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Shadowpaw didn't hold back his emotions one bit, pressing his body against Rootpaw's, pressing his face into the crook in Rootpaw's shoulder. He'd been thinking all night and day about this feeling, contemplating, denying, rethinking, more denial, but in the end, it was the best - and worst - thing it could've been.
"Rootpaw." He said, ears pinned back, eyes squeezed tightly shut, longing threatening to explode from his heart, a feeling from the deepest pit of his soul hammering to be as close to Rootpaw as possible. Rootpaw didn't pull away, and instead leaned into it. Shadowpaw knew this was what he was yearning for. Bliss. A feeling of not knowing how he'll survive the night without Rootpaw's warmth. "I don't know why, but I can't stand to be away from you."
He said. "All I know is it hurts whenever I think about going back to the cold medicine den, back to my lonely clan and you're not there. I can't stand it. You're the only one who sees me" he mewled, those drops of emotion falling from his eyes, soaking into Rootpaw's shoulder. His voice quivering with the last words.
"Shadowpaw. I feel the same. I thought it was just that you and I had similar problems, and maybe it still is, but I feel like I could cross any obstacle to get to you, but then you're gone, and I feel unmotivated and helpless." He said, and it pulled at Shadowpaw's heart. Every word, like birdsong, or a Chorus from StarClan. It made him feel calm like the sunrise over the lake in the morning.

And he hated it.

He hated it because he knew what this feeling was. And he knew that this would end in misery.
"Rootpaw. What do we do?" He asked helplessly, deflated. He couldn't see his face, but he knew he felt the same and he knew what Shadowpaw meant.
"There's... nothing we can do." He said, standing up and stalked toward the exit to the clearing. "Shadowpaw, you understand that this breaks three different laws of the warrior code all at once, right?" He said, stopping, his head hanging. Shadowpaw still couldn't see his face. "We're apprentices, you're a medicine cat, AND we're from different clans." He said, and began padding away, more slowly. Shadowpaw hackles raised in rage. He felt hurt that Rootpaw just gave up like that. "Is that it? Don't you care?" He yowled to the warrior apprentice. Rootpaw sharply rounded on him, and now Shadowpaw had a better view of his face, which he could see more clearly, his eyes clouded, glittering with emotion, tail tucked against his flank and his legs trembled awkwardly.
"You think I don't care? Because I do.. I care so much. I want to stay with you so much that I want to die, mousebrain. Just walking away burns like nettles in a claw wound, and I curse StarClan even now for the rules that they created. But I also know where belligerent ignoring of the warrior code leads you, and I will happily take waiting my whole life to be with you in StarClan than spend my living life with you in the knowledge that it could lead to you having to go to the Dark Forest... A place filled with murderers and- and evil cats!" his voice raised to a caterwaul, and he had to pause before choking out the last part, pain written across his muzzle, and he stepped forward until he was nose to nose with Shadowpaw, and Shadowpaw felt his heart race as Rootpaw lifted his nose and pressed it against Shadowpaw's.
"I...I like you. Like really like like you." Shadowpaw stammered clumsy was grief, not knowing where to look.
"I.. like like you too, Shadowpaw." Rootpaw pressed his paw to Shadowpaw's chest, "that's why I will not risk dooming you for damnation when you don't deserve it." He spoke, and shadowpaw saw that he was trying his best to be strong for him. And what he said made sense. The least Shadowpaw could do was return the favour. So he wiped his face on his foreleg, clearing away the tidying his face and nodded.
"You're right. And I want the same for you. That doesn't mean I'm not going to cry about it though. I also think I need to beg Tigerstar for help in overcoming, or at least learning how to bare the pain." Shadowpaw murmured, and Rootpaw nodded.
"That's a good deal. Then I'll do the same. But I'll still wait for you, StarClan and beyond." Rootpaw assured, licking him on the muzzle. Shadowpaw's heartburn had given up, and he found himself missing the salty taste of his sadness.
"StarClan and beyond" Shadowpaw repeated him, returning the affection two-fold, lapping at his muzzle carefully
"And yes, I will also cry. More than I care to admit" Rootpaw laughed in a meek attempt at humour, to which shadowpaw smiled and sighed.
They sat there for a little while, not nearly long enough though, before they stood up together, "come. It's time we go. We don't want overstay our welcome anymore than we have to." And so they made their way off the island and across the bridge, and leaned on each other the whole way till to the point where ShadowClan territory meets SkyClan territory.
There they said their goodbyes
"StarClan and beyond?" He looked deep into Rootpaw's eyes
"StarClan and Beyond" he said, and they brushed muzzles, and went their separate ways, neither of them forgetting their agreement to get help dealing with the heartache, though Shadowpaw had no idea what advice would make this better.
With that he dashed to camp, not letting himself break down again.

