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(Cat above is Stoneheart)

A full moon floated above the forest as the ThunderClan cats walked to the Gathering, the crunch of the snow and leaves under their paws the only sound in the silent leaf-bare night.

The ThunderClan cats emerged into the clearing followed by ShadowClan and then RiverClan. Losttail followed Berryseed to the other medicine cats.

"WindClan's late." Yarrowleaf commented.

Hopefully they have a new leader. Losttail thought to herself. She looked up towards the Great Rock. Creekstar and talking with Rabbitstar while Nettlestar looked impatient.

"Where is WindClan?" He sneered.

As if on cure, the bushes that surrounded the clearing rustled and WindClan slipped through. Stoneheart was leading them with Wrenfeather on one side of him and Brackenwind on his other side.

"Hello, Brackenwind." Featherwing greeted the golden brown tabby.

Losttail noticed Brackenwind's fur was nearly groomed. He eyes were bright and he looked full of energy. Stoneheart jumped onto the Great Rock and dipped his head to the other leaders. The three other leaders casted glances at each other.

"Well, now that WindClan is here," Rabbitstar called. "Let the gathering begin. Who will speak first."

"I will." Stoneheart meowed. He took a step forward. "Not long ago, Plumstar and Moonheart died from the infected wounds they received in a badge attack." He announced. "Brackenwind received word from StarClan and they chose me as WindClan's new leader. A few nights ago, I traveled to the Moonstone and received my nine lives. I would also like to announce Wrenfeather as my deputy."

The cats below began calling out the new leader's and deputy's names. Stoneheart dipped his head and retook his spot beside Nettlestar.

"We are all sorry to hear about Plumstar and Moonheart." Rabbitstar meowed. "We welcome you as WindClan's new leader, Stonestar."

Stonestar dipped his head to Rabbitstar and gave him a friendly smile. Nettlestar stepped forward.

"I will speak next." He mewed. "Prey has been running surprisingly well this Leaf-bare. We have two new warriors, Russettooth and Oakfoot."

"Russettooth! Oakfoot!"

Losttail looked past Berryseed to see the two new warriors sitting with their heads held high.
When the yowling died down, Nettlestar continued. "We also have two new apprentices, Blackpaw and Spotpaw."

The cats began to call out the new apprentices' names. Nettlestar stepped back and Rabbitstar rose to his paws.

"Earlier my warriors and I encountered a badger that we have successfully chased off. Thankfully no warriors were lost and everyone is recovering well." Rabbitstar announced. He took his spot and Creekstar stepped up.

"We have suffered the death of our apprentice, Scalepaw." He mewed. He turned towards Rabbitstar. "He was found dead in ThunderClan territory." He growled.

Losttail starred in shock. When they had returned Scalepaw, Creekstar was not hostile. Now he looked as if was ready to ripped Rabbitstar apart.

"Creekstar, I told you no ThunderClan cat harmed Scalepaw." Brightring called from her spot among the deputies.

Creekstar ignored her. "On the same day, Eveningfur's second litter of kits went missing; a black tom named Eelkit and a gray she kit named Splashkit."

Parsleykit and Silverkit!

The cats below began murmuring. The RiverClan clan cats kept sneering and glaring at ThunderClan. Losttail glanced at Berryseed. He looked back at her and it was clear he wa thinking the same.

"Eveningfur deserves to know where her kits are." He whispered to her. "You're helping Willowhaze and Rougeshadow raised them. You need to tell her."

Losttail nodded even though she wasn't sure she wanted to.

"Are you accusing ThunderClan of stealing?" Nettlestar asked.

Creekstar shook his head. "No. I'm simply saying that if any cat finds them, return them to RiverClan." With one last gaze at the cats, he leapt down and called to his cats. "This gathering is over."

Before RiverClan was gone, Losttail quickly called out to Eveningfur. The calico she cat padded over to meet her.

"I need to speak with you alone." Losttail told her.

"Alright." Eveningfur meowed.

Losttail lead them to a small spot just out of earshot. "I know where your kits are." She began.

