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(Cat above is Ashfeather)

Losttail paused at the edge of the trees. She raised her nose and sniffed. She instantly picked up the scent of nearby dock leaves. Rabbitstar had ordered her and Berryseed to keep their herbs well-stocked. The ThunderClan leader was expecting another attack from RiverClan any day now.

Suddenly she picked up a familiar scent. Looking up toward the top of the ravine, he could make out three cats picking their way slowly through the bushes. She recognized Ashfeather, Slateclaw, and Ashfeather's apprentice, Shadepaw.

Ashfeather lead them to the border between ShadowClan and ThunderClan and stopped. Losttail bounded over to meet them.

"Hello, Ashfeather." She greeted. "Is all well in ShadowClan?"

"For the most part." Ashfeather answered. He motioned to Shadepaw. "Shadepaw just earned her warrior name. She's now Shadecloud."

From beside Ashfeather, Shadecloud lowered her head at her old mentor's praise.

"That's wonderful." Losttail meowed. "Congratulations."

Shadecloud looked up. "Thank you."

Slateclaw let out an irritated grunt. "We aren't here to catch up, Ashfeather." He muttered, his tail twitching. "We were sent to talk with Rabbitstar."

Losttail nodded. "I'll take you back to camp."

Losttail tried not to show her unease as she led the three ShadowClan warriors down the tunnel and into the camp. Rabbitstar was seated at the foot of the Highrock with Brightring beside him.

Rabbitstar looked over as Losttail approached with the newcomers. "Ashfeather, Slateclaw." He dipped his head to Shadecloud. "Shadepaw."

Shadecloud dipped her head politely. "I'm Shadecloud."

Ashfeather dipped his head respectfully. "Rabbitstar , we come to your camp in peace," he began. "We're only here to talk."

"Is something wrong in ShadowClan?" Brightring asked.

"One of our apprentices has gone missing." Ashfeather explained. "His name is Milkpaw. He has white fur, blue eyes. He just started his training. I saw him go into the apprentices' den one night and then the next morning he was gone. He's been gone for a couple of days now. Nettlestar sent us to see if ThunderClan had seen any sign of him."

"I'm sorry." Rabbitstar meowed. "We haven't seen any white cats. But we'll keep a look out for him and if we see him will send him back to ShadowClan."

"Thank you." Ashfeather mewed.

"Do you have any idea how or why he would leave?" Brightring asked.

Ashfeather shook his head. "No. He has an excellent mentor, a nice family. I can't imagine why he would leave."

"Well thank you for letting us know." Rabbitstar meowed. "We'll keep a look out for him."

Ashfeather dipped his head and turned to go, with Slateclaw and Shadecloud behind him.

Once they left, Rabbitstar turned to Brightring. "Tell the warriors to keep a look out for a white ShadowClan apprentice when they're on patrols."

Brightring nodded then disappeared into the warriors' den. Losttail padded across the clearing to the medicine cats' den. Berryseed looked up from his work as she walked in.

"Good you're back." He mewed. "Did you get the dock leaves?"

Losttail sighed. Mouse dung!

"No." She confessed. "I got distracted by the ShadowClan patrol."

Berryseed nodded. "What were they here for?"

"A ShadowClan apprentice is missing." Losttail replied.

Berryseed's tail twitched but he said nothing. Losttail felt an uneasiness grow in her. She began to back out of the den.

"I'll go get dock leaves." She mewed.

She turned and quickly rushed out of the den and  into the forest.




That night,Losttail slid into the warriors' den with a bunch of the dock leaves she finally gathered clamped in her jaws along with some poppy seeds. The sharp scent of the herbs didn't disguise the warm, stale scent of blood. Vinestripe's patrol was attacked by yet another group of rogues.

Vinestripe's voice greeted him. "Hello, Losttail."

"Hi, Vinestripe," Losttail mumbled around the mouthful of herbs. "How are your scratches?"

Vinestripe only replied with a grunt. Losttail padded over to him and dropped the herbs beside her. "For your scratches."

"Thanks, Losttail." Vinestripe's voice was hoarse. "Will you give some poppy seeds to Streampelt? I think his wounds are keeping him up."

Losttail padded over and sniffed at the blue gray warrior's pelt. She took two of the poppy seed and held them out to him. "Here, Streampelt. These will help you sleep better."

Streampelt lazily looked up and took the poppy seeds. He rested his head back on his paws and closed his eyes. "Thanks, Losttail."

Losttail gathered her herbs and headed back to the medicine cats' den. She poked her head through to find Berryseed already asleep. She stored away her herbs then curled up in her own nest.

Ashfeather's words about ShadowClan's missing apprentice echoed in her head. She thought back to Scalepaw.

Milkpaw must have left ShadowClan for a reason....but why?

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