Finally he arrived back, every cat had gone to sleep and only Sunbeam set guard. He nodded to her on his way in, shaking his head reassuringly when he saw the look of concern in her eyes. He didn't expect his condition to go unnoticed, but he was glad that it had been Sunbeam and not Strikestone who saw. He circled around his nest in the medicine den and flopped down shakily. the young apprentice looked around, half hoping to see Rootpaw standing there or something. He lay his head down and closed his eyes, but sleep didn't come easy to this sore soul, and the nest felt cold and lonely. His thoughts whirled with that face, and he yowled into his flank, trying to suppress his cry so Puddleshine could sleep, But then he heard pawsteps at the entrance of the den.
"Shadowpaw", he looked up to see his father at the entrance, "I saw you come in. Is everything alright?" StarClan help me.

The SkyClan camp was more awake, and Rootpaw arrived to a small buzz, hearing what sounded like Leafstar and Dewspring. And Violetshine. He realised there was no way he was going to be able to mask his pain so he decided to try not give them a chance to see him. He shot inside, looked toward the cats gathered, and yowled
"I'm back" he croaked, and turned to head straight for the den, please please please...
"Rootpaw, a word" he heard Leafstar call. He hesitated for a second, a paw in the air, not sure whether to keep walking. After a moment of thought, he turned around and padded back toward them slowly, head bowed down to hide his face, trying his best to work up a fake smile.

"Nothing. I'm fine" Shadowpaw's voice croaked unconvincingly. looking away quickly. He hear Tigerstar kneed the ground worriedly,
"Come outside for a moment. Please." He heard his father plead.
"No!" he yelled, curling into a tighter ball. He heard his pawsteps close in and then felt a tongue lap across the side of his head.
"My precious kit, whats wrong?" He asked. At this point, Shadowpaw couldn't help letting out a whimper, which he feebly and unsuccessfully tried to silence my clenching his jaws together. the trembling in his legs released themselves once again.

Rootpaw stood in in front of his, leader, mentor, and mother, on the brink of breaking down, and despite them all caring dearly for him - he knew they did - he couldn't bring himself to reveal his dispair to them, brought on through traitorous emotions.
He heard pawsteps in front of him and expecting to see Violetshine's paws, was surprised to see Dewspring from the top corner of his eye, and he looked up at his mentor with his brave face.
"Where does it hurt?" He heard him ask. He was surprised by the question, but the sincerity only made it harder to speak past the growing jump in his throat, but he finally made an effort, and as he spoke, the pain and hurt stabbing him from all sides,
"I-I-[hic]-n h-here" he choked out meekly, holding his paw up to his heart, pain sneaking through his words, before heaving a clenched yowl that he couldn't breathe past.

Shadowpaw Lay there, breathing fast and shallowly, gulping breaths of air, and choking on air, the very feeble he missed so much now refused to go away, his feather's head hanging over him.
"Dad.. it hurts so much" he cried in a shrill voice. He heard a rustle and saw Puddleshine was awake, watching with a sympathetic eye, almost knowingly.
"What does?" He asked, leaning his head against his son's.
"My chest. It feels like it's chewing its self up. I feel like my heart's missing." He moaned, looking up at his father, a silent plea for help.

