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Rootpaw's pelt tingled with excitement we're actually getting somewhere! His nerves were getting the best of him and he didn't care, he could swear he was being elevated into the sky, but the fact that no one was looking at him probably meant he was just where he was sitting a few moments ago.

"Now," Leafstar continued "Harestar is right. This is a big thing, but it pales in complexity to the other issue at hand. Inter clan relationships. The fact of the matter is we have boarders, and in those boarders, we have allegiances to which we must abide. Something as simple as 'cats with inter clan relationships must sit out of fights in clan disputes' or 'cats in inter clan relationships should fight with all their might regardless of their opponent' will suffice. We are in good terms, but at the end of the day, we are still rival clans, with our own territory, our own prey, and our own value in loyalty. We cannot just abject cats with inter clan relationships from this law. It wouldn't work. I fear changing this law will be no small feat. I do not see how this rule would be flexible while leaving the territory rule as it is. Anyone have particular insight that they'd be willing to share? Because my only solution I can think of, if you could call it that, is complete clan union with five leaders who vote on clan decisions." She shook her head, lost for answers.
"That is a dangerous notion" Tigerstar cautioned, "all too often clans are found having to keep other clans in check when they go awry. I admit fully that ShadowClan has been on the wrong side of that many times, as has each clan here at least once. Having one big clan would lose us that important mechanism."
"Not to mention the difficulties of it day to day." Mistystar cut in, "patrolling and marking territory would be a nightmare, and all those mouths to feed in once place, it would be difficult to make sure we don't over-hunt prey that is near us. It would be possible, but not easy."
Bramblestar opened his mouth to speak but Mistystar cut him off "but. Sorry Bramblestar, I'll let you speak in a moment. I do not see another way. A centralized clan would solve a lot of other issues, even if it does cause problems. Okay, continue Bramblestar." She nodded sheepishly at the ThunderClan leader, who just laughed it off.
"What I was going to say is that I don't see a reason why we can't unite in a single clan without changing our clan camp. I do not quite understand why we are locked in a position of inter-clan rivalry in the first place. In my mind, and I haven't thought this through entirely, bare in mind, it would be far more peaceful at the lake if each leader governed their respective territory, but cats could travel across each territory as they liked. Why the rigidity? If we erased the notion of clan rivalry and just worked together, then what harm could come of it. This way, Tigerstar's worry of clans mounting aggression against other clans can still be defended against in adherence to the warrior code, but we relieve ourselves of the needless aggression between territories." Rootpaw was hanging on his every word. He couldn't tell if we was just very persuasive, or if he had a really good point.

Either way, he couldn't take his eyes off the leader. It was such a privilege to see the leaders being all leader-y. Shadowpaw was quite the same, stars in his eyes as the conversation moved forward. The seed of hope that was planted in Rootpaw's chest was blossoming into a flower that would die and take him with it if this fell apart.

"If I might cut into the conversation" everyone turned to see Jayfeather standing in the clearing, Puddleshine at his side. How that cat managed to move around the territory like he did was beyond Rootpaw. But why were they here? How long had he been there? How much had he heard?
"Jayfeather, Puddleshine. This is most unexpected. But please, speak" Tigerstar offered.
The medicine cat stepped forward.
"This may seem like a small point to add, but dismantling boarders would do more good than harm. It not unheard of that medicine cats fall ill or are unable to treat the sick. If you are planning to allow medicine cats to have kits, then it is imperative that allegiance boarders are also dismantled. I say this because sometimes even now, medicine cats need to transverse territory. There would be required streamlined movement of medicine cats between territories at a moment's notice, and I can think of a few occasions" his unseeing gaze locked onto the WindClan leader, "where medicine cats have been denied entry to clan boarders for arbitrary reasons" the leader looked down.
"You're referring to OneStar. Your point is taken." Harestar said, nodding graciously.
The medicine cat continued, "I for one give my blessing as a medicine cat for freeing medicine cats, as well as clan separated unity, for what it is worth." He looked at Puddleshine, who nodded in agreement.
Tigerstar dipped his head to the medicine cat who could not see the gesture,
"Thank you Jayfeather, Puddleshine. I appreciate your input.
"You are welcome. And you are also welcome to invite us next time you call a meeting that affects the fate of not just the clans as a whole, but of medicine cats specifically" he snapped grouchily.
"Point taken" Tigerstar conceded earnestly. "We simply did not want to bother you from your worth with the moonpool." He added on.
"Ha. What work? There's no work we can do anymore. We're at a loss. We've exhausted all avenues. Your issue is trivially simple compared to the muck up that this disconnection from StarClan has caused. What we actually came to tell you is that the moonpool has defrosted but the connection has yet to return. We suspect we're not to blame for StarClan's silence, because it is unreasonable that they would leave without word or warning. But I'm glad to see the leaders finally getting together to do something useful for once. Too bad it took apprentices to get your hinds moving." he huffed, stomping away, his tail lashing. The leaders huffed humorously. That was Jayfeather at his most scathing.
"There is significance in what he said. As leaders, we need to be doing what we can for the clans, and without StarClan in the picture, we must go on instinct, mainly kindness and empathy. We can't wait for StarClan to come back to tell us what to do." Bramblestar meowed, looking at the sunny sky, which was slowly dipping toward the horizon.
"Well, Tigerstar," Harestar began, "I'm impressed. This was far more impactful than I thought it was going to be. I expected a breakdown into fighting before we even began discussing." The leader dipped his head.
"Then that settles it. We will announce these changes at the next gathering. Thankfully, not a whole lot will have to change. This is much easier to implement than a single camp, or exclusive rights to particular cats to come and go as they please. All the clans need to do now is come to terms with not being hostile with one another on territory patrols, being sensible with hunting, and not attacking just any cat they come across." Mistystar meowed in finality.
"Besides," Leafstar interjected "it's not like every cat is going to suddenly choose a new territory to stay at. Most quite like where they are now, but those who need to move will now able to come and go as they wish without fear of hostility." She stated somewhat inelegantly but correctly.
"We'll have to monitor how it pans out, but I think this will be quite a big step in clan history. Rootpaw, Shadowpaw. Is this to your liking? Any concerns?" Graystripe asked. The two just sat there, starry eyed. Rootpaw couldn't even bring himself to break the majestic traction of the leaders' words.
"I think they're content with that. Crowfeather, you haven't spoken in a while, anything you'd like to add?" Harestar asked. The black warrior looked at the sky longingly,
"Just that I wish this could've happened sooner" he meowed softly. He was still grieving. Rootpaw knew he had something to do with a medicine cat, he'd heard about it from a clan mate. Rootpaw would have to ask Shadowpaw about it later. Because now he could! He could just go down to the ShadowClan camp and just be with him! Well.. in a moon's time, but still! This was huge!