Eveningfur's eye lit up. "Where?"

"ThunderClan has them. Willowhaze is taking good care of them." Losttail answered. "They were with Scalepaw when we found him. He told us to take him because it wasn't safe for them in RiverClan. We don't what he meant by that. He died before he could explain."

Eveningfur lowered her head for a moment. "Scalepaw always cared anout others more than himself. And I know you wouldn't lie." She mewed.

"We gave them new names since we didn't know what their names were." Losttail went on. "Eelkit is Parsleykit and Splashkit is Silverkit."

Eveningfur smiled. "Those are wonderful names for them."

Losttail placed a paw on one of Eveningfur's. "We wanted you and Boulderwave to know."

Eveningfur looked up. "Boulderwave isn't their father. He was only Scalepaw's." She mewed. "Eelk- Parsleykit and Silverkit's father is a loner named Jester."

Losttail opened her mouth to speak but Eveningfur stopped her. "Please don't tell them or any cat. At some point they'll need to hear it from me."

Losttail nodded. "I promise. I won't tell them or any cat."

"Thank you." Eveningfur mewed. "Have you told them that they're RiverClan cats yet?"

"No." Losttail replied. "We were planning on telling them when their either apprentices or warriors."

"Okay. Tell them who their mother is and that I love them very much and will always love them even if we are in different clans." Eveningfur meowed quietly.

"I will." Losttail replied.

"Thank you." Eveningfur mewed. She turned. "Thank you for letting me know. I must catch up with RiverClan."

Losttail smiled as Eveningfur raced off to catch her clan. When she was gone, Berryseed walked over to Losttail.

"How did it go?" He asked.

"It went well." Like answered.

"Good. Let's catch up with ThunderClan."

Losttail nodded and followed Berryseed through the bushes.




The next morning, Losttail woke up just as the dawn patrol returned. She glanced over at Ferretclaw. The white and brown warrior was still sleeping with his tail wrapped tightly around him.

"I think we found something thay explains the bager attack." She heard Swallopelt meow.

"What did you find." Brightring asked.

"We found killed prey in bushes, at bases of trees." Rosewind explained.

Snaketail snorted. "It's like some cat was luring the badger to us."

Brightring's tail twitch irritably. "I'll go let Rabbitstar know."

Brightring padded off to Rabbitstar's den while the reat of he patrol headed off. Losttail thought about what she had heard. Did some cat really want us to get attacked by that badger?

She shook her head, erasing the thought. Her ears twitched as she heatd two squeaking voices coming from the nursery. She padded over.

Willowhaze was lying outside flicking and waving her tail as Silverkit played with it. A little ways from them, Parsleykit was practicing his pouncing on a leaf.

"They're fitting in well with ThunderClan." Willowhaze meowed. "They'll be fine warriors one day."

"Look! I did it!" Parsleykit yowled with the leaf under his paws. The young black kit was much more energetic now that his fever was gone.

"Your first catch." Willowhaze smiled.

"I'm going to be the best hunter in ThunderClan!" Parsleykit meowed, puffing out his tiny chest.

"Not if I become the best hunter first!" Silverkit mewed, pouncing on her brother.

Losttail smiled at the two kits and headed back to the medicine cats' den. Her thoughts went back to her talk with Eveningfur and her promises she made.

Her thoughts were interrupted as a hunting patrol returned with plenty of prey. Leaf-bare was coming to end. She padded over to the fresh kill pile and took two mice for her and Berryseed. She grabbed an extra one for Ferretclaw.

"Looks like you had a good hunt." Rabbitstar commented.

"Yes. Especially now that Leaf-bare's ending." Violetleaf mewed.

"We did run into a RiverClan patrol." Barkpath added.

"Any trouble?" Rabbitstar asked.

"They threatened us but no cat got hurt." Barkpath answered.

"What are we going to do?" Losttail asked, meeting Rabbitstar's eyes.

"We'll keep the ptrols double." Rabbitstar meowed, his voice was commanding. "We will not let RiverClan accuse of anything! And we will not return their kits!"

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