Dewspring cradled Rootpaw's head in his chest, and Leafstar spoke up,
"Do you want to tell us why?" She asked, and Violetshine took a step forward and lapped at his cheek. It was clearly obvious to her with the ShadowClan scent soaking his fur as she lapped at it what the leader would have him say, but she didn't pry. Her she simply comforted her kit in his time of need.
"I-I.." He couldn't finish his sentence before breaking down, tears pattering piteously from the stinging in his mind, like he'd been slashed on the nose, and his tail hung straight down.

"Shhhh" he heard his mother whisper softly, "I love you. And I always will" she finished. To that he couldn't stand it, and pulled away
"No!" He hissed. "You can't love me. I don't deserve it. I-I" he crouched, "I love someone. So very much. And he loves me. But he's..." he couldn't bing himself to finish his sentence.
"Not in the clan?" Dewspring finished sympathetically. Rootpaw closed his eyes and gritted his teeth, "It's worse...he's a medicine cat. In another clan." He finished, and silence soaked the clearing. But after what felt like an eternity, Dewspring spoke up.
"I had a feeling. Seeing you two at the gathering, you did seem awfully close." He said, and Rootpaw looked up,
"You knew?" He whimpered. Leafstar sighed, looking in his direction,
"I had my suspicions when you practically begged me to let you stay behind with Shadowpaw after the gathering" She offered. He wanted to reply but the words didn't come. He felt like such a failure.

"I.. I love someone." He said, lowering his head, expecting his father to explode with rage at how he, a medicine cat, could possibly love someone. But he didn't. He just lay there next to him, nose to Shadowpaw's forehead. "My poor kit. Life never makes it easy for us does it?" He sympathised and he accepted the sentiment, laying his head on his father's side, the wail works had come to pass.
"But it gets worse. He's from another clan." He whispered, given confidence to speak by the calm of his father.
"Is it Rootpaw?" He asked immediately. Shadowpaw was stunned at the guess, or how calm his father was about it. But he didn't respond, only looked at the ground, ashamed. Puddleshine hadn't spoken, but the expression was pitying, and he'd be mad at him for pitying him if not for the fact that that was exactly how he would've reacted.

"So how long have you felt like this?" Violetshine asked.
"Since yesterday" he said, realising how silly he must have sounded, but no one reacted that way. Leafstar just looked up into the night sky, "we tried to stomp it out tonight before it got.. well.. like this. We promised each other to ask for help but... I don't know how" he said, frantic threatening to return with a vengeance, the pounding in his chest a painful ebb.
"Little one. There's nothing wrong with having feelings for another cat. choosing who we love... That's a luxury we don't possess" Leafstar meowed. "You've done nothing wrong. On the contrary, you have done better than most. You say you've known since yesterday? And rather than acting on impulse, you chose honesty and to ask for help. That was incredibly mature of you" She affirmed. He looked up, relief coursing through him,
"So Shadowpaw wont go to the dark forest for loving me?" He blubbered, and Violetshine stepped forward sharply, pressing her muzzle into his cheek
"Of course not. StarClan aren't cruel" she reassured him.
Leafstar looked up, surveying the camp, "and you say that Shadowpaw plans to tell Tigerstar as well?" She asked, and he nodded. "If I'm being honest, this is all new to me. I haven't had to deal with something like this before. Similar -" she shot a good humoured look at Violetshine, who cackled, "- but not like this. Tomorrow I'll have a chat with Tigerstar on how to move forward. Thank you, Rootpaw, for being upfront about it." She said, padding back off to her den, and so did Violetshine after licking his cheek, leaving himself and Dewspring in the clearing. They just stared at one another, before Dewspring broke the silence,
"We'll figure this out. Don't worry. You really do have the makings of a great warrior. It doesn't matter if it just takes you a little longer to learn how to fight." they laughed at that, and his mentor brought him into an embrace "It's your heart that matters. And you have a good one" he closed and headed back to the warrior's den. He just sat there for a while, the pain had eased slightly. A good night's sleep would help a lot. He got up and padded off back to his nest.

