or it will wreak havoc and destroy the light." The ginger tom flicked his tail and abruptly turned with the frost particles sparkling at his paws, leaving Duckfeather dumbfounded.

"W-wait! What does it mean? I don't understand!" Firestar only ignored him and disappeared into the trees. Duckfeather sighed, "I don't understand." The forest began to disperse, then completely vanished, leaving him in a world of darkness. He saw a shadow of cat with it's back hunched over in front of him. He couldn't make out who it was, but had a strange feeling of unease. On one side of the stranger, numerous cats were hissing and spitting, while on the other side more cats were returning the threats. The lone being in the center sat extremely still, almost like it was a statue.

Just then, a low voice spoke, "Which side will you choose? Where do you belong?"

Duckfeather gasped as he awoke, safe in his own nest again. He was panting heavily, recalling his vision as the prophecy swam in his mind, a hawk's wind will cool the fire that rules the dark, or it will wreak havoc and destroy the light.

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