"I think it goes without saying that no one in the clans is to know about this until we announce officially it at the next gathering. We don't want to lose control of the information. At the next gathering, we'll stay for as long as it takes to answer any questions or concerns that cats may have, this is a big decision after all, and amicability will play a big part in clan union. That should be all. I- we really appreciate you coming through and having this discussion. As a leader, no, a father. It means a lot to me. Thank you so much." Tigerstar dipped his head heftily to the other four leaders.
"We have to take care of our own, and soon, our own will include everyone. Including those two" Mistystar gestured to the two apprentices rubbing their pelts together, who stopped and looked forward sheepishly. Rootpaw felt embarrassed, but also so overcome with joy that he couldn't contain it, but Shadowpaw beat him to the involunary squeak of happiness.
"Watch it you too, you're still apprentices, and that rule is here to stay" Bramblestar meowed good fun.
"Sooo.." Rootpaw needed to ask to make sure he understood what happened, because the leaders used a lot of big words and long sentences " I guess you're all our leaders now, right?"
It'll depend who's territory you're on at the time, but in a way, yes." Harestar said.

"In that case" Rootpaw bowed his head respectfully, and Shadowpaw looked on for a second before hurriedly jumping in to bow as well "thank you Bramblestar, Harestar, Mistystar, Tigerstar, and Leafstar. I'm not the smartest or the strongest, and we're just apprentices,. but you listened to us anyway. Thank you. I'll never forget it."

"You're the future of the clans. We'd be fools for not listening to you. Besides. Jayfeather was right. You two are the reason we even came to an agreement in the first place. You came to us, and that's a first. You're a part of this as much as we are" Leafstar purred.
"You got us to agree on something in a situation that wasn't life or death. That's an achievement in itself. And with all that's going on around us right now, it will be nice to have something abundantly positive to report at a gathering." Bramblestar murred happily.

"Now that that is settled, I think its best we return to what is for now, or separate clans. We've been away for quite some time and none of them know why." Harestar exclaimed, antsy to get back.
"Agreed. Thanks for coming everyone. See you all at the full moon gathering." Tigerstar finished, and with that, the meeting concluded, and everyone left. Tigerstar and Leafstar walked back together since their territories were right next to each other, and so Rootpaw and Shadowpaw could be close. The two walked side by side, leaning against each other, purring the whole way.

"We shall see you at the gathering." Leafstar called to Tigerstar, who waved is tail back in response.
Shadowpaw pressed his face into Rootpaw's shoulder. It was bliss to just stand here. "I'll see you then" he whispered,
"And then after that, a lot more." Rootpaw purred back, running his tail along the medicine cat apprentice's back, and then joining his leader on the SkyClan side of the boarder, and the two walked back to camp in comfortable silence. When they got to the entrance of the camp, Leafstar stopped.
"That was very brave of you." She praised.
"Thank you Leafstar." He mewed, still purring.

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