Shadowpaw told his father about what had happened, how yesterday had led to feelings between them, and what transpired at the gathering, leaving only the important details, their confession and how they broke it off, and lastly how they both agreed to get help overcoming or dealing with their feelings. Puddleshine had got up and sat next to his nest, listenening in on the story.
"Shadowpaw, I'm glad you told me, and I know how you feel. You forget that I'm not as guilt-free as you think. Remember that your mother wasn't always of ShadowClan." His father meowed. He knew what his father said was comfort, but he didn't like the terrible hope it gave him that things may work out for him and Rootpaw.
"I'm glad you told me this." He said, before Puddleshine piped up
"And remember, falling in love with someone isn't against the warrior code. You have done nothing wrong" he said, draping his tail across Shadowpaw's shoulder. Shadowpaw smiled, his faced disheveled. Tigerstar looked down at his nest, shredded from frantic kneeding. Why are there so many tears tonight? Shadowpaw pleaded to himself himself sullenly.
"Rootpaw said he didn't want me to go to the dark forest. He said he was willing to wait even for StarClan to be with me." he mumbled, recalling the tom's words, smiling involuntarily.
His father just smiled back.
"What am I going to do with you. You can sleep with me for tonight. If that's alright with Puddleshine" Tigerstar said, looking to the back of the den to the older medicine cat, who nodded and put his own head down. Shadowpaw got up and followed his father out of the medicine den into the leaders den.

Rootpaw had awoken the next morning anxious. Again he was awake before sunup, but not with excitement or determination. With a feeling of dread. nerves kept him awake. This time waiting outside Leafstar's den, and sure as a leader should be, she was up at first light. She probably had an inward laugh at Rootpaw's anxious face staring into the den. What a funny thing to wake up to.
"Okay Rootpaw, let me just eat something and we'll go. And you should have something too." He nodded wordlessly and pulled an undersized shrew from the pile, wolfing it down unhealthily quickly, cleaning off the bones. Leafstar finished off half her crow and gave the other half to Needlepaw and headed for the entrance, Rootpaw bouncing impatiently around her.
"Where are you going?" Needlepaw called. He looked at Leafstar panicked for what to say, but she caught the question for him,
"ShadowClan camp" She meowed over her shoulder. Completely honest and perfectly vague. Pigeontail stooging up,
"Don't you want a patrol?" He called. She waved her tail.
"No, Pigeontail, Rootpaw will do just fine" she dismissed and they left camp, ShadowClan-bound.
"Okay Rootpaw, if what you say is true, and that Shadowpaw asked for help, then Tigerstar will at the very lest wont be surprised to see us." She mewed without turning around. Rootpaw gulped. He hoped that Shadowpaw followed through.
"Right" he nodded. He had confidence that Shadowpaw didn't go back on his word.

Shadowpaw was lazing in the shade not moping, just... well yeah moping. Earlier, Tigerstar, Dovewing and him had the same conversation as last night to clue her in, which was... fun. He was dating patterns in the dirt with his claw, when a yowl came from the camp entrance.
"Tigerstar, we found these two at the border. They say they're here to speak to you." Antfur called, followed by Scorchfur and Greassheart. They encircled Leafstar and who was that behind her? He stood up to get a closer look. Squinting, he saw.. His eyes widened at the unmistakable yellow coat of Rootpaw. His fur rose by its self and his every instinct told him to shout at the patrol to Get away from him. He had to remind himself that they still didn't belong in ShadowClan camp. His father glanced at him and back at the patrol.
"Oaky you can leave them now, Antfur." He ordered. The patrol dispersed, and immediately Shadowpaw dashed forward straight to Rootpaw, only stopping when he saw Rootpaw's alarmed gaze, zipping from him to all his clanmates that surrounded them. Oh. Right. He composed himself and slowed to a trot, landing himself beside Tigerstar. He smiled at Rootpaw who smiled tactfully back, blinking at him slowly.
"Come. Let's not talk here." Tigerstar got straight to the point, turning and padded out of camp.

They padded all the way to he outermost part of the territory, past the Twoleg nest, till they got to a large flat stone where all clambered up and sat in a circle.

The ShadowClan leader turned.
"Quite the situation we have here, ey?" He commented "I'll be honest with you, Leafstar. This is completely new territory to me. We have budding inter clan relationship, and yet, no code has been broken." He started, then looked with pride at Shadowpaw "Moreover, I cannot think of a single instance in our history where cats have done the right thing and went to their leader asking for help with such an issue, so I'm quite at a loss for where to go from here." The leader admitted.

Leafstar was the second to speak,
"Aye. Normally the right course of action would be to tell them off and ensure that these two don't go near each other, but..." she faded off,
"It feels different this time." Tigerstar offered. "The times are changing and archaic tradition doesn't feel fair this time."
"Right. Well put" she conceded. "But if what we know to be right feels wrong... I've never had to answer this question. I too am at a loss."
Shadowpaw's heart sank. Not only because of their leaders' collective confusion, but at the painful hope they were unwittingly instilling I'm him.

"Well, I suppose there are a few things we shan't overlook. One being that you are both apprentices, so even in optimal circumstances you'd not be allowed together, but I suppose that proximity is all you want at this point so I guess that isn't a big issue. you're also both toms, and so kits don't even factor into the situation, which in some way could make this a whole lot simpler I'd imagine." Leafstar mumbled, stabbing at random facts, looking between the two, and Shadowpaw already wanted to crawl into his own skin and die of embarrassment. It was so awkward having someone else discuss their future like this so casually, and it looked like Rootpaw felt the same, based on his expression. Tigerstar cut in,
"Another thing is that one being a medicine cat and one a warrior, but being in separate clans this opens a unique door in that they would likely never meet in battle and Shadowpaw wouldn't be torn in his healing practices. All of these things point to there being a way, but I just, with all my experience, don't see it. I think I speak for you Leafstar, when I say I've never had anyone admit to loving someone a rival clan and they haven't yet even broken the code. This is new territory for everyone. So many factors in play, but none of them quite fit together." The leaders conversed, going back and forth and Rootpaw and Shadowpaw just sat there, exchanging smiles, followed by looks of frustration to the leaders. But to Shadowpaw, just being here with Rootpaw was enough for him, staring into his beautiful cerulean eyes. For now at least. Maybe it was the openness of it. He was just relieved that, while his father and Leafstar hogged the conversation, they weren't hurling insults or being aggressive. He refocused on the discussion,
"-But come on can rule out prescribed visitation. That's way too systematic." Tigerstar said huffing,
"Well yes it is, but so is the warrior code. We should solve a systematic problem with a systematic solution" Leafstar countered,
"But love isn't systematic. Trust me, visits wont work. I know from experience." He said.
"But you were doing it in secret were you not?" Leafstar retorted, but almost immediately lowered her head, "sorry. That was uncalled for. I shouldn't have attacked your personal life." Tigerstar seemed to wave off the personal attack in any case, continuing.
"Look. We have to remember that this decision isn't just for these two. Whatever comes of this will likely set a precedent for future cats to come, so we have to decide on something that works well and doesn't fly in the face of the code." He pressed
"Well I can't think of anything that fits that description short of someone moving clans or Our clans joining into one big ShadowSkyClan" Leafstar huffed, her head down.
"Which is why I suggest we invite other leaders to the discussion." Tigerstar stated. "Seven heads are better than four" he said, looking back down at Shadowpaw and Rootpaw, who had somewhat drifted from the conversation and were just staring at each other. At this, Tigerstar looked back up to Leafstar. "I won't stop if there's a chance I can't solve that. Maybe it's selfish, but because it's my own kit, I can't help but see things in a new light"
He stated softly.
"I completely agree" she concurred. "And I agree with bringing the other leader into the loop. While the medicine cats can deal with the prophecy, us leaders still have a job to protect that cats in our clans who are still alive." She said.
"Okay you two. We've decided. We'll hold a meeting with all the leaders to come up with an official solution to this problem for you and others to come." Tigerstar announced. It felt like a weight in Shadowpaw's heart was replaced with an odd feeling wriggling rock.
"But if we make a lake-wide issue over this, surely cats will ask questions. And if we don't come to a solution, then everyone will know about us and we'll be seen as disloyal." Rootpaw voiced Shadowpaw's worry perfectly.
"It will be strictly private. No one will be allowed to talk about the meeting unless we come to a solution." Leafstar said simply. Shadowpaw sat back on his haunches.
"Sounds good to me" he mewed, and Rootpaw nodded agreement after a moment.
"Good. I'm glad" Tigerstar smiled, "well then, there's still plenty light left. I will travel to the other clans to give the news of the meeting. Shall we hold it at the island in three days time?" He suggested, and Leafstar nodded.
"Great. Shadowpaw, will you join me?" He turned to him enquiringly.
"Um. Okay" he meowed. Standing up, and moving off to his father's side.
"Leafstar, can I go too? Please?" Rootpaw asked his leader. She sat in thought for a second before looking to Shadowpaw, who made sure to look extra pathetic, then at Tigerstar who nodded permission. Finally she exhaled,
"Fine. But be careful. but if I lose one of my lives to your mother, its on you" she joked, turning and heading back to camp.
"Hooray!" Shadowpaw yowled, bouncing up to Rootpaw and brushing pelts with him, and the trio began their trek toward the nearest clan, WindClan. Next they'd go to RiverClan, then ThunderClan, then they'd drop off Rootpaw and arrive back home at ShadowClan, but they had to cove lots of ground, even with all the time they had left, and they would most definitely miss sunset.

The two apprentices were laughing cheerfully when they arrived at the WindClan border, where Tigerstar shushed them and they trekked calmly and peacefully to the WindClan camp. the plains were windy and cold, and they were near shivering when they arrived at the camp entrance.
"Harestar. It's Tigerstar. I come peacefully and bring news!" He called, and the buzzing camp fell quiet, Shadowpaw and Rootpaw fell to attention when two warriors stepped out and behind them Harestar.
"Well Tigerstar, you have guts I'll give you that. showing up at our camp. You must have something very important to tell me that you couldn't wait for a patrol you pick you up." Harestar began, seemingly holding his patience together.
"Yes actually. I bring news and invite you to a meeting. May we speak privately?" He asked. Harestar flicked his tail and his warriors slunk back into the camp.
"So what is this meeting about?" He asked, his interest clearly a little piqued.
"Its about amending and fixing the grey area around inter clan relationships" he said simply. The WindClan leader was unmoved,
"What so complicated about them? Just don't do it." He said, and Shadowpaw felt a twinge of rage stirring, but Rootpaw, lay a paw on his, shaking his head slightly.
"Yes, but what then? What happens if the rule is broken? What happens to the cats affected by the code, and what happens when two cats find themselves in love and they come to their leader for help, and he can't help dealing with it, because the through of this rule in the code is unclear?" Tigerstar finished, getting slightly worked up in the end, but bringing himself down. The WindClan leader thought for a moment, before speaking up again,
"You make yourself a point. Good or not, I don't yet know. Alright you have me interested. I'll be there. Though i still don't see what you could possibly say that'll change anything. But StarClan damned if I don't show up and thusly lose my say" he said, standing up.
"Great. Three days time, the Gathering island. And, this stays private. I don't want anyone getting wind of this before we've resolved something." To that, the leader nodded his agreement.

The longest trek was to RiverClan. By the time they reached the border, it was already sunhigh, and they caught a patrol at the perfect time, which led then to the camp. The two apprentices hung back while Tigerstar talked to Mistystar this time. They again, discussed in private outside the camp walls
"Alright I'll see you there then" she immediately jumped at the proposal, requiring no convincing at all, maybe this was due to her half-clan heritage.
"Excellent. We really appreciate it" Tigerstar thanked her, but Mistystar continued,
"I do find it odd to see you of all cats championing this. It's a very ThunderClan esc move if you know what I mean. Not to diminish my respect for what you're doing. I think it's great. But what changed" She asked.
"I understand what you mean, and honestly,-" he looked over his shoulder and Mistystar's gaze followed her's to the two apprentices who were sitting in the back laughing and smiling, and Shadowpaw pressed his paw into Rootpaw's snout, pushing him over. Tigerstar's heart melted at the sight. "- I guess your perspective changes when you have something you have something precious to protect. I realised that I want to make sure they -" he looked back at the apprentices"- or anyone never has to go through what you, or Bluestar, or Leapool, or Silverstream had to endure ever again." He said. When he looked back at her, she was still staring at the apprentices, smiling in their direction, almost sympathetic.
"Yes. I believe it is the right thing to do", she spoke absentmindedly. Her gaze didn't shift from the two until they said their goodbyes,

Lastly was ThunderClan, and Tigerstar was expecting the least resistance from them, although it would be difficult to beat Mistystar's response, short of accepting the invitation before it was offered.

When they arrived in the territory, they were found by the new warrior Bristlefrost.
"You're aware how suspicious you look right?" Said the the warrior.
"One leader and two apprentices! How is that at all threatening?" Shadowpaw demanded,
"Not threatening. Suspicious" she repeated herself. Tigerstar noticed Rootpaw didn't say anything, only watched Bristlefrost with a twinge of hurt in his eyes. They must have some sort of history. He thought to himself. But Rootpaw shook his head and immediately draped his tail over Shadowpaw's shoulder to comfort him.

When they arrived at the camp, they waited at the wall as per the last two territories. Bristlefrost left to call Bramblestar, and a few moment later he came wading out alone, the clan chatter on the other side unbroken this time.
"So what is this you want to speak with me about Tigerclaw?" He meowed. Once again Tigerstar explained his intentions, inviting him to join.
"I want to change fix a long standing problem and speak for voices that has gone unheard for so long." He mewed, divulging the script. Bramblestar sat and stared up for a moment before turning to the camp and disappearing. "Well that's odd. I suppose he didn't want to help. I really thought he'd-" Tigerstar was interrupted by another rustle in the gorse tunnel revealed Bramblestar, followed by Graystripe this time.
"Tigerstar. What you are doing is incredible. And I would love to help you in this endeavour, if you'll have me." He finished.
The ShadowClan leader bowed his head respectfully and appreciatively,
"I would be honoured to have you Graystripe. Your wisdom and experience are a blessing I'd be a fool of turn down." Tigerstar slowly raised his head.
"Then it's settled" Bramblestar stepped forward "we'll meet you at the Island in three days time. Now, you'd better get back to your camps. Nightfall will hit soon" he bid them farewell and the three were on their way.

The trudge back toward SkyClan camp through the forest was slow and everyone was exhausted. Well, no. actually Rootpaw was fine. Tigerstar and Shadowpaw had grown sluggish toward the end and had trouble pushing through bramble thorns and the thick undergrowth, while Rootpaw was hopping along, clearly at home. The SkyClan territory shared biomes, so to him, it must have been no different to the site around his own camp. that being said, he resolved to guiding the other two through.
"This way," he led them through routes that seemed closed off and impassable, but opened up at a corner turn.
Under Rootpaw's lead, they made it through far more quickly than if they had gone the way they thought best, and in no time flat they arrived at the SkyClan camp, where they would part ways. Shadowpaw nuzzled his cheek and they said goodbye, then he hauled into the camp. Tigerstar remarked to himself how easy of a job that turned out to be, and now Rootpaw was to tell Leafstar that it was a